Fortran Module Index

a | b | c | d | f | g | h | i | k | l | m | n | o | p | r | s | t | u
blocking Module containing blocking information
charmanip This module contains several useful routines to manipule character strings
communications This module contains the different MPI communicators used in MagIC.
constants module containing constants and parameters used in the code.
cosine_transform_odd This module contains the built-in type I discrete Cosine Transforms. This implementation is based on Numerical Recipes and FFTPACK. This only works for ``n_r_max-1 = 2**a 3**b 5**c``, with a,b,c integers....
courant_mod This module handles the computation of Courant factors on grid space. It then checks whether the timestep size needs to be modified.
dirk_schemes This module defines the type_dirk which inherits from the abstract type_tscheme. It actually implements all the routine required to time-advance an diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta scheme. It makes use
dtb_mod This module contains magnetic field stretching and advection terms plus a separate omega-effect. It is used for movie output....
fft This module contains the native subroutines used to compute FFT's. They are based on the FFT99 package from Temperton:
fields This module contains all the fields used in MagIC in the hybrid (LM,r) space as well as their radial derivatives. It defines both the LM-distributed arrays and the R-distributed arrays....
fields_average_mod This module is used when one wants to store time-averaged quantities
fieldslast This module contains all the work arrays of the previous time-steps needed to time advance the code. They are needed in the time-stepping scheme....
finite_differences This module is used to calculate the radial grid when finite differences are requested
geos This module is used to compute z-integrated diagnostics such as the degree of geostrophy or the separation of energies between inside and outside the tangent cylinder. This makes use of a local Simpson's method. This also
getdlm_mod This module is used to calculate the lengthscales. It computes both the integral lengthscale and the peak of the poloidal energy. It also stores the radial profiles of these lengthscales....
graphout_mod This module contains the subroutines that store the 3-D graphic files.
horizontal_data Module containing functions depending on longitude and latitude plus help arrays depending on degree and order
init_fields This module is used to construct the initial solution.
integration Radial and geostrophic integration functions
kinetic_energy This module handles the computation of kinetic energy and the time-averaged radial profiles.
logic Module containing the logicals that control the run
magnetic_energy This module handles the computation and the writing of the diagnostic files related to magnetic energy: e_mag_oc.TAG, e_mag_ic.TAG, dipole.TAG, eMagR.TAG
mean_sd This module contains a small type that simply handles two arrays (mean and SD) This type is used for time-averaged outputs (and their standard deviations).
mem_alloc This little module is used to estimate the global memory allocation used in MagIC
mpi_transp_mod This is an abstract class that will be used to define MPI transposers The actual implementation is deferred to either point-to-point (MPI_Isend and MPI_IRecv) communications or all-to-all (MPI_AlltoAll)
multistep_schemes This module defines the type_multistep which inherits from the abstract type_tscheme. It actually implements all the routine required to time-advance an IMEX multistep scheme such as CN/AB2, SBDF(2,3,4),
namelists Read and print the input namelist
nonlinear_lm_mod This module is used to finish the assembly of the nonlinear terms in :math:`(\ell,m)` space. Derivatives along :math:`\theta` and :math:`\phi` are handled using recurrence relations....
num_param Module containing numerical and control parameters
out_coeff This module contains the subroutines that calculate the Bcmb files, the [B|V|T]_coeff_r files and the [B|V|T]_lmr files
out_dtb_frame This module handles the final assembly of the arrays produced to store the movies that diagnose the different contributions of the induction equations. It produces arrays that are stored in the corresponding
out_movie This module handles the storage of the relevant diagnostics in the public array frames(*) and then the writing of the corresponding movie files
out_movie_ic This module handles the computation of the inner core contribution to the movie files. Relevant outputs are stored in frames(*) from the movie.f90 module....
outmisc_mod This module contains several subroutines that can compute and store various informations: helicity (helicity.TAG), heat transfer (heat.TAG), phase field (phase.TAG) and North/South hemisphericity of energies (hemi.TAG)
outpar_mod This module is used to compute several time-averaged radial profiles: fluxes, boundary layers, etc.
output_data This module contains the parameters for output control
output_mod This module handles the calls to the different output routines.
outrot This module handles the writing of several diagnostic files related to the rotation: angular momentum (AM.TAG), drift (drift.TAG), inner core and mantle rotations....
outto_mod This module handles the writing of TO-related outputs: zonal force balance and z-integrated terms. This is a re-implementation of the spectral method used up to MagIC 5.10, which formerly relies on calculation of Plm on the cylindrical grid....
parallel_mod This module contains the blocking information
parallel_solvers This module contains the routines that are used to solve linear banded problems with R-distributed arrays.
physical_parameters Module containing the physical parameters
power This module handles the writing of the power budget
precalculations This module is used to handle some pre-calculations of constants (moment of inertia, mass, volumes), determine the timesteps for I/O and fix boundary values for temperature/entropy and chemical composition
precision_mod This module controls the precision used in MagIC
probe_mod Module for artificial sensors to compare time series of physical data with experiments. Probes are located in a radially symmetrical way
radial_data This module defines the MPI decomposition in the radial direction.
radial_der Radial derivatives functions
radial_functions This module initiates all the radial functions (transport properties, density, temperature, cheb transforms, etc.)
radial_scheme This is an abstract type that defines the radial scheme used in MagIC
readcheckpoints This module contains the functions that can help reading and mapping of the restart files
riter_mod This module actually handles the loop over the radial levels. It contains the spherical harmonic transforms and the operations on the arrays in physical space....
riteration This module is used to define an abstract class for the radial loop
rms This module contains the calculation of the RMS force balance and induction terms.
rms_helpers This module contains several useful subroutines required to compute RMS diagnostics
shtransforms This module is used when the native built-in SH transforms of MagIC are used. Those are much slower than SHTns, and are not recommanded for production runs!
special This module contains all variables for the case of an imposed IC dipole, an imposed external magnetic field and a special boundary forcing to excite inertial modes
spectra This module handles the computation and the writing of spectra. It handles both 2-D spectra in (r,l) and (r,m) spaces and usual spectra integrated over all radii in (l) or (m) spaces....
start_fields This module is used to set-up the initial starting fields. They can be obtained by reading a starting checkpoint file or by setting some starting conditions.
storecheckpoints This module contains several subroutines that can be used to store the checkpoint_#.tag files
time_array This module defines two types that are defined to store the implicit/explicit terms at the different sub-stage/step.
time_schemes This module defines an abstract class type_tscheme which is employed for the time advance of the code.
timing This module contains functions that are used to measure the time spent.
torsional_oscillations This module contains information for TO calculation and output
truncation This module defines the grid points and the truncation
updateb_mod This module handles the time advance of the magnetic field potentials b and aj as well as the inner core counterparts b_ic and aj_ic. It contains the computation of the implicit terms and the linear
updatephi_mod This module handles the time advance of the phase field phi. It contains the computation of the implicit terms and the linear solves....
updates_mod This module handles the time advance of the entropy s. It contains the computation of the implicit terms and the linear solves....
updatewp_mod This module handles the time advance of the poloidal potential w and the pressure p. It contains the computation of the implicit terms and the linear solves.
updatewps_mod This module handles the time advance of the poloidal potential w, the pressure p and the entropy s in one single matrix per degree. It contains the computation of the implicit terms and the linear
updatexi_mod This module handles the time advance of the chemical composition xi. It contains the computation of the implicit terms and the linear solves....
updatez_mod This module handles the time advance of the toroidal potential z It contains the computation of the implicit terms and the linear solves....
useful This module contains several useful routines.