Contributing to the code¶
MagIC is an open-source code, we thus value any possible contribution! There are several ways to directly contribute to the code:
Checking the consistency of the code¶
It is frequently required to check the consistency of the code, especially after
the implementation of new features. For this reason, we developed the
python test suite
, located in the
directory $MAGIC_HOME/samples/
, which tests the compilation of the code
and it’s results against a set of standard solutions in sample directories to
check if the code produces the correct output.
You can run it as follows:
./ <options>
It supports the following options:
-h, --help Show usage overview
--level LEV Run only tests from level LEV
--use-debug-flags Compile MagIC with the debug flags
--use-mpi Use MPI
--use-openmp Use the hybrid version of MagIC
--use-mkl Use the MKL for FFTs and Lapack calls
--use-shtns Use SHTns for Legendre transforms
--use-precond USE_PRECOND Use matrix preconditioning
--nranks NRANKS Specify the number of MPI ranks
--nthreads NTHREADS Specify the number of threads (hybrid version)
--mpicmd MPICMD Specify the mpi executable (mpiexec, mpirun, srun)
Make sure that your environment variables FC
and CC
are correctly defined otherwise the script will use the default system compilers.
The --level LEV
option defines the priority level of check and validation of the code. It has the following levels of checking:
Cases to check (subdirectories)
Boussinesq dynamo benchmark (BM1) (Christensen et al., 2001) - start from zero (
)Variable transport properties (viscosity, thermal diffusivity and electrical diffusivity) in an anelastic convective model (
)Test of a case that uses finite differences - restart from a case that used Chebyshev polynomials (
)Boussinesq dynamo benchmark (BM2) (Christensen et al., 2001) - start from a saturated state (
)Double-diffusive convection benchmark (Breuer et al., 2010) - start from a saturated state (
)Axisymmetric spherical Couette flow - this auto-test checks the axisymmetric version of MagIC (
)Test Precession (
)Whole sphere benchmark (Marti et al., 2014) - start from a saturated state (
Test reading and writing of restart files (
)Test different grid truncations (
)Test mapping on to a new grid (
)Test different outputs produced (
)Test different radial outputs -
Hydrodynamic anelastic benchmark (Jones et al., 2011) (
Heat flux perturbation (
)Isothermal model with \(N_{\rho}=3\) (
)Boussinesq Dynamo benchmark for conducting and rotating inner core (
)Anelastic dynamo with variable conductivity (
Test the writing of CMB and coeff files (
)Test the writing of RMS force balance (
)Test the writing of Graphic and Movie files (
)Test the writing of TO and Geos outputs (
Advices when contributing to the code¶
Before commiting your modifications always make sure that the auto-tests pass correctly.
Try to follow the same coding style rules as in the rest of the code:
Never use TABS but always SPACES instead
Use 3 spaces for indentation
These two rules can be easily set in your $HOME/.vimrc file if you use vim:
au FileType fortran set shiftwidth=3 au FileType fortran set tabstop=3 au FileType fortran set expandtab
Never use capital letters for variable declaration or Fortran keywords
Never use
for declaring array but ratherreal(cp) :: data(len)
Always use the default precisions when introducing new variables
These rules try to follow the general recommendations on modern fortran programming that can be found on or in the book Modern Fortran - style and usage by N. S. Clerman and W. Spector.
Building the documentation and contributing to it¶
The documentation is generated using Sphinx. To
build it you’ll thus need to install this python module on your machine. This is in general
directly available on most of the Linux distributions under the name
. Once installed, just go to the documentation directory
$ cd $MAGIC_HOME/doc/sphinx
and build the html documentation
$ make html
The complete documentation will then be built in a local directory named
If LaTeX is installed on your work station, it is also possible to build the corresponding manual of the documentation in the pdf format:
$ make latexpdf
The resulting pdf is then generated in a local directory named
It is pretty straightforward to contribute to the documentation by simply adding some
contents to the different rst
files. Informations about reStructuredText syntax can be found on,
while helpful CheatSheet are accessible here or there.