Support for the spectra files (kin|mag|u2)_spec_#.TAG
- class magic.MagicSpectrum(datadir='.', field='e_kin', iplot=True, ispec=None, ave=False, normalize=False, tag=None, tags=None, quiet=False)[source]¶
This class can be used to read and display the spectra:
Kinetic energy spectra: kin_spec_#.TAG
Magnetic energy spectra: mag_spec_#.TAG
Spectra of the velocity square: u2_spec_#.TAG
>>> # display the content of kin_spec_1.tag >>> # where tag is the most recent file in the current directory >>> sp = MagicSpectrum(field='e_kin', ispec=1) >>> # display the content of mag_spec_ave.test on one single figure >>> sp = MagicSpectrum(field='e_mag', tag='test', ave=True) >>> # display both kinetic and magnetic energy spectra on same graph >>> sp = MagicSpectrum(field='combined', ave=True)
- __init__(datadir='.', field='e_kin', iplot=True, ispec=None, ave=False, normalize=False, tag=None, tags=None, quiet=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
field (str) – the spectrum you want to plot, ‘e_kin’ for kinetic energy, ‘e_mag’ for magnetic
iplot (bool) – display the output plot when set to True (default is True)
ispec (int) – the number of the spectrum you want to plot
tag (str) – file suffix (tag), if not specified the most recent one in the current directory is chosen
tags (list) – a list of tags to be considered
ave (bool) – plot a time-averaged spectrum when set to True
datadir (str) – current working directory
quiet (bool) – when set to True, makes the output silent (default False)
- get_file(ispec, datadir, tag, tags, quiet)[source]¶
This routine is used to determine which files need do be read or stacked. The outputs are stored in a look-up table.
- Parameters:
ispec (int) – the number of the spectrum you want to plot
datadir (str) – current working directory
tag (str) – file suffix (tag), if not specified the most recent one in the current directory is chosen
tags (list) – a list of tags to be considered
quiet (bool) – when set to True, makes the output silent (default False)
- Returns speclut:
a look-up table which contains the different fields
- Rtype speclut:
Support for the 2-D spectra files¶
- class magic.MagicSpectrum2D(datadir='.', field='e_mag', iplot=False, ispec=None, tag=None, cm='magma', levels=33, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>, ave=False)[source]¶
This class can be used to read and display 2-D spectra in the \((r,\ell)\) and in the \((r,m)\) planes
Kinetic energy spectra: 2D_kin_spec_#.TAG
Magnetic energy spectra: 2D_mag_spec_#.TAG
>>> # display the content of 2D_kin_spec_1.tag >>> # where tag is the most recent file in the current directory >>> sp = MagicSpectrum2D(field='e_kin', ispec=1, levels=17, cm='seismic') >>> # display the content of 2D_mag_spec_3.test >>> sp = MagicSpectrum2D(field='e_mag', tag='test', ispec=3)
- __init__(datadir='.', field='e_mag', iplot=False, ispec=None, tag=None, cm='magma', levels=33, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>, ave=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
field (str) – the spectrum you want to plot, ‘e_kin’ for kinetic energy, ‘e_mag’ for magnetic
iplot (bool) – display the output when set to True (default is True)
ispec (int) – the number of the spectrum you want to plot
tag (str) – file suffix (tag=, if not specified the most recent one in the current directory is chosen
cm (str) – name of the colormap (default=’jet’)
levels (int) – number of contour levels (default 33)
precision (str) – single or double precision
datadir (str) – current working directory
ave (bool) – plot a time-averaged spectrum when set to True