Radial spectra rB[r|p]Spec.TAG
This files are only written when l_rMagSpec=.true.
Those files contain the time-evolution of the poloidal (rBrSpec.TAG) and
the toroidal (rBpSpec.TAG) magnetic energies for all radii including the
inner core and for spherical harmonic degrees from \(\ell=1\) to
\(\ell=6\). The calculations are done in the subroutines
and rBpSpec
respectively. The outputs are stored as a fortran unformatted file which
follows the following structure for rBrSpec.TAG
!------------- ! Line N !------------- time[N], (real(e_p(l=1,n_r),kind=outp),n_r=1,n_r_tot-1), ! Poloidal energy for \ell=0 (real(e_p(l=2,n_r),kind=outp),n_r=1,n_r_tot-1), ... (real(e_p(l=6,n_r),kind=outp),n_r=1,n_r_tot-1) ! Poloidal energy for \ell=6 !------------- ! Line N+1 !------------- time[N], (real(e_p_ax(l=1,n_r),kind=outp),n_r=1,n_r_tot-1), ! Pol. energy for \ell=0, m=0 (real(e_p_ax(l=2,n_r),kind=outp),n_r=1,n_r_tot-1), ... (real(e_p_ax(l=6,n_r),kind=outp),n_r=1,n_r_tot-1) !------------- ! Line N+2 !------------- time[N+1] ...
The rBpSpec.TAG
files have exactly the same structure (just replacing the poloidal
energy by its toroidal counterpart).
Be careful that in this file, n_r_tot
is the total number of grid
points (thus including the inner core).
Those files can be read using the python class MagicRSpec
the following options:
>>> # Read the files BrSpec.testa, BrSpec.testb and BrSpec.testc and stack them
>>> rsp = MagicRSpec(tag='test[a-c]', field='Br')
>>> # Print time and the time evolution of e_pol(\ell=4) at the 10th radial grid point
>>> print(rsp.time, rsp.e_pol[:, 10, 3])