Source code for magic.radialSpectra

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from magic import npfile, MagicSetup, scanDir, chebgrid
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] class MagicRSpec(MagicSetup): """ This class allows to read the :ref:`rB[r|p]Spec.TAG files <secrBspecFiles>`. Those files contain the time-evolution of the poloidal/toroidal magnetic energy for all radii and for spherical harmonic degrees from 1 to 6. This is an unformatted fortran file. >>> # Read all the `BrSpec.test*` files in the current working directory and >>> # stack them. >>> rsp = MagicRSpec(tag='test*', field='Br') """
[docs] def __init__(self, tag, field='Br', precision=np.float32, avg=False): """ :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files and stack them. :type tag: str :param field: nature of the radial spectra. Possible choices are 'Bt' or 'Bp' :type field: str :param precision: single or double precision (default single, i.e. np.float32) :type precision: str :param avg: when set to True, display time averaged quantities :type avg: bool """ logFiles = scanDir('log.*') if len(logFiles) != 0: MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1]) self.n_r_max = int(self.n_r_max) self.n_r_ic_max = int(self.n_r_ic_max) else: n_r_max = 'n_r_max ?\n' self.n_r_max = int(input(str1)) n_r_ic_max = 'n_r_ic_max ?\n' self.n_r_ic_max = int(input(str1)) str1 = 'Aspect ratio ?\n' self.radratio = float(input(str1)) self.n_r_tot = self.n_r_max+self.n_r_ic_max self.ricb = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio) self.rcmb = 1./(1.-self.radratio) outerCoreGrid = chebgrid(self.n_r_max-1, self.rcmb, self.ricb) n_r_ic_tot = 2*self.n_r_ic_max-1 innerCoreGrid = chebgrid(n_r_ic_tot-1, self.ricb, -self.ricb) self.radius = np.zeros((self.n_r_tot-1), dtype=precision) self.radius[:self.n_r_max] = outerCoreGrid self.radius[self.n_r_max-1:] = innerCoreGrid[:self.n_r_ic_max] pattern = 'r{}'.format(field) +'Spec' files = scanDir('{}.{}'.format(pattern, tag)) # Read the rB[rp]Spec.TAG files (stack them) data = [] for k, file in enumerate(files): print('Reading {}'.format(file)) f = npfile(file, endian='B') while 1: try: data.append(f.fort_read(precision)) except TypeError: break data = np.array(data, dtype=precision) # Time (every two lines only) self.time = data[::2, 0] # Poloidal/Toroidal energy for all radii for the 6 first spherical harmonic # degrees self.e_pol = np.zeros((len(self.time), self.n_r_tot-1, 6), dtype=precision) self.e_pol_axi = np.zeros_like(self.e_pol) self.e_pol[:, :, 0] = data[::2, 1:self.n_r_tot] self.e_pol[:, :, 1] = data[::2, self.n_r_tot-1:2*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol[:, :, 2] = data[::2, 2*(self.n_r_tot-1):3*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol[:, :, 3] = data[::2, 3*(self.n_r_tot-1):4*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol[:, :, 4] = data[::2, 4*(self.n_r_tot-1):5*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol[:, :, 5] = data[::2, 5*(self.n_r_tot-1):6*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 0] = data[1::2, 1:self.n_r_tot] self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 1] = data[1::2, self.n_r_tot-1:2*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 2] = data[1::2, 2*(self.n_r_tot-1):3*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 3] = data[1::2, 3*(self.n_r_tot-1):4*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 4] = data[1::2, 4*(self.n_r_tot-1):5*(self.n_r_tot-1)] self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 5] = data[1::2, 5*(self.n_r_tot-1):6*(self.n_r_tot-1)] if avg: self.plotAvg()
[docs] def plotAvg(self): """ Plotting function for time-averaged profiles """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.radius, self.e_pol[:, :, 0].mean(axis=0), 'b-', label='Dip.') ax.plot(self.radius, abs(self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 0].mean(axis=0)), 'b--', label='Dip. axi.') ax.plot(self.radius, self.e_pol[:, :, 1].mean(axis=0), 'r-', label='Quad.') ax.plot(self.radius, abs(self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 1].mean(axis=0)), 'r--', label='Quad. axi.') ax.plot(self.radius, self.e_pol[:, :, 2].mean(axis=0), 'g-', label='Octu.') ax.plot(self.radius, abs(self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 2].mean(axis=0)), 'g--', label='Octu. axi.') ax.plot(self.radius, self.e_pol[:, :, 3].mean(axis=0), 'g-', label='Hexadeca.') ax.plot(self.radius, abs(self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 3].mean(axis=0)), 'g--', label='Hexadeca. axi.') ax.set_xlabel('Radius') ax.set_ylabel('Energy') ax.legend(frameon=False, loc='best')
if __name__ == '__main__': r = MagicRSpec(tag='test', field='Bp', avg=True)