Input parameters

True runtime input parameters are read from STDIN as namelists, a Fortran feature. A namelist is identified by its unique name &name. The name-statement is followed by the parameters that are part of the namelist in the format parameter=value,. The namelist is closed by a backslash. The subroutine defaultNamelists (in the module Namelist.f90) defines a default value for each parameter. Only the parameters whose value should differ from its default have to be stated in the namelist.

An example for the short namelist defining inner core parameters is

  sigma_ratio = 1.0,
  nRotIc      = 1

Comas can be used to seperate namelist entries since they are not interpreted by the code.

Magic uses the following eight namelists :

The number of possible input parameters has grown to more than 100/150. Don’t be confused by all the possible options though, since all parameters are internally set to a useful default value!

Practically, in a production run, the number of parameters you may want to adjust is thus much smaller. As an example, the following namelist shows you how to initiate and quickly run one of the anelastic benchmarks by (Jones et al., 2011):

 n_r_max     =97,           ! 97 radial grid points
 n_cheb_max  =95,
 n_phi_tot   =288,          ! 288 points in the azimuthal direction
 n_r_ic_max  =17,
 minc        =1,            ! No azimuthal symmetry
 mode        =1,            ! This is a non-magnetic case
 tag         ="test",       ! Trailing name of the outputs produced by the code
 n_time_steps=50000,        ! Number of time steps
 courfac     =2.5D0,        ! Courant factor (flow)
 alffac      =1.0D0,        ! Courant factor (magnetic field)
 dtmax       =1.0D-4,       ! Maximum allowed time-step
 alpha       =0.6D0,
 runHours    =23,           ! Run time (hours)
 runMinutes  =30,           ! Run time (minutes)
 time_scheme ='CNAB2',      ! Name of the time stepper
 ra          =1.48638035D5, ! Rayleigh number
 ek          =1.0D-3,       ! Ekman number
 pr          =1.0D0,        ! Prandtl number
 strat       =5.D0,         ! Density contrast
 polind      =2.0D0,        ! Polytropic index
 radratio    =0.35D0,       ! Aspect ratio of the spherical shell
 g0          =0.D0,         ! Gravity profile
 g1          =0.D0,
 g2          =1.D0,
 ktops       =1,            ! Entropy boundary condition
 kbots       =1,
 ktopv       =1,            ! Mechanical boundary condition
 kbotv       =1,
 start_file  ="checkpoint_end.CJ3",
 init_s1     =1919,         ! Initial entropy perturbation pattern
 amp_s1      =0.01,         ! Amplitude of the initial perturbation
 n_log_step  =50,           ! Store time series every 50 time steps
 n_graphs    =1,            ! 1 G_#.TAG file produced at the end of the run
 n_specs     =5,            ! 5 spectra produced during the run
 n_rsts      =1,            ! 1 checkpoint_end.TAG file produced at the end of the run
 runid       ="C.Jones bench",
 nRotMa      =0             ! Non-rotating mantle
 sigma_ratio =0.d0,         ! Non-conducting inner core
 nRotIC      =0,            ! Non-rotating inner core

This example might then be easily adapted to your desired configuration.