Support for G_#.TAG
- class magic.MagicGraph(ivar=None, datadir='.', quiet=True, ave=False, tag=None, precision=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]¶
This class allows to read the 3-D graphic outputs of the MagIC code (G_#.TAG and G_ave.TAG) files. Those are binary unformatted outputs, there are therefore two ways to load them:
If buildLib=True in magic.cfg and the fortran libraries were correctly built, then the reader uses a fortran program that is expected to be much faster than the pure python routine.
If buildLib=False, then a pure python program is used to read the G files.
>>> # Regular G files >>> gr = MagicGraph(ivar=1, tag='N0m2a') >>> print(gr.vr.shape) # shape of vr >>> print(gr.ek) # print ekman number >>> print(gr.minc) # azimuthal symmetry >>> # Averaged G file with double precision >>> gr = MagicGraph(ave=True, tag='N0m2', precision=np.float64)
- __init__(ivar=None, datadir='.', quiet=True, ave=False, tag=None, precision=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]¶
- Parameters:
ave (bool) – when set to True, it tries to find an average G file (G_ave.TAG)
ivar (int) – the number of the G file
tag (str) – extension TAG of the G file. If not specified, the most recent G_#.TAG file found in the directory will be selected.
quiet (bool) – when set to True, makes the output silent
datadir (str) – directory of the G file (default is . )
precision (str) – single or double precision (default np.float32)
- read_record_marker(filename, endian, quiet=True)[source]¶
This function is used to read a Graphic file that contains record markers.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of the graphic file
endian (str) – endianness of the file
quiet (bool) – when set to True, makes the output silent
- read_stream(filename, endian)[source]¶
This function is used to read a Graphic file that has no record marker.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of the graphic file
endian (str) – endianness of the file
- rearangeLat(field)[source]¶
This function is used to unfold the colatitudes
- Parameters:
field (numpy.ndarray) – input array with MagIC ordering of colatitudes (i.e. successively Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere)
- Returns:
an array with the regular ordering of the colatitudes
- Return type:
- class magic.Surf(ivar=None, datadir='.', vort=False, ave=False, tag=None, precision=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]¶
This class allows to display the content of a graphic file (G_#.TAG or G_ave.TAG). It allows to plot radial, azimuthal and equatorial cuts as well as phi-averages.
>>> # To read G_1.test >>> s = Surf(ivar=1, ave=False, tag='test') >>> # To read the latest G file in the working directory (double precision) >>> s = Surf(precision=np.float64)
>>> # Possible plots >>> s.equat(field='vr') >>> s.avg(field='vp') >>>'entropy', r=0.8) >>> s.slice(field='Br', lon_0=[0, 30])
- __init__(ivar=None, datadir='.', vort=False, ave=False, tag=None, precision=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]¶
- Parameters:
ivar (int) – index of the graphic file
ave (bool) – when set to True, it tries to read a time-averaged graphic file
tag (str) – TAG suffix extension of the graphic file
vort (bool) – a boolean to specify whether one wants to compute the 3-D vorticiy components (take care of the memory imprint)
datadir (str) – the working directory
precision (str) – the storage precision of the graphic file (single or double precision). Default is np.float32 (single)
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- avg(field='vphi', levels=65, cm=None, normed=None, vmax=None, vmin=None, cbar=True, title=True, pol=False, tor=False, mer=False, merLevels=16, polLevels=16, ic=False, lines=False, pcolor=False)[source]¶
Plot the azimutal average of a given field.
>>> s = Surf() >>> # Axisymmetric zonal flows, 65 contour levels >>> s.avg(field='vp', levels=65, cm='seismic')
>>> # Minimal plot (no cbar, not title) >>> s.avg(field='Br', title=False, cbar=False)
>>> # Axisymmetric Bphi + poloidal field lines >>> s.avg(field='Bp', pol=True, polLevels=8)
>>> # Omega-effect, contours truncated from -1e3 to 1e3 >>> s.avg(field='omeffect', vmax=1e3, vmin=-1e3)
- Parameters:
field (str) – the field you want to display
levels (int) – the number of levels in the contourf plot
cm (str) – name of the colormap (‘jet’, ‘seismic’, ‘RdYlBu_r’, etc.)
title (bool) – display the title of the figure when set to True
cbar (bool) – display the colorbar when set to True
vmax (float) – maximum value of the contour levels
vmin (float) – minimum value of the contour levels
normed (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered around zero. Default is True, except for entropy/temperature plots.
pol (bool) – diplay the poloidal field lines contours when set to True
tor (bool) – diplay the toroidal axisymmetric field contours when set to True
mer (bool) – display the meridional circulation contours when set to True
merLevels (int) – number of contour levels to display meridional circulation
polLevels (int) – number of contour levels to display poloidal field lines
ic (bool) – when set to True, also display the contour levels in the inner core
lines (bool) – when set to True, over-plot solid lines to highlight the limits between two adjacent contour levels
pcolor (bool) – when set to True, use pcolormesh instead of contourf
- equat(field='vr', levels=65, cm=None, normed=None, vmax=None, vmin=None, cbar=True, title=True, avg=False, normRad=False, ic=False, pcolor=False)[source]¶
Plot the equatorial cut of a given field
>>> s = Surf() >>> # Equatorial cut of the z-vorticity, 65 contour levels >>> s.equat(field='vortz', levels=65, cm='seismic')
>>> # Minimal plot (no cbar, not title) >>> s.equat(field='bphi', title=False, cbar=False)
>>> # Control the limit of the colormap from -1e3 to 1e3 >>> s.equat(field='vr', vmin=-1e3, vmax=1e3, levels=33)
>>> # Normalise the contour levels radius by radius >>> s.equat(field='jphi', normRad=True)
- Parameters:
field (str) – the name of the input physical quantity you want to display
avg (bool) – when set to True, an additional figure which shows the radial profile of the input physical quantity (azimuthal average) is also displayed
normRad (bool) – when set to True, the contour levels are normalised radius by radius (default is False)
levels (int) – the number of levels in the contour
cm (str) – name of the colormap (‘jet’, ‘seismic’, ‘RdYlBu_r’, etc.)
title (bool) – display the title of the figure when set to True
cbar (bool) – display the colorbar when set to True
vmax (float) – maximum value of the contour levels
vmin (float) – minimum value of the contour levels
normed (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered around zero. Default is True, except for entropy/temperature plots.
ic (bool) – when set to True, also display the contour levels in the inner core
pcolor (bool) – when set to True, use pcolormesh instead of contourf
- slice(field='Bphi', lon_0=0.0, levels=65, cm=None, normed=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cbar=True, title=True, grid=False, nGridLevs=16, normRad=False, ic=False)[source]¶
Plot an azimuthal slice of a given field.
>>> s = Surf() >>> # vphi at 0, 30, 60 degrees in longitude >>> s.slice(field='vp', lon_0=[0, 30, 60], levels=65, cm='seismic')
>>> # Minimal plot (no cbar, not title) >>> s.avg(field='vp', lon_0=32, title=False, cbar=False)
>>> # Axisymmetric Bphi + poloidal field lines >>> s.avg(field='Bp', pol=True, polLevels=8)
>>> # Omega-effect, contours truncated from -1e3 to 1e3 >>> s.avg(field='omeffect', vmax=1e3, vmin=-1e3)
- Parameters:
field (str) – the field you want to display
lon_0 (float or list) – the longitude of the slice in degrees, or a list of longitudes
levels (int) – the number of levels in the contourf plot
cm (str) – name of the colormap (‘jet’, ‘seismic’, ‘RdYlBu_r’, etc.)
title (bool) – display the title of the figure when set to True
cbar (bool) – display the colorbar when set to True
vmax (float) – maximum value of the contour levels
vmin (float) – minimum value of the contour levels
grid (bool) – display or hide the grid
nGridLevs (int) – number of grid levels
normRad (bool) – when set to True, the contour levels are normalised radius by radius (default is False)
ic (bool) – when set to True, also display the contour levels in the inner core
- surf(field='Bphi', proj='hammer', lon_0=0.0, r=0.85, vmax=None, vmin=None, lat_0=30.0, levels=65, cm=None, ic=False, lon_shift=0, normed=None, cbar=True, title=True, lines=False, pcolor=False)[source]¶
Plot the surface distribution of an input field at a given input radius (normalised by the outer boundary radius).
>>> s = Surf() >>> # Radial flow component at ``r=0.95 r_o``, 65 contour levels >>>'vr', r=0.95, levels=65, cm='seismic')
>>> # Minimal plot (no cbar, not title) >>>'entropyfluct', r=0.6, title=False, cbar=False)
>>> # Control the limit of the colormap from -1e3 to 1e3 >>>'vp', r=1., vmin=-1e3, vmax=1e3, levels=33)
>>> # If basemap is installed, additional projections are available >>>'Br', r=0.95, proj='ortho', lat_0=45, lon_0=45)
- Parameters:
field (str) – the name of the field you want to display
proj (str) – the type of projection. Default is Hammer, in case you want to use ‘ortho’ or ‘moll’, then Basemap is required.
r (float) – the radius at which you want to display the input data (in normalised units with the radius of the outer boundary)
levels (int) – the number of levels in the contour
cm (str) – name of the colormap (‘jet’, ‘seismic’, ‘RdYlBu_r’, etc.)
lon_shift (int) – translate map in azimuth (in degrees)
lon_0 (float) – central azimuth (only used with Basemap)
lat_0 (float) – central latitude (only used with Basemap)
title (bool) – display the title of the figure when set to True
title – display the title of the figure when set to True
cbar (bool) – display the colorbar when set to True
lines (bool) – when set to True, over-plot solid lines to highlight the limits between two adjacent contour levels
vmax (float) – maximum value of the contour levels
vmin (float) – minimum value of the contour levels
normed (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered around zero. Default is True, except for entropy/temperature plots.
lines – when set to True, over-plot solid lines to highlight the limits between two adjacent contour levels
pcolor (bool) – when set to True, use pcolormesh instead of contourf
Support for checkpoint_#.TAG
- magic.checkpoint.Graph2Rst(gr, filename='checkpoint_ave')[source]¶
This function allows to transform an input Graphic file into a checkpoint file format that can be read by MagIC to restart a simulation.
>>> # Load a Graphic File >>> gr = MagicGraph() >>> # Produce the file checkpoint_ave.from_G >>> Graph2Rst(gr, filename='checkpoint_ave.from_G')
- Parameters:
gr (magic.MagicGraph) – the input graphic file one wants to convert into a restart file
filename (str) – name of the checkpoint file
- class magic.checkpoint.MagicCheckpoint(l_read=True, filename=None, endian='l')[source]¶
This class allows to manipulate checkpoint files produced by MagIC. It can read it as
>>> chk = MagicCheckpoint(filename='checkpoint_end.test') >>> print(chk.wpol.shape, chk.l_max)
This class can also be used to intepolate from FD to Cheb or the opposite >>> chk.cheb2fd(96) >>> chk.write(‘checkpoint_fd.test’)
One can also transform a Graphic file into a checkpoint >>> gr = MagicGraph() >>> chk = MagicCheckpoint(l_read=False) >>> chk.graph2rst(gr)
Finally one can convert checkpoints from XSHELLS >>> chk = MagicCheckpoint(l_read=False) >>> chk.xshells2magic(‘st0’, 161, rscheme=’cheb’, cond_state=’deltaT’)
- __init__(l_read=True, filename=None, endian='l')[source]¶
- Parameters:
l_read (bool) – a boolean to decide whether one reads a checkpoint or not
filename (str) – name of the checkpoint file to be read
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- cheb2fd(n_r_max, fd_stretch=0.3, fd_ratio=0.1)[source]¶
This routine is used to convert a checkpoint that has a Gauss-Lobatto grid into a finite-difference grid.
- Parameters:
n_r_max (int) – number of radial grid points of the finite difference grid
fd_stretch (float) – stretching of the radial grid
fd_ratio (float) – ratio of smallest to largest grid spacing
- fd2cheb(n_r_max)[source]¶
This routine is used to convert a checkpoint that has finite differences in radius into a Gauss-Lobatto grid.
- Parameters:
n_r_max (int) – number of radial grid points of the Gauss-Lobatto grid
- graph2rst(gr, filename='checkpoint_ave.from_chk')[source]¶
- Parameters:
gr (magic.MagicGraph) – the input graphic file one wants to convert into a restart file
filename (str) – name of the checkpoint file
- read(filename, endian='l')[source]¶
This routine is used to read a checkpoint file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of the checkpoint file
- write(filename)[source]¶
This routine is used to store a checkpoint file. It only stores the state vector not the past quantities required to restart a multistep scheme.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of the checkpoint file
- xshells2magic(xsh_trailing, n_r_max, rscheme='cheb', cond_state='deltaT', scale_b=1.0, filename='checkpoint_end.from_xhells')[source]¶
This routine is used to convert XSHELLS field[U,B,T].xsh_trailing files into a MagIC checkpoint file.
>>> chk = MagicCheckPoint() >>> # Convert field[U,T,B].st1ns_hr2 into a MagIC checkpoint file >>> chk.xshells2magic('st1ns_hr2', 512, rscheme='fd', cond_state='mixed', scale_b=4.472136e-4)
- Parameters:
xsh_trailing (str) – trailing of the field[U,B,T].xsh_trailing files
n_r_max (int) – number of radial grid points to be used
rscheme (str) – the type of radial scheme (‘cheb’ or ‘fd’)
cond_state (str) – the type of conducting state: - ‘deltaT’: fixed temperature contrast - ‘mixed’: hybrid forcing (STEP1-2 like)
scale_b (float) – a rescaling factor for the magnetic field
- magic.checkpoint.get_map(lm_max, lmax, mmin, mmax, minc)[source]¶
This routine determines the look-up tables to convert the indices (l, m) to the single index lm.
- Parameters:
lm_max (int) – total number of lm combinations.
lmax (int) – maximum spherical harmonic degree
mmin (int) – minimum spherical harmonic order
mmax (int) – maximum spherical harmonic order
minc (int) – azimuthal symmetry
- Returns:
returns a list of three look-up tables: idx, lm2l, lm2m
- Return type:
- magic.checkpoint.get_truncation(n_theta_max, nalias, minc)[source]¶
This routine determines l_max, m_max and lm_max from the values of n_theta_max, minc and nalias.
- Parameters:
n_theta_max (int) – number of points along the colatitude
nalias (int) – dealiasing paramete (20 is fully dealiased)
minc (int) – azimuthal symmetry
- Returns:
returns a list of three integers: l_max, m_max and lm_max
- Return type:
- magic.checkpoint.interp_one_field(field, rold, rnew, rfac=None)[source]¶
This routine interpolates a complex input field from an old radial grid to a new one.
- Parameters:
field (numpy.ndarray) – the field to be interpolated
rold (numpy.ndarray) – the old radial grid points
rnew (numpy.ndarray) – the new radial grid points
rfac (numpy.ndarray) – a rescaling function that depends on the radius
- Returns:
the field interpolated on the new radial grid
- Return type:
Support for movie files *_mov.TAG
- class magic.Movie(file=None, iplot=True, nstep=1, png=False, lastvar=None, nvar='all', levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', cut=0.5, bgcolor=None, fluct=False, normed=False, avg=False, std=False, dpi=80, normRad=False, precision=<class 'numpy.float32'>, deminc=True, ifield=0, centeredCm=None, datadir='.')[source]¶
This class allows to read the movie files generated by the MagIC code.
>>> m = Movie() >>> # This returns a list of the available movies in the directory >>> # and lets you decide which one you want to read
>>> # Reads and display AV_mov.test >>> m = Movie(file='AV_mov.test') >>> print( # access to the data
>>> # Read three movie files (no display) >>> m1 = Movie(file='AV_mov.testa', iplot=False) >>> m2 = Movie(file='AV_mov.testb', iplot=False) >>> m3 = Movie(file='AV_mov.testc', iplot=False) >>> # Stack them together >>> m = m1+m2+m3 >>> # Display >>> m.plot(levels=33, cm='seismic', cut=0.5)
>>> # Store the outputs in movie/img_#.png >>> # Only from the timesteps 280 to 380 >>> m = Movie(file='AB_mov.test', png=True, nvar=100, lastvar=380)
- __add__(new)[source]¶
Built-in function to sum two movies. In case, the spatial grid have been changed a spline interpolation onto the new grid is used.
- Parameters:
new (magic.Movie) – the new movie file to be added
- __init__(file=None, iplot=True, nstep=1, png=False, lastvar=None, nvar='all', levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', cut=0.5, bgcolor=None, fluct=False, normed=False, avg=False, std=False, dpi=80, normRad=False, precision=<class 'numpy.float32'>, deminc=True, ifield=0, centeredCm=None, datadir='.')[source]¶
- Parameters:
nvar (int) – the number of frames of the movie file we want to plot starting from the last line
png (bool) – if png=True, write the png files instead of display
iplot (bool) – if iplot=True, display otherwise just read
lastvar (int) – the index of the last timesteps to be read
nstep (int) – the stepping between two timesteps
levels (int) – the number of contour levels
cm (str) – the name of the color map
fluct (bool) – if fluct=True, substract the axisymmetric part
normed (bool) – the colormap is rescaled every timestep when set to True, otherwise it is calculated from the global extrema
avg (bool) – if avg=True, time-average is displayed
centeredCm (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered between -vmax and vmax. By default, this is None, it tries to guess by itself.
std (bool) – if std=True, standard deviation is displayed
dpi (int) – dot per inch when saving PNGs
normRad (bool) – if normRad=True, then we normalise for each radial level
precision (str) – precision of the input file, np.float32 for single precision, np.float64 for double precision
cut (float) – adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut
bgcolor (str) – background color of the figure
deminc (bool) – a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry
ifield (int) – in case of a multiple-field movie file, you can change the default field displayed using the parameter ifield
datadir (str) – working directory
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- _get_data_shape(precision, allocate=True)[source]¶
This determines the size of the movie frames depending on n_surface
- Parameters:
precision (str) – precision of the input file, np.float32 for single precision, np.float64 for double precision
- _get_nlines(datadir, filename, nvar, lastvar)[source]¶
This routine determines the number of frames stored in a movie file
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of the movie file
datadir (str) – working directory
nvar (int) – the number of frames of the movie file we want to plot starting from the last line
lastvar (int) – the index of the last timesteps to be read
- _get_version(filename)[source]¶
This routine determines the version of the movie files
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of the movie file
- _read_header(infile, ifield, precision)[source]¶
This routine reads the header of the movie files
- Parameters:
infile (magic.npfile.npfile) – the movie file loaded using npfile
ifield (int) – the index of the considered field (in case the movie contains several)
precision (str) – precision of the input file, np.float32 for single precision, np.float64 for double precision
- avgStd(ifield=0, std=False, cut=0.5, centeredCm=None, levels=12, cmap='RdYlBu_r')[source]¶
Plot time-average or standard deviation
- Parameters:
ifield (int) – in case of a multiple-field movie file, you can change the default field displayed using the parameter ifield
std (bool) – the standard deviation is computed instead the average when std is True
levels (int) – number of contour levels
cmap (str) – name of the colormap
cut (float) – adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut
centeredCm (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered between -vmax and vmax
- plot(ifield=0, cut=0.5, centeredCm=None, levels=12, cmap='RdYlBu_r', png=False, nstep=1, normed=False, dpi=80, bgcolor=None, deminc=True, ic=False)[source]¶
Plotting function (it can also write the png files)
- Parameters:
ifield (int) – in case of a multiple-field movie file, you can change the default field displayed using the parameter ifield
levels (int) – number of contour levels
cmap (str) – name of the colormap
cut (float) – adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut
png (bool) – save the movie as a series of png files when set to True
dpi (int) – dot per inch when saving PNGs
bgcolor (str) – background color of the figure
normed (bool) – the colormap is rescaled every timestep when set to True, otherwise it is calculated from the global extrema
nstep (int) – the stepping between two timesteps
deminc (bool) – a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry
centeredCm (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered between -vmax and vmax. By default, it tries to guess by itself.
- timeLongitude(ifield=0, removeMean=True, lat0=0.0, levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', deminc=True)[source]¶
Plot the time-longitude diagram (input latitude can be chosen)
- Parameters:
ifield (int) – in case of a multiple-field movie file, you can change the default field displayed using the parameter ifield
lat0 (float) – value of the latitude
levels (int) – number of contour levels
cm (str) – name of the colormap
deminc (bool) – a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry
removeMean (bool) – remove the time-averaged part when set to True
Support for B_cmb_coeff.TAG
and (V|B)_coeff_r#.TAG
- class magic.coeff.MagicCoeffCmb(tag=None, datadir='.', ratio_cmb_surface=1, scale_b=1, iplot=True, lCut=None, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>, ave=False, sv=False, quiet=False)[source]¶
This class allows to read the B_coeff_cmb.TAG files. It first read the poloidal potential at the CMB and then transform it to the Gauss coefficients \(g_{\ell m}\) and \(h_{\ell m}\) using the getGauss function.
>>> # Reads the files B_coeff_cmb.testa, B_coeff_cmb.testb >>> # and B_coeff_cmb.testc and stack them in one single time series >>> cmb = MagicCoeffCmb(tag='test[a-c]') >>> print(cmb.ell, cmb.glm) # print \ell and g_{\ell m} >>> print(cmb.glm[:, cmb.idx[1, 0]]) # time-series of the axisymmetric dipole >>> plot(cmb.time, cmb.dglmdt[:, cmb.idx[2, 0]]) # Secular variation of the quadrupole >>> # Display the time-evolution of the CMB field >>> cmb.movieCmb(levels=12, cm='seismic') >>> # Save the time-evolution of the CMB field >>> cmb.movieCmb(levels=12, cm='seismic', png=True)
- __add__(new)[source]¶
Built-in function to sum two cmb files
So far this function only works for two cmb files with the same grid sizes. At some point, we might introduce grid extrapolation to allow any summation/
- __init__(tag=None, datadir='.', ratio_cmb_surface=1, scale_b=1, iplot=True, lCut=None, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>, ave=False, sv=False, quiet=False)[source]¶
A class to read the B_coeff_cmb files
- Parameters:
tag (str) – if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
ratio_cmb_surface (float) – ratio of CMB to surface radius (default is 1)
scale_b (float) – magnetic field unit (default is 1)
iplot (int) – a logical to toggle the plot (default is True)
precision (char) – single or double precision
ave (bool) – load a time-averaged CMB file when set to True
sv (bool) – load a dt_b CMB file when set to True
quiet (bool) – verbose when toggled to True (default is True)
lCut (int) – reduce the spherical harmonic truncation to l <= lCut
datadir (str) – working directory
- movieCmb(cut=0.5, levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', png=False, step=1, normed=False, dpi=80, bgcolor=None, deminc=True, removeMean=False, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>, contour=False, mer=False)[source]¶
Plotting function (it can also write the png files)
- Parameters:
levels (int) – number of contour levels
cm (str) – name of the colormap
cut (float) – adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut
png (bool) – save the movie as a series of png files when set to True
dpi (int) – dot per inch when saving PNGs
bgcolor (str) – background color of the figure
normed (bool) – the colormap is rescaled every timestep when set to True, otherwise it is calculated from the global extrema
step (int) – the stepping between two timesteps
deminc (bool) – a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry
precision (char) – single or double precision
contour (bool) – also display the solid contour levels when set to True
mer (bool) – display meridians and circles when set to True
removeMean (bool) – remove the time-averaged part when set to True
- timeLongitude(removeMean=True, lat0=0.0, levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', deminc=True, shtns_lib='shtns')[source]¶
Plot the time-longitude diagram of Br (input latitude can be chosen)
the python bindings of SHTns are mandatory to use this plotting function!
- Parameters:
lat0 (float) – value of the latitude
levels (int) – number of contour levels
cm (str) – name of the colormap
deminc (bool) – a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry
shtns_lib (char) – version of shtns library used: can be either ‘shtns’ or ‘shtns-magic’
removeMean (bool) – remove the time-averaged part when set to True
- class magic.coeff.MagicCoeffR(tag, datadir='.', ratio_cmb_surface=1, scale_b=1, iplot=True, field='V', r=1, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>, lCut=None, quiet=False, step=1)[source]¶
This class allows to read the B_coeff_r#.TAG and V_coeff_r#.TAG files. It reads the poloidal and toroidal potentials and reconstruct the time series (or the energy) contained in any given mode.
>>> # Reads the files V_coeff_r2.test* >>> cr = MagicCoeffR(tag='test*', field='V', r=2) >>> print(cr.ell, cr.wlm) # print \ell and w_{\ell m} >>> # Time-evolution of the poloidal energy in the (\ell=10, m=10) mode >>> plot(cr.time, cr.epolLM[:, cr.idx[10, 10]])
- __init__(tag, datadir='.', ratio_cmb_surface=1, scale_b=1, iplot=True, field='V', r=1, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>, lCut=None, quiet=False, step=1)[source]¶
- Parameters:
tag (str) – if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
ratio_cmb_surface (float) – ratio of surface ratio to CMB radius (default is 1)
scale_b (float) – magnetic field unit (default is 1)
iplot (bool) – a logical to toggle the plot (default is True)
field (str) – ‘B’, ‘V’, ‘T’ or ‘Xi’ (magnetic field, velocity field, temperature or composition)
r (int) – an integer to characterise which file we want to plot
precision (str) – single or double precision
lCut (int) – reduce the spherical harmonic truncation to l <= lCut
quiet (bool) – verbose when toggled to True (default is True)
datadir (str) – working directory
step (int) – step>1 allows to down sample the data
- cwt(ell, w0=20, nfreq=256, fmin_fac=8, fmax_fac=0.5, cm='turbo', logscale=False)[source]¶
Build a time-frequency spectrum at a given degree \(\ell\) using a continuous wavelet transform with morlet wavelets.
- Parameters:
w0 (float) – a parameter to normalize the width of the wavelet
fmin_fac (float) – a factor to adjust the minimum frequency considered in the time-frequency domain. Minimum frequency is given by fmin=1/(time[-1]-time[0]), such that the minimum frequency retained is fmin_fac*fmin
fmax_fac (float) – a factor to adjust the maximum frequency retained in the time-frequency domain. Maximum frequency is given by fmax=fmax_fac*fcut, where fcut is 1/dt.
ell (int) – spherical harmonic degree at which ones want to build the time frequency diagram. If one gives a negative number, then the sum over all mode is computed.
nfreq (int) – number of frequency bins
cm (char) – the name of the colormap (default is ‘turbo’)
logscale (bool) – when turned to True, this displays the amplitude in logarithmic scale (linear by default)
- movieRad(cut=0.5, levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', png=False, step=1, normed=False, dpi=80, bgcolor=None, deminc=True, removeMean=False, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>, contour=False, mer=False)[source]¶
Plotting function (it can also write the png files)
- Parameters:
levels (int) – number of contour levels
cm (str) – name of the colormap
cut (float) – adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut
png (bool) – save the movie as a series of png files when set to True
dpi (int) – dot per inch when saving PNGs
bgcolor (str) – background color of the figure
normed (bool) – the colormap is rescaled every timestep when set to True, otherwise it is calculated from the global extrema
step (int) – the stepping between two timesteps
deminc (bool) – a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry
precision (char) – single or double precision
contour (bool) – also display the solid contour levels when set to True
mer (bool) – display meridians and circles when set to True
removeMean (bool) – remove the time-averaged part when set to True
- psd(pcolor=False, cm='turbo', windowing=False, padding=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, levels=129, one_sided=True)[source]¶
This method handles the fourier transform of the poloidal potential (or temperature or chemical composition) and then compute the power spectral distribution.
- Parameters:
pcolor (bool) – this is a switch to use pcolormesh instead of contourf
cm (char) – the name of the colormap (default is ‘turbo’)
windowing (bool) – a switch to multiply the data by a Hanning window
padding (bool) – a switch to pad the data with trailing zeros
vmax (float) – the maximum value considered in the colorbar
vmin (float) – the minimum value considered in the colorbar
levels (int) – the number of contour levels
one_sided (bool) – a switch to decide whether one wants, the one-sided power spectral density (i.e. H(f)=P(f)+P(-f) with f>0), or the full range of frequencies
- magic.coeff.deriv(x, y, axis=0)[source]¶
This function is a simple second order derivative
- Parameters:
x (numpy.ndarray) – input x-axis
y (numpy.ndarray) – input array
- Returns:
an array that contains the derivatives
- Return type:
- magic.coeff.getGauss(alm, blm, ell, m, scale_b, ratio_cmb_surface, rcmb)[source]¶
Get the Gauss coefficients from the real and imaginary parts of the poloidal potential
- Parameters:
alm (numpy.ndarray) – real part of the poloidal potential
blm (numpy.ndarray) – imaginary part of the poloidal potential
ell (numpy.ndarray) – spherical harmonic degree \(\ell\)
scale_b (float) – magnetic field unit (default is 1)
ratio_cmb_surface (float) – ratio of CMB to surface radius (default is 1)
rcmb (float) – radius of the outer boundary
- magic.coeff.rearangeLat(field)[source]¶
This function is used to unfold the colatitudes
- Parameters:
field (numpy.ndarray) – input array with MagIC ordering of colatitudes (i.e. successively Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere)
- Returns:
an array with the regular ordering of the colatitudes
- Return type:
Support for B[rp]Spec.TAG
- class magic.MagicRSpec(tag, field='Br', precision=<class 'numpy.float32'>, avg=False)[source]¶
This class allows to read the rB[r|p]Spec.TAG files. Those files contain the time-evolution of the poloidal/toroidal magnetic energy for all radii and for spherical harmonic degrees from 1 to 6. This is an unformatted fortran file.
>>> # Read all the `BrSpec.test*` files in the current working directory and >>> # stack them. >>> rsp = MagicRSpec(tag='test*', field='Br')
- __init__(tag, field='Br', precision=<class 'numpy.float32'>, avg=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
tag (str) – if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files and stack them.
field (str) – nature of the radial spectra. Possible choices are ‘Bt’ or ‘Bp’
precision (str) – single or double precision (default single, i.e. np.float32)
avg (bool) – when set to True, display time averaged quantities