Source code for magic.checkpoint

import numpy as np
import os
import scipy.interpolate as sint
from magic.libmagic import chebgrid, fd_grid, scanDir

[docs] def get_truncation(n_theta_max, nalias, minc): """ This routine determines l_max, m_max and lm_max from the values of n_theta_max, minc and nalias. :param n_theta_max: number of points along the colatitude :type n_theta_max: int :param nalias: dealiasing paramete (20 is fully dealiased) :type nalias: int :param minc: azimuthal symmetry :type minc: int :returns: returns a list of three integers: l_max, m_max and lm_max :rtype: list """ lmax = nalias*n_theta_max // 30 mmax = (lmax//minc) * minc lm_max = mmax*(lmax+1)//minc - \ mmax*(mmax-minc)//(2*minc)+(lmax+1-mmax) return lmax, mmax, lm_max
[docs] def get_map(lm_max, lmax, mmin, mmax, minc): """ This routine determines the look-up tables to convert the indices (l, m) to the single index lm. :param lm_max: total number of lm combinations. :type lm_max: int :param lmax: maximum spherical harmonic degree :type lmax: int :param mmin: minimum spherical harmonic order :type mmin: int :param mmax: maximum spherical harmonic order :type mmax: int :param minc: azimuthal symmetry :type minc: int :returns: returns a list of three look-up tables: idx, lm2l, lm2m :rtype: list """ idx = np.zeros((lmax+1, mmax+1), np.int32) lm2l = np.zeros(lm_max, np.int16) lm2m = np.zeros(lm_max, np.int16) k = 0 for m in range(mmin, mmax+1, minc): for l in range(m, lmax+1): idx[l, m] = k lm2l[k] = l lm2m[k] = m k += 1 return idx, lm2l, lm2m
[docs] def interp_one_field(field, rold, rnew, rfac=None): """ This routine interpolates a complex input field from an old radial grid to a new one. :param field: the field to be interpolated :type field: numpy.ndarray :param rold: the old radial grid points :type rold: numpy.ndarray :param rnew: the new radial grid points :type rnew: numpy.ndarray :param rfac: a rescaling function that depends on the radius :type rfac: numpy.ndarray :returns: the field interpolated on the new radial grid :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ nrold = field.shape[0] lm_max = field.shape[1] nrnew = rnew.shape[0] if rfac is None: rfac = np.ones_like(rold) if rold[1] > rold[0]: old_ordering = 'ascending' else: old_ordering = 'descending' rold = rold[::-1] field = field[::-1, :] rfac = rfac[::-1] if rnew[1] > rnew[0]: new_ordering = 'ascending' else: new_ordering = 'descending' rnew = rnew[::-1] field_new = np.zeros((nrnew, lm_max), np.complex128) for lm in range(lm_max): tckp = sint.splrep(rold, rfac*field[:, lm].real, k=5) finter_real = sint.splev(rnew, tckp) tckp = sint.splrep(rold, rfac*field[:, lm].imag, k=5) finter_imag = sint.splev(rnew, tckp) field_new[:, lm] = (finter_real+1j*finter_imag) if old_ordering == 'descending': rold = rold[::-1] field = field[::-1, :] rfac = rfac[::-1] if new_ordering == 'descending': field_new = field_new[::-1, :] return field_new
[docs] def Graph2Rst(gr, filename='checkpoint_ave'): """ This function allows to transform an input Graphic file into a checkpoint file format that can be read by MagIC to restart a simulation. >>> # Load a Graphic File >>> gr = MagicGraph() >>> # Produce the file checkpoint_ave.from_G >>> Graph2Rst(gr, filename='checkpoint_ave.from_G') :param gr: the input graphic file one wants to convert into a restart file :type gr: magic.MagicGraph :param filename: name of the checkpoint file :type filename: str """ chk = MagicCheckpoint(l_read=False) chk.graph2rst(gr, filename)
[docs] class MagicCheckpoint: """ This class allows to manipulate checkpoint files produced by MagIC. It can read it as >>> chk = MagicCheckpoint(filename='checkpoint_end.test') >>> print(chk.wpol.shape, chk.l_max) This class can also be used to intepolate from FD to Cheb or the opposite >>> chk.cheb2fd(96) >>> chk.write('checkpoint_fd.test') One can also transform a Graphic file into a checkpoint >>> gr = MagicGraph() >>> chk = MagicCheckpoint(l_read=False) >>> chk.graph2rst(gr) Finally one can convert checkpoints from XSHELLS >>> chk = MagicCheckpoint(l_read=False) >>> chk.xshells2magic('st0', 161, rscheme='cheb', cond_state='deltaT') """
[docs] def __init__(self, l_read=True, filename=None, endian='l'): """ :param l_read: a boolean to decide whether one reads a checkpoint or not :type l_read: bool :param filename: name of the checkpoint file to be read :type filename: str """ if l_read: if filename is None: chks = scanDir('checkpoint*') filename = chks[-1], endian=endian)
[docs] def read(self, filename, endian='l'): """ This routine is used to read a checkpoint file. :param filename: name of the checkpoint file :type filename: str """ if endian == 'B': prefix = '>' else: prefix = '' file = open(filename, 'rb') fmt = '{}i4'.format(prefix) self.version = np.fromfile(file, fmt, count=1)[0] fmt = '{}f8'.format(prefix) self.time = np.fromfile(file, fmt, count=1)[0] # Time scheme self.tscheme_family = nexp, nimp, nold = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=3) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): self.dt = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=nexp) else: self.dt = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=1)[0] n_time_step = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0] if self.version <= 2: self.ra,, self.raxi,, self.prmag, self.ek, \ self.radratio, self.sigma_ratio = \ np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=8) self.stef = 0. else: self.ra,, self.raxi,, self.prmag, self.ek, \ self.stef, self.radratio, self.sigma_ratio = \ np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=9) # Truncation self.n_r_max, self.n_theta_max, self.n_phi_tot, self.minc,\ self.nalias, self.n_r_ic_max = \ np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=6) if self.version > 3: self.l_max, self.m_min, self.m_max = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=3) self.lm_max = 0 for m in range(self.m_min, self.m_max+1, self.minc): for l in range(m, self.l_max+1): self.lm_max += 1 else: self.l_max, self.m_max, self.lm_max = get_truncation(self.n_theta_max, self.nalias, self.minc) self.m_min = 0 # Define maps self.idx, self.lm2l, self.lm2m = get_map(self.lm_max, self.l_max, self.m_min, self.m_max, self.minc) # Radial scheme self.rscheme_version = if self.rscheme_version.startswith('cheb'): self.n_cheb_max, = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=2) self.alph1, self.alph2 = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=2) else: order, obound = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=2) self.fd_stretch, self.fd_ratio = \ np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=2) # Radial grid self.radius = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=self.n_r_max) # Torques if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): domega_ic = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) domega_ma = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) if self.version < 5: lotorque_ic = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) lotorque_ma = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) om = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=12) self.omega_ic = om[0] self.omega_ma = om[6] # Logicals if self.version <= 2: self.l_heat, self.l_chem, self.l_mag, self.l_press, self.l_cond_ic = \ np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=5) self.l_phase = False else: self.l_heat, self.l_chem, self.l_phase, self.l_mag, self.l_press, \ self.l_cond_ic = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=6) # Fields self.wpol = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.n_r_max*self.lm_max) self.wpol = self.wpol.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) self.ztor = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.n_r_max*self.lm_max) self.ztor = self.ztor.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) if self.l_press: self.pre = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.n_r_max*self.lm_max) self.pre = self.pre.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) if self.l_heat: self.entropy = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.n_r_max*self.lm_max) self.entropy = self.entropy.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) if self.l_chem: self.xi = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.n_r_max*self.lm_max) self.xi = self.xi.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) if self.l_phase: self.phase = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.n_r_max*self.lm_max) self.phase = self.phase.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) if self.l_mag: self.bpol = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.n_r_max*self.lm_max) self.bpol = self.bpol.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) self.btor = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.n_r_max*self.lm_max) self.btor = self.btor.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) if self.l_cond_ic: self.radius_ic = chebgrid(2*self.n_r_ic_max-2, self.radius[-1], -self.radius[-1]) self.radius_ic = self.radius_ic[:self.n_r_ic_max] self.radius_ic[-1] = 0. self.bpol_ic = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_ic_max) self.bpol_ic = self.bpol_ic.reshape((self.n_r_ic_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_ic_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) self.btor_ic = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_ic_max) self.btor_ic = self.btor_ic.reshape((self.n_r_ic_max, self.lm_max)) if self.tscheme_family.startswith('MULTISTEP'): tmp = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.complex128, count=self.lm_max*self.n_r_ic_max*(nexp+nimp+nold-3)) file.close()
[docs] def write(self, filename): """ This routine is used to store a checkpoint file. It only stores the state vector not the past quantities required to restart a multistep scheme. :param filename: name of the checkpoint file :type filename: str """ file = open(filename, 'wb') # Header version = np.array([4], np.int32) version.tofile(file) time = np.array([self.time], np.float64) time.tofile(file) # Time scheme tscheme = 'DIRK '.encode() file.write(tscheme) par = np.array([1, 1, 1], np.int32) par.tofile(file) if hasattr(self, 'dt'): if isinstance(self.dt, np.ndarray): dt = np.array([self.dt[0]], np.float64) else: dt = np.array([self.dt], np.float64) else: dt = np.array([1.0e-6], np.float64) dt.tofile(file) par = np.array([1], np.int32) par.tofile(file) # Control parameters if hasattr(self, 'ra') and hasattr(self, 'sc') and hasattr(self, 'prmag'): x = np.array([self.ra,, self.raxi,, self.prmag, self.ek, self.stef, self.radratio, self.sigma_ratio], np.float64) else: x = np.array([1e5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0e-3, self.radratio, 1.0], np.float64) x.tofile(file) # Truncation x = np.array([self.n_r_max, self.n_theta_max, self.n_phi_tot, self.minc, self.nalias, self.n_r_ic_max], np.int32) x.tofile(file) if not hasattr(self,"m_min"): self.m_min = 0 x = np.array([self.l_max, self.m_min, self.m_max], np.int32) x.tofile(file) # Radial scheme file.write(self.rscheme_version.encode()) if self.rscheme_version.startswith('cheb'): x = np.array([self.n_cheb_max,], np.int32) x.tofile(file) x = np.array([self.alph1, self.alph2], np.float64) x.tofile(file) else: x = np.array([2, 2], np.int32) x.tofile(file) x = np.array([self.fd_stretch, self.fd_ratio], np.float64) x.tofile(file) # Radial grid self.radius.tofile(file) # torques dumm = np.zeros(12, np.float64) dumm[0] = self.omega_ic dumm[6] = self.omega_ma dumm.tofile(file) # Logicals if not hasattr(self,"l_phase"): self.l_phase = False flags = np.array([self.l_heat, self.l_chem, self.l_phase, self.l_mag, False, self.l_cond_ic], np.int32) flags.tofile(file) # Fields self.wpol.tofile(file) self.ztor.tofile(file) if self.l_heat: self.entropy.tofile(file) if self.l_chem: self.xi.tofile(file) if self.l_phase: self.phase.tofile(file) if self.l_mag: self.bpol.tofile(file) self.btor.tofile(file) if self.l_cond_ic: self.bpol_ic.tofile(file) self.btor_ic.tofile(file) file.close()
[docs] def cheb2fd(self, n_r_max, fd_stretch=0.3, fd_ratio=0.1): """ This routine is used to convert a checkpoint that has a Gauss-Lobatto grid into a finite-difference grid. :param n_r_max: number of radial grid points of the finite difference grid :type n_r_max: int :param fd_stretch: stretching of the radial grid :type fd_stretch: float :param fd_ratio: ratio of smallest to largest grid spacing :type fd_ratio: float """ self.rscheme_version = 'fd'+'{:>70s}'.format('') self.fd_stretch = fd_stretch self.fd_ratio = fd_ratio rnew = fd_grid(n_r_max, self.radius[0], self.radius[-1], self.fd_stretch, self.fd_ratio) tmp = interp_one_field(self.wpol, self.radius, rnew) self.wpol = tmp tmp = interp_one_field(self.ztor, self.radius, rnew) self.ztor = tmp if self.l_heat: tmp = interp_one_field(self.entropy, self.radius, rnew) self.entropy = tmp if self.l_chem: tmp = interp_one_field(self.xi, self.radius, rnew) self.xi = tmp if self.l_phase: tmp = interp_one_field(self.phase, self.radius, rnew) self.phase = tmp if self.l_mag: tmp = interp_one_field(self.bpol, self.radius, rnew) self.bpol = tmp tmp = interp_one_field(self.btor, self.radius, rnew) self.btor = tmp self.radius = rnew self.n_r_max = n_r_max
[docs] def fd2cheb(self, n_r_max): """ This routine is used to convert a checkpoint that has finite differences in radius into a Gauss-Lobatto grid. :param n_r_max: number of radial grid points of the Gauss-Lobatto grid :type n_r_max: int """ self.n_cheb_max = n_r_max-2 = 0 self.alph1 = 1 self.alph2 = 0 self.rscheme_version = 'cheb'+'{:>68s}'.format('') rnew = chebgrid(n_r_max-1, self.radius[0], self.radius[-1]) tmp = interp_one_field(self.wpol, self.radius, rnew) self.wpol = tmp tmp = interp_one_field(self.ztor, self.radius, rnew) self.ztor = tmp if self.l_heat: tmp = interp_one_field(self.entropy, self.radius, rnew) self.entropy = tmp if self.l_chem: tmp = interp_one_field(self.xi, self.radius, rnew) self.xi = tmp if self.l_phase: tmp = interp_one_field(self.phase, self.radius, rnew) self.phase = tmp if self.l_mag: tmp = interp_one_field(self.bpol, self.radius, rnew) self.bpol = tmp tmp = interp_one_field(self.btor, self.radius, rnew) self.btor = tmp self.radius = rnew self.n_r_max = n_r_max
[docs] def xshells2magic(self, xsh_trailing, n_r_max, rscheme='cheb', cond_state='deltaT', scale_b=1., filename='checkpoint_end.from_xhells'): """ This routine is used to convert XSHELLS field[U,B,T].xsh_trailing files into a MagIC checkpoint file. >>> chk = MagicCheckPoint() >>> # Convert field[U,T,B].st1ns_hr2 into a MagIC checkpoint file >>> chk.xshells2magic('st1ns_hr2', 512, rscheme='fd', cond_state='mixed', scale_b=4.472136e-4) :param xsh_trailing: trailing of the field[U,B,T].xsh_trailing files :type xsh_trailing: str :param n_r_max: number of radial grid points to be used :type n_r_max: int :param rscheme: the type of radial scheme ('cheb' or 'fd') :type rscheme: str :param cond_state: the type of conducting state: - 'deltaT': fixed temperature contrast - 'mixed': hybrid forcing (STEP1-2 like) :type cond_state: str :param scale_b: a rescaling factor for the magnetic field :type scale_b: float """ import pyxshells as pyx # xshells grid f = pyx.load_field('fieldU.{}'.format(xsh_trailing)) if os.path.exists('fieldT.{}'.format(xsh_trailing)): self.l_heat = True if os.path.exists('fieldB.{}'.format(xsh_trailing)): self.l_mag = True self.l_press = False self.l_chem = False self.l_phase = False # Right now don't know where it is stored self.l_cond_ic = False rr_xsh = f.grid.r nr_xsh = len(rr_xsh) ro = rr_xsh[-1] ri = rr_xsh[0] self.radratio = ri/ro self.n_r_max = n_r_max if rscheme.startswith('cheb'): self.radius = chebgrid(self.n_r_max-1, ro, ri) self.n_cheb_max = self.n_r_max-2 = 0 self.alph1 = 1. self.alph2 = 0. self.rscheme_version = 'cheb'+'{:>68s}'.format('') else: self.radius = fd_grid(n_r_max, ro, ri) self.fd_stretch = 0.3 self.fd_ratio = 0.1 self.rscheme_version = 'fd'+'{:>70s}'.format('') self.l_max = f.lmax self.m_max = f.mmax self.minc = f.mres self.lm_max = f.pol_full().shape[-1] # When nalias=60 ntheta=lmax: trick to have lmax in MagIC's header self.nalias = 60 self.n_theta_max = self.l_max self.n_phi_tot = self.l_max self.n_r_ic_max = 1 self.time = f.time # Dummy rotation rates: don't know where to get them from xSHELLs self.omega_ic = 0. self.omega_ma = 0. self.wpol = interp_one_field(f.pol_full(), rr_xsh, self.radius, rfac=rr_xsh) self.ztor = interp_one_field(f.tor_full(), rr_xsh, self.radius, rfac=rr_xsh) if self.l_heat: f = pyx.load_field('fieldT.{}'.format(xsh_trailing)) field_xsh = np.zeros((nr_xsh, self.lm_max), np.complex128) field_xsh =[1:-1, 0, :] self.entropy = interp_one_field(field_xsh, rr_xsh, self.radius) if cond_state == 'deltaT': #temp0 = -ri**2/(ri**2+ro**2) temp0 = 0. tcond = ro*ri/(ro-ri)/self.radius+temp0-ri/(ro-ri) elif cond_state == 'mixed': fi = 0.75 ci = (2.*fi-1.)/(ro**3-ri**3) co = (fi*ro**3-(1.-fi)*ri**3)/(ro**3-ri**3) tcond = ci*self.radius**2/2.+co/self.radius tcondo = ci*ro**2/2.+co/ro tcond = tcond-tcondo self.entropy[:, 0] += np.sqrt(4.*np.pi) * tcond if self.l_mag: f = pyx.load_field('fieldB.{}'.format(xsh_trailing)) field_xsh = scale_b * f.pol_full() self.bpol = interp_one_field(field_xsh, rr_xsh, self.radius, rfac=rr_xsh) field_xsh = scale_b * f.tor_full() self.btor = interp_one_field(field_xsh, rr_xsh, self.radius, rfac=rr_xsh) self.write(filename)
[docs] def graph2rst(self, gr, filename='checkpoint_ave.from_chk'): """ :param gr: the input graphic file one wants to convert into a restart file :type gr: magic.MagicGraph :param filename: name of the checkpoint file :type filename: str """ from magic import SpectralTransforms, thetaderavg, phideravg, MagicRadial if hasattr(gr, 'tag'): tag = gr.tag if os.path.exists('anel.{}'.format(tag)): r = MagicRadial(field='anel', iplot=False) rho0 = r.rho0 else: rho0 = np.ones_like(gr.radius) else: rho0 = np.ones_like(gr.radius) self.n_r_max = gr.n_r_max self.n_theta_max = gr.n_theta_max self.minc = gr.minc self.n_phi_tot = gr.n_phi_max*gr.minc+1 self.n_r_ic_max = gr.n_r_ic_max+1 self.nalias = 20 # Spectral truncation self.l_max, self.m_max, self.lm_max = get_truncation(self.n_theta_max, self.nalias, self.minc) # Define maps self.idx, self.lm2l, self.lm2m = get_map(self.lm_max, self.l_max, 0, self.m_max, self.minc) self.radius = gr.radius.astype(np.float64) ri = self.radius[-1] ro = self.radius[0] self.radratio = ri/ro if not hasattr(gr, 'radial_scheme') or gr.radial_scheme == 'CHEB': self.rscheme_version = 'cheb'+'{:>68s}'.format('') self.n_cheb_max = self.n_r_max-2 if gr.l_newmap == 'F': = 0 else: = 1 self.alph1 = gr.alph1 self.alph2 = gr.alph2 else: self.rscheme_version = 'fd'+'{:>70s}'.format('') self.fd_stretch = gr.fd_stretch self.fd_ratio = gr.fd_ratio # Flags if gr.mode in [2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10] or gr.ra == 0.: self.l_heat = False else: self.l_heat = True if not hasattr(gr, 'raxi'): self.l_chem = False else: if gr.raxi > 0. or gr.raxi < 0.: self.l_chem = True else: self.l_chem = False if gr.mode in [0, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9]: self.l_mag = True else: self.l_mag = False if gr.sigma_ratio == 0.: self.l_cond_ic = False else: self.l_cond_ic = True self.l_press = False if self.l_cond_ic: self.radius_ic = np.zeros(self.n_r_ic_max, np.float64) self.radius_ic[0] = ri self.radius_ic[1:] = gr.radius_ic self.time = gr.time.astype(np.float64) # Rotation rates: dummy self.omega_ic = 0. self.omega_ma = 0. sh = SpectralTransforms(l_max=self.l_max, minc=self.minc, n_theta_max=self.n_theta_max) # Calculate and store the poloidal potential using vr self.wpol = np.zeros((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max), dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(self.n_r_max): vr = sh.spat_spec(gr.vr[:, :, i]) self.wpol[i, 1:] = vr[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1)) * \ self.radius[i]**2 * rho0[i] # Calculate the toroidal potential using wr self.ztor = np.zeros_like(self.wpol) th3D = np.zeros_like(gr.vr) rr3D = np.zeros_like(th3D) for i in range(self.n_theta_max): th3D[:, i, :] = gr.colatitude[i] for i in range(self.n_r_max): rr3D[:, :, i] = self.radius[i] s3D = rr3D*np.sin(th3D) omr = 1./s3D*(thetaderavg(np.sin(th3D)*gr.vphi, order=4) - phideravg(gr.vtheta, minc=self.minc)) for i in range(self.n_r_max): om = sh.spat_spec(omr[:, :, i]) self.ztor[i, 1:] = om[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1)) * \ self.radius[i]**2 * rho0[i] # Calculate the entropy if self.l_heat: self.entropy = np.zeros_like(self.wpol) for i in range(self.n_r_max): p = sh.spat_spec(gr.entropy[:, :, i]) self.entropy[i, :] = p[:] # Calculate the chemical composition if self.l_chem: self.xi = np.zeros_like(self.wpol) for i in range(self.n_r_max): p = sh.spat_spec(gr.xi[:, :, i]) self.xi[i, :] = p[:] # Calculate the magnetic field if self.l_mag: self.bpol = np.zeros_like(self.wpol) for i in range(self.n_r_max): Br = sh.spat_spec(gr.Br[:, :, i]) self.bpol[i, 1:] = Br[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1)) * \ self.radius[i]**2 self.btor = np.zeros_like(self.ztor) jr = 1./s3D*(thetaderavg(np.sin(th3D)*gr.Bphi, order=4) - phideravg(gr.Btheta, minc=self.minc)) for i in range(self.n_r_max): om = sh.spat_spec(jr[:, :, i]) self.btor[i, 1:] = om[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1)) * \ self.radius[i]**2 if self.l_mag and self.l_cond_ic: self.bpol_ic = np.zeros((self.n_r_ic_max, self.lm_max), np.complex128) for i in range(self.n_r_ic_max): rdep = np.ones(sh.ell.shape, dtype=np.float64) if i == 0: # ICB radius vr = sh.spat_spec(gr.Br[:, :, -1]) rr = self.radius[-1] rdep[:] = 1. else: vr = sh.spat_spec(gr.Br_ic[:, :, i-1]) rr = self.radius_ic[i-1] rdep[1:] = (self.radius_ic[i-1]/ri)**(sh.ell[1:]+1) self.bpol_ic[i, 1:] = vr[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1))*rr**2 # Not stable: #if self.radius_ic[i] >= 0.01: # mask = ( self.lm2l <= 2 ) * ( self.lm2m <= 2) # self.bpol_ic[i, mask] /= rdep[mask] # Calculate the toroidal potential using jr self.btor_ic = np.zeros_like(self.bpol_ic) th3D = np.zeros_like(gr.Br_ic) rr3D = np.zeros_like(th3D) for i in range(self.n_theta_max): th3D[:, i, :] = gr.colatitude[i] for i in range(self.n_r_ic_max-1): rr3D[:, :, i] = self.radius_ic[i] rr3D[:, :, -1] = 1e-4 s3D = rr3D*np.sin(th3D) jr_ic = np.zeros_like(th3D) jr_ic = 1./s3D*(thetaderavg(np.sin(th3D)*gr.Bphi_ic, order=4) - phideravg(gr.Btheta_ic, minc=self.minc)) for i in range(self.n_r_ic_max): rdep = np.ones(sh.ell.shape, dtype=np.float64) if i == 0: # ICB radius om = sh.spat_spec(jr[:, :, -1]) rr = self.radius[-1] rdep[:] = 1. else: om = sh.spat_spec(jr_ic[:, :, i-1]) rr = self.radius_ic[i-1] rdep[1:] = (self.radius_ic[i-1]/ri)**(sh.ell[1:]+1) self.btor_ic[i, 1:] = om[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1))*rr**2 # Not stable #if self.radius_ic[i] >= 0.1: # mask = ( self.lm2l <= 5 ) * ( self.lm2m <= 5) # self.btor_ic[i, mask] /= rdep[mask] self.write(filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': from magic import MagicGraph chk = MagicCheckpoint(l_read=False) #chk.fd2cheb(33) #chk.write('checkpoint_cheb.tmp') gr = MagicGraph() chk.graph2rst(gr) #chk.cheb2fd(96) #chk.write('checkpoint_alpha.tmp')