Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import re
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .npfile import npfile
from magic.libmagic import symmetrize, chebgrid
from magic.plotlib import hammer2cart

def getNlines(file_name, endian='B', precision=np.float32):
    This function determines the number of lines of a binary file.

    :param file_name: name of the input file
    :type file_name: str
    :param endian: endianness of the file ('B' or 'l')
    :type endian: str
    :param precision: precision of the data contained in the input file
                      (np.float32 or np.float64)
    :type endian: str
    :returns: the number of lines
    :rtype: int

    f = npfile(file_name, endian=endian)
    n_lines = 0
    while 1:
            n_lines += 1
        except TypeError:

    return n_lines

[docs] class Movie: """ This class allows to read the :ref:`movie files <secMovieFile>` generated by the MagIC code. >>> m = Movie() >>> # This returns a list of the available movies in the directory >>> # and lets you decide which one you want to read >>> # Reads and display AV_mov.test >>> m = Movie(file='AV_mov.test') >>> print( # access to the data >>> # Read three movie files (no display) >>> m1 = Movie(file='AV_mov.testa', iplot=False) >>> m2 = Movie(file='AV_mov.testb', iplot=False) >>> m3 = Movie(file='AV_mov.testc', iplot=False) >>> # Stack them together >>> m = m1+m2+m3 >>> # Display >>> m.plot(levels=33, cm='seismic', cut=0.5) >>> # Store the outputs in movie/img_#.png >>> # Only from the timesteps 280 to 380 >>> m = Movie(file='AB_mov.test', png=True, nvar=100, lastvar=380) """
[docs] def __init__(self, file=None, iplot=True, nstep=1, png=False, lastvar=None, nvar='all', levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', cut=0.5, bgcolor=None, fluct=False, normed=False, avg=False, std=False, dpi=80, normRad=False, precision=np.float32, deminc=True, ifield=0, centeredCm=None, datadir='.'): """ :param nvar: the number of frames of the movie file we want to plot starting from the last line :type nvar: int :param png: if png=True, write the png files instead of display :type png: bool :param iplot: if iplot=True, display otherwise just read :type iplot: bool :param lastvar: the index of the last timesteps to be read :type lastvar: int :param nstep: the stepping between two timesteps :type nstep: int :param levels: the number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cm: the name of the color map :type cm: str :param fluct: if fluct=True, substract the axisymmetric part :type fluct: bool :param normed: the colormap is rescaled every timestep when set to True, otherwise it is calculated from the global extrema :type normed: bool :param avg: if avg=True, time-average is displayed :type avg: bool :param centeredCm: when set to True, the colormap is centered between -vmax and vmax. By default, this is None, it tries to guess by itself. :type centeredCm: bool :param std: if std=True, standard deviation is displayed :type std: bool :param dpi: dot per inch when saving PNGs :type dpi: int :param normRad: if normRad=True, then we normalise for each radial level :type normRad: bool :param precision: precision of the input file, np.float32 for single precision, np.float64 for double precision :type precision: str :param cut: adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut :type cut: float :param bgcolor: background color of the figure :type bgcolor: str :param deminc: a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry :type deminc: bool :param ifield: in case of a multiple-field movie file, you can change the default field displayed using the parameter ifield :type ifield: int :param datadir: working directory :type datadir: str """ if avg or std: iplot = False if file is None: dat = glob.glob('*[Mm]ov.*') # Get prefix for movie type prefix = [] for entry in dat: prefix.append(entry.split('.')[0]) prefix = set(prefix) # First sort: alpha: return to a list (set are unsortable when looping) #dat.sort() prefix = list(prefix) prefix.sort() # Then sort with os time for each type of movie datSorted = [] for pre in prefix: pattern = re.compile(r"{}.*".format(pre)) shortList = [] for entry in dat: if pattern.match(entry): shortList.append(entry) dat1 = [(os.stat(i).st_mtime, i) for i in shortList] dat1.sort() datSorted.extend([i[1] for i in dat1]) str1 = 'Which movie do you want ?\n' for k, movie in enumerate(datSorted): str1 += ' {}) {}\n'.format(k+1, movie) index = int(input(str1)) try: filename = datSorted[index-1] except IndexError: print('Non valid index: {} has been chosen instead'.format( datSorted[0])) filename = datSorted[0] else: filename = file filename = os.path.join(datadir, filename) # Get the version self._get_version(filename) # Read the movie file infile = npfile(filename, endian='B') # Read the movie header self._read_header(infile, ifield, precision) # Get the number of lines self._get_nlines(datadir, filename, nvar, lastvar) # Get the shape of the data self._get_data_shape(precision) self.time = np.zeros(self.nvar, precision) # Read the data # If one skip the beginning, nevertheless read but do not store for i in range(self.var2-self.nvar): if self.version == 2: n_frame, t_movieS, omega_ic, omega_ma, movieDipColat, \ movieDipLon, movieDipStrength, movieDipStrengthGeo = \ infile.fort_read(precision) else: t_movieS = infile.fort_read(precision) for ll in range(self.n_fields): dat = infile.fort_read(precision, shape=self.shape, order='F') # then read the remaining requested nvar lines for k in range(self.nvar): if self.version == 2: n_frame, t_movieS, omega_ic, omega_ma, movieDipColat, \ movieDipLon, movieDipStrength, movieDipStrengthGeo = \ infile.fort_read(precision) else: t_movieS = infile.fort_read(precision) self.time[k] = t_movieS for ll in range(self.n_fields): dat = infile.fort_read(precision, shape=self.shape, order='F') if self.n_surface == 0:[ll, k, ...] = dat[:, :, :self.n_r_max] if self.lIC: self.data_ic[ll, k, ...] = dat[:, :, self.n_r_max:] elif self.n_surface == 2:[ll, k, ...] = dat[:, :self.n_r_max] if self.lIC: self.data_ic[ll, k, ...] = dat[:, self.n_r_max:] elif self.n_surface == -2:[ll, k, ...] = dat elif self.n_surface == 3: datoc0 = dat[:, :self.n_r_max] datoc1 = dat[:, self.n_r_max:2*self.n_r_max][ll, k, ...] = np.vstack((datoc0, datoc1)) if self.lIC: datic0 = dat[:, 2*self.n_r_max:2*self.n_r_max+self.n_r_ic_max] datic1 = dat[:, 2*self.n_r_max+self.n_r_ic_max:] self.data_ic[ll, k, ...] = np.vstack((datic0, datic1)) elif self.n_surface == 4:[ll, k, ...] = dat[:, :self.n_r_max] if self.lIC: self.data_ic[ll, k, ...] = dat[:, self.n_r_max:] else:[ll, k, ...] = dat if fluct:[ll, k, ...] -=[ll, k, ...].mean(axis=0) infile.close() if normRad: for ll in range(self.n_fields): norm = np.sqrt(np.mean([ll, ...]**2, axis=1)) norm = norm.mean(axis=0)[ll, :, :, norm != 0.] /= norm[norm != 0.] if nstep != 1: self.time = self.time[::nstep] =[:, ::nstep, ...] if hasattr(self, 'data_ic'): self.data_ic = self.data_ic[:, ::nstep, ...] self.nvar =[1] self.var2 = self.nvar if iplot: cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm) self.plot(ifield, cut, centeredCm, levels, cmap, png, nstep=1, normed=normed, dpi=dpi, bgcolor=bgcolor, deminc=deminc) if avg or std: cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm) self.avgStd(ifield, std, cut, centeredCm, levels, cmap)
[docs] def _get_version(self, filename): """ This routine determines the version of the movie files :param filename: name of the movie file :type filename: str """ with open(filename, 'rb') as fi: rm = np.fromfile(fi, np.float32, count=1) # record marker self.version = np.fromfile(fi, '>i4', count=1)[0] rm = np.fromfile(fi, np.float32, count=1) if abs(self.version) > 100: fi = npfile(filename, endian='B') version = fi.fort_read('|S64')[0].decode().rstrip() self.version = int(version[-1]) fi.close()
[docs] def _get_nlines(self, datadir, filename, nvar, lastvar): """ This routine determines the number of frames stored in a movie file :param filename: name of the movie file :type filename: str :param datadir: working directory :type datadir: str :param nvar: the number of frames of the movie file we want to plot starting from the last line :type nvar: int :param lastvar: the index of the last timesteps to be read :type lastvar: int """ # Get the number of lines pattern = re.compile(r'.*[Mm]ov\.(.*)') end = pattern.findall(filename)[0] if filename.split('.')[-2].endswith('TO_mov'): l_TOmov = True else: l_TOmov = False # Determine the number of lines by reading the log.TAG file logfile = open(os.path.join(datadir, 'log.{}'.format(end)), 'r') pattern = re.compile(r' ! WRITING MOVIE FRAME NO\s*(\d*).*') mot2 = re.compile(r' ! WRITING TO MOVIE FRAME NO\s*(\d*).*') nlines = 0 for line in logfile.readlines(): if not l_TOmov and pattern.match(line): nlines = int(pattern.findall(line)[0]) elif l_TOmov and mot2.match(line): nlines = int(mot2.findall(line)[0]) logfile.close() # In case no 'nlines' can be determined from the log file: if nlines == 0: nlines = getNlines(filename, endian='B', precision=precision) if self.version == 2: nlines -= 8 # Remove 8 lines of header else: nlines -= 10 # Remove 10 lines of header if self.movtype in [100, 101, 102]: nlines -=1 # One additional line in the header for those movies nlines = nlines//(self.n_fields+1) if lastvar is None: self.var2 = nlines else: self.var2 = lastvar if str(nvar) == 'all': self.nvar = nlines self.var2 = nlines else: self.nvar = nvar
[docs] def _read_header(self, infile, ifield, precision): """ This routine reads the header of the movie files :param infile: the movie file loaded using npfile :type infile: magic.npfile.npfile :param ifield: the index of the considered field (in case the movie contains several) :type ifield: int :param precision: precision of the input file, np.float32 for single precision, np.float64 for double precision :type precision: str """ # Header if self.version == 2: version = infile.fort_read('|S64')[0].decode().rstrip() n_type, n_surface, const, n_fields = infile.fort_read(precision) self.n_surface = int(n_surface) self.n_fields = int(n_fields) movtype = infile.fort_read(precision).astype(np.int32) else: version = infile.fort_read(np.int32)[0] self.n_surface, self.n_fields = infile.fort_read(np.int32) const = infile.fort_read(precision) movtype = infile.fort_read(np.int32) self.movtype = movtype[ifield] # Run parameters runid = infile.fort_read('|S64') if self.version == 2: n_r_mov_tot, n_r_max, n_theta_max, n_phi_tot, self.minc, self.ra, \ self.ek,, self.prmag, self.radratio, self.tScale = \ infile.fort_read(precision) self.minc = int(self.minc) self.n_r_mov_tot = int(n_r_mov_tot) self.n_r_max = int(n_r_max) self.n_r_ic_max = self.n_r_mov_tot-self.n_r_max self.n_r_mov_tot += 2 self.n_r_ic_max += 2 self.raxi = 0. = 0. self.n_theta_max = int(n_theta_max) self.n_phi_tot = int(n_phi_tot) self.n_s_max = 0 else: self.n_r_mov_tot, self.n_r_max, self.n_r_ic_max, self.n_theta_max, \ self.n_phi_tot, self.n_s_max, self.minc = infile.fort_read(np.int32) self.ra, self.ek,, self.raxi,, self.prmag, \ self.radratio, self.tScale = infile.fort_read(precision) # Grid if self.movtype in [100, 101, 102]: self.cylRad = infile.fort_read(precision) if self.version == 2: self.n_s_max = len(self.cylRad) self.radius = infile.fort_read(precision) if self.version == 2: self.radius_ic = np.zeros((self.n_r_ic_max), precision) self.radius_ic[:-1] = self.radius[self.n_r_max-1:] else: self.radius_ic = self.radius[self.n_r_max:] self.radius = self.radius[:self.n_r_max] # remove inner core # Overwrite radius to ensure double-precision of the # grid (useful for Cheb der) rout = 1./(1.-self.radratio) # rin = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio) self.radius *= rout self.radius_ic *= rout # self.radius = chebgrid(self.n_r_max-1, rout, rin) self.theta = infile.fort_read(precision) self.phi = infile.fort_read(precision) if self.version == 2: if self.movtype not in [1, 2, 3, 14, 8, 9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31]: self.n_r_mov_tot = self.n_r_max self.lIC = False else: self.lIC = True else: if self.n_r_mov_tot > self.n_r_max: self.lIC = True else: self.lIC = False
[docs] def _get_data_shape(self, precision, allocate=True): """ This determines the size of the movie frames depending on n_surface :param precision: precision of the input file, np.float32 for single precision, np.float64 for double precision :type precision: str """ if self.n_surface == 0: self.shape = (self.n_phi_tot, self.n_theta_max, self.n_r_mov_tot) if allocate: = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_phi_tot, self.n_theta_max, self.n_r_max), precision) if allocate and self.lIC: self.data_ic = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_phi_tot, self.n_theta_max, self.n_r_ic_max), precision) elif self.n_surface == 1 or self.n_surface == -1: self.shape = (self.n_phi_tot, self.n_theta_max) if allocate: = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_phi_tot, self.n_theta_max), precision) elif self.n_surface == 2: self.shape = (self.n_phi_tot, self.n_r_mov_tot) if allocate: = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_phi_tot, self.n_r_max), precision) if allocate and self.lIC: self.data_ic = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_phi_tot, self.n_r_ic_max), precision) elif self.n_surface == -2: self.shape = (self.n_phi_tot, self.n_s_max) if allocate: = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_phi_tot, self.n_s_max), precision) elif self.n_surface == 3: if self.movtype in [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 92, 94, 95, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116]: self.shape = (self.n_theta_max, self.n_r_mov_tot) self.n_theta_plot = self.n_theta_max self.n_surface = 4 else: self.shape = (self.n_theta_max, 2*self.n_r_mov_tot) self.n_theta_plot = 2*self.n_theta_max if allocate: = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_theta_plot, self.n_r_max), precision) if allocate and self.lIC: self.data_ic = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_theta_plot, self.n_r_ic_max), precision) elif self.n_surface == 4: self.shape = (self.n_theta_max, self.n_r_mov_tot) if allocate: = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_theta_max, self.n_r_max), precision) if allocate and self.lIC: self.data_ic = np.zeros((self.n_fields, self.nvar, self.n_theta_max, self.n_r_ic_max), precision)
[docs] def __add__(self, new): """ Built-in function to sum two movies. In case, the spatial grid have been changed a spline interpolation onto the new grid is used. :param new: the new movie file to be added :type new: magic.Movie """ out = copy.deepcopy(new) # Interpolate on the new grid whenever required if[0, 0, ...].shape !=[0, 0, ...].shape: new_shape =[0, 0, ...].shape old_shape =[0, 0, ...].shape if self.n_surface == 1: if (new_shape[0] != old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] != old_shape[1]): ip = interp1d(self.phi,, axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') tmp = ip(new.phi) it = interp1d(self.theta, tmp, axis=-1, fill_value='extrapolate') = it(new.theta) elif (new_shape[0] != old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] == old_shape[1]): ip = interp1d(self.phi,, axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') = ip(new.phi) elif (new_shape[0] == old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] != old_shape[1]): it = interp1d(self.theta,, axis=-1, fill_value='extrapolate') = it(new.theta) elif self.n_surface == 2: if (new_shape[0] != old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] != old_shape[1]): ip = interp1d(self.phi,, axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') tmp = ip(new.phi) ir = interp1d(self.radius[::-1], tmp[..., ::-1], axis=-1) tmp = ir(new.radius[::-1]) = tmp[..., ::-1] elif (new_shape[0] != old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] == old_shape[1]): ip = interp1d(self.phi,, axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') = ip(new.phi) elif (new_shape[0] == old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] != old_shape[1]): ir = interp1d(self.radius[::-1],[..., ::-1], axis=-1) tmp = ir(new.radius[::-1]) =[..., ::-1] elif self.n_surface == 4: if (new_shape[0] != old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] != old_shape[1]): it = interp1d(self.theta,, axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') tmp = it(new.theta) ir = interp1d(self.radius[::-1], tmp[..., ::-1], axis=-1) tmp = ir(new.radius[::-1]) = tmp[..., ::-1] elif (new_shape[0] != old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] == old_shape[1]): it = interp1d(self.theta,, axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') = it(new.theta) elif (new_shape[0] == old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] != old_shape[1]): ir = interp1d(self.radius[::-1],[..., ::-1], axis=-1) tmp = ir(new.radius[::-1]) = tmp[..., ::-1] elif self.n_surface == 3: if (new_shape[0] != old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] != old_shape[1]): it = interp1d(self.theta,[..., :self.n_theta_max, :], axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') tmp1 = it(new.theta) it = interp1d(self.theta,[..., self.n_theta_max:, :], axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') tmp2 = it(new.theta) tmp = np.concatenate((tmp1, tmp2), axis=-2) ir = interp1d(self.radius[::-1], tmp[..., ::-1], axis=-1) tmp = ir(new.radius[::-1]) = tmp[..., ::-1] elif (new_shape[0] != old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] == old_shape[1]): it = interp1d(self.theta,[..., :self.n_theta_max, :], axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') tmp1 = it(new.theta) it = interp1d(self.theta,[..., self.n_theta_max:, :], axis=-2, fill_value='extrapolate') tmp2 = it(new.theta) = np.concatenate((tmp1, tmp2), axis=-2) elif (new_shape[0] == old_shape[0]) and (new_shape[1] != old_shape[1]): ir = interp1d(self.radius[::-1],[..., ::-1], axis=-1) tmp = ir(new.radius[::-1]) = tmp[..., ::-1] # Stack the data if abs(new.time[0]-self.time[-1]) <= 1e-10: = np.concatenate((,[:, 1:, ...]), axis=1) out.time = np.concatenate((self.time, new.time[1:]), axis=0) out.nvar = self.nvar+new.nvar-1 else: = np.concatenate((,, axis=1) out.time = np.concatenate((self.time, new.time), axis=0) out.nvar = self.nvar+new.nvar out.var2 = out.nvar return out
[docs] def avgStd(self, ifield=0, std=False, cut=0.5, centeredCm=None, levels=12, cmap='RdYlBu_r'): """ Plot time-average or standard deviation :param ifield: in case of a multiple-field movie file, you can change the default field displayed using the parameter ifield :type ifield: int :param std: the standard deviation is computed instead the average when std is True :type std: bool :param levels: number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cmap: name of the colormap :type cmap: str :param cut: adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut :type cut: float :param centeredCm: when set to True, the colormap is centered between -vmax and vmax :type centeredCm: bool """ if std: avg =[ifield, ...].std(axis=0) if self.lIC: avg_ic = self.data_ic[ifield, ...].std(axis=0) else: avg =[ifield, ...].mean(axis=0) if self.lIC: avg_ic = self.data_ic[ifield, ...].mean(axis=0) if centeredCm is None: if avg.min() < 0 and avg.max() > 0: centeredCm = True else: centeredCm = False if centeredCm: vmin = - max(abs(avg.max()), abs(avg.min())) vmin = cut * vmin vmax = -vmin else: vmax = cut * avg.max() vmin = cut * avg.min() cs = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels) if self.n_surface in [3, 4]: if self.n_surface == 4: th = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 8)) th0 = th elif self.n_surface == 3: th0 = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) th1 = np.linspace(np.pi/2., 3.*np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) th = np.concatenate((th0, th1)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 6)) # Plotting trick using th0 th0 = np.linspace(np.pi/2, np.pi/2+2.*np.pi, self.n_theta_plot) rr, tth = np.meshgrid(self.radius, th) xx = rr * np.cos(tth) yy = rr * np.sin(tth) xxout = rr.max() * np.cos(th0) yyout = rr.max() * np.sin(th0) xxin = rr.min() * np.cos(th0) yyin = rr.min() * np.sin(th0) if self.lIC: rr, tth = np.meshgrid(self.radius_ic, th) xx_ic = rr * np.cos(tth) yy_ic = rr * np.sin(tth) elif self.n_surface == 1: th = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, self.n_phi_tot) ttheta, pphi = np.meshgrid(th, phi) xx, yy = hammer2cart(ttheta, pphi) xxout, yyout = hammer2cart(th, -np.pi) xxin, yyin = hammer2cart(th, np.pi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) elif self.n_surface == 2: phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, self.n_phi_tot) rr, pphi = np.meshgrid(self.radius, phi) xx = rr * np.cos(pphi) yy = rr * np.sin(pphi) xxout = rr.max() * np.cos(pphi) yyout = rr.max() * np.sin(pphi) xxin = rr.min() * np.cos(pphi) yyin = rr.min() * np.sin(pphi) if self.lIC: rr, pphi = np.meshgrid(self.radius_ic, phi) xx_ic = rr * np.cos(pphi) yy_ic = rr * np.sin(pphi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) elif n_surface == 0: =[ifield, ..., 0] th = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, self.n_phi_tot) ttheta, pphi = np.meshgrid(th, phi) xx, yy = hammer2cart(ttheta, pphi) xxout, yyout = hammer2cart(th, -np.pi) xxin, yyin = hammer2cart(th, np.pi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.99, right=0.99, bottom=0.01, left=0.01) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) ax.contourf(xx, yy, avg, cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') if self.lIC: ax.contourf(xx_ic, yy_ic, avg_ic, cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') ax.plot(xxout, yyout, 'k-', lw=1.5) ax.plot(xxin, yyin, 'k-', lw=1.5) ax.axis('off')
[docs] def plot(self, ifield=0, cut=0.5, centeredCm=None, levels=12, cmap='RdYlBu_r', png=False, nstep=1, normed=False, dpi=80, bgcolor=None, deminc=True, ic=False): """ Plotting function (it can also write the png files) :param ifield: in case of a multiple-field movie file, you can change the default field displayed using the parameter ifield :type ifield: int :param levels: number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cmap: name of the colormap :type cmap: str :param cut: adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut :type cut: float :param png: save the movie as a series of png files when set to True :type png: bool :param dpi: dot per inch when saving PNGs :type dpi: int :param bgcolor: background color of the figure :type bgcolor: str :param normed: the colormap is rescaled every timestep when set to True, otherwise it is calculated from the global extrema :type normed: bool :param nstep: the stepping between two timesteps :type nstep: int :param deminc: a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry :type deminc: bool :param centeredCm: when set to True, the colormap is centered between -vmax and vmax. By default, it tries to guess by itself. :type centeredCm: bool """ if png: plt.ioff() if not os.path.exists('movie'): os.mkdir('movie') else: plt.ion() if centeredCm is None: if[ifield, ...].min() < 0 and[ifield, ...].max() > 0: centeredCm = True else: centeredCm = False if not normed: if centeredCm: vmin = - max(abs([ifield, ...].max()), abs([ifield, ...].min())) vmin = cut * vmin vmax = -vmin else: vmax = cut *[ifield, ...].max() vmin = cut *[ifield, ...].min() # vmin, vmax =, cs = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels) if self.n_surface in [3, 4]: if self.n_surface == 4: th = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 8)) th0 = th elif self.n_surface == 3: th0 = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) th1 = np.linspace(np.pi/2., 3.*np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) th = np.concatenate((th0, th1)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 6)) # Plotting trick using th0 th0 = np.linspace(np.pi/2, np.pi/2+2.*np.pi, 2*self.n_theta_max) rr, tth = np.meshgrid(self.radius, th) xx = rr * np.cos(tth) yy = rr * np.sin(tth) xxout = rr.max() * np.cos(th0) yyout = rr.max() * np.sin(th0) xxin = rr.min() * np.cos(th0) yyin = rr.min() * np.sin(th0) if ic: rr, tth = np.meshgrid(self.radius_ic, th) xx_ic = rr * np.cos(tth) yy_ic = rr * np.sin(tth) elif self.n_surface == 1: th = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) if deminc: phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, self.n_phi_tot*self.minc+1) xxout, yyout = hammer2cart(th, -np.pi) xxin, yyin = hammer2cart(th, np.pi) else: phi = np.linspace(-np.pi/self.minc, np.pi/self.minc, self.n_phi_tot) xxout, yyout = hammer2cart(th, -np.pi/self.minc) xxin, yyin = hammer2cart(th, np.pi/self.minc) ttheta, pphi = np.meshgrid(th, phi) xx, yy = hammer2cart(ttheta, pphi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) elif self.n_surface == 2: if deminc: phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, self.n_phi_tot*self.minc+1) else: phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi/self.minc, self.n_phi_tot) if self.movtype in [100, 101, 102]: rr, pphi = np.meshgrid(self.cylRad, phi) else: rr, pphi = np.meshgrid(self.radius, phi) xx = rr * np.cos(pphi) yy = rr * np.sin(pphi) xxout = rr.max() * np.cos(pphi) yyout = rr.max() * np.sin(pphi) xxin = rr.min() * np.cos(pphi) yyin = rr.min() * np.sin(pphi) if ic: rr, pphi = np.meshgrid(self.radius_ic, phi) xx_ic = rr * np.cos(pphi) yy_ic = rr * np.sin(pphi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) elif self.n_surface == 0: =[ifield, ..., 0] th = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, self.n_phi_tot) ttheta, pphi = np.meshgrid(th, phi) xx, yy = hammer2cart(ttheta, pphi) xxout, yyout = hammer2cart(th, -np.pi) xxin, yyin = hammer2cart(th, np.pi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.99, right=0.99, bottom=0.01, left=0.01) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) for k in range(self.nvar): if k == 0: if normed: vmin = - max(abs([ifield, k, ...].max()), abs([ifield, k, ...].min())) vmin = cut * vmin vmax = -vmin cs = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels) if self.n_surface in [1, 2]: if deminc: dat = symmetrize([ifield, k, ...], self.minc) if ic: datic = symmetrize(self.data_ic[ifield, k, ...], self.minc) else: dat =[ifield, k, ...] if ic: datic = self.data_ic[ifield, k, ...] im = ax.contourf(xx, yy, dat, cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') if ic: ax.contourf(xx_ic, yy_ic, datic, cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') else: im = ax.contourf(xx, yy,[ifield, k, ...], cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') if ic: im_ic = ax.contourf(xx_ic, yy_ic, self.data_ic[ifield, k, ...], cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') ax.plot(xxout, yyout, 'k-', lw=1.5) ax.plot(xxin, yyin, 'k-', lw=1.5) ax.axis('off') man = plt.get_current_fig_manager() man.canvas.draw() if k != 0 and k % nstep == 0: if not png: print(k+self.var2-self.nvar) plt.cla() if normed: if centeredCm: vmin = - max(abs([ifield, k, ...].max()), abs([ifield, k, ...].min())) vmin = cut * vmin vmax = -vmin else: vmax = cut *[ifield, k, ...].max() vmin = cut *[ifield, k, ...].min() cs = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels) if self.n_surface in [1, 2]: if deminc: dat = symmetrize([ifield, k, ...], self.minc) if ic: datic = symmetrize(self.data_ic[ifield, k, ...], self.minc) else: dat =[ifield, k, ...] if ic: datic = self.data_ic[ifield, k, ...] ax.contourf(xx, yy, dat, cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') if ic: ax.contourf(xx_ic, yy_ic, datic, cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') else: ax.contourf(xx, yy,[ifield, k, ...], cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') if ic: ax.contourf(xx_ic, yy_ic, self.data_ic[ifield, k, ...], cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') ax.plot(xxout, yyout, 'k-', lw=1.5) ax.plot(xxin, yyin, 'k-', lw=1.5) ax.axis('off') man.canvas.draw() if png: filename = 'movie/img{:05d}.png'.format(k) print('write {}'.format(filename)) # st = 'echo {}'.format(ivar) + ' > movie/imgmax' if bgcolor is not None: fig.savefig(filename, facecolor=bgcolor, dpi=dpi) else: fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
[docs] def timeLongitude(self, ifield=0, removeMean=True, lat0=0., levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', deminc=True): """ Plot the time-longitude diagram (input latitude can be chosen) :param ifield: in case of a multiple-field movie file, you can change the default field displayed using the parameter ifield :type ifield: int :param lat0: value of the latitude :type lat0: float :param levels: number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cm: name of the colormap :type cm: str :param deminc: a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry :type deminc: bool :param removeMean: remove the time-averaged part when set to True :type removeMean: bool """ if removeMean: datCut =[ifield, ...][ifield, ...].mean(axis=0) else: datCut =[ifield, ...] th = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) lat0 *= np.pi/180. mask = np.where(abs(th-lat0) == abs(th-lat0).min(), 1, 0) idx = np.nonzero(mask)[0][0] th = np.linspace(np.pi/2., -np.pi/2., self.n_theta_max) if deminc: phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, self.minc*self.n_phi_tot+1) else: phi = np.linspace(-np.pi/self.minc, np.pi/self.minc, self.n_phi_tot) if deminc: dat = np.zeros((self.nvar, self.minc*self.n_phi_tot+1), np.float64) else: dat = np.zeros((self.nvar, self.n_phi_tot), np.float64) for k in range(self.nvar): if deminc: dat[k, :] = symmetrize(datCut[k, :, idx], self.minc) else: dat[k, :] = datCut[k, :, idx] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) vmin = -max(abs(dat.max()), abs(dat.min())) vmax = -vmin cs = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels) ax.contourf(phi, self.time, dat, cs, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cm)) ax.set_xlabel('Longitude') ax.set_ylabel('Time') m_max = self.n_phi_tot//3 w2 = np.fft.fft2(dat) w2 = abs(w2[1:self.nvar//2+1, 0:m_max+1]) dw = 2.*np.pi/(self.time[-1]-self.time[0]) omega = dw*np.arange(self.nvar) omega = omega[1:self.nvar//2+1] ms = np.arange(m_max+1) fig1 = plt.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.contourf(ms, omega, np.log10(w2), 65, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')) ax1.set_yscale('log') ax1.set_xlabel(r'Azimuthal wavenumber') ax1.set_ylabel(r'Frequency')
if __name__ == '__main__': Movie(nstep=1)