RMS force balance

The code can compute the RMS contributions of the different forces that contribute to the Navier-Stokes equation and the the different terms that enter the induction equation.

  • l_RMS (default l_RMS=.false.) is a logical, which enables the calculation of RMS force balance, when set to .true.. The outputs are stored in dtVrms.TAG, dtBrms.TAG and dtVrms_spec.TAG.

  • rCut (default rCut=0.0) is a float. This is the thickness of the layer which is left out at both boundaries for the RMS calculation. rCut=0.075 actually means that 7.5% below the CMB and above the ICB are disregarded in the force balance calculation.

  • rDea (default rDea=0.0) is a float. This controls the dealiasing in RMS calculations. rDea=0.1 means that the highest 10% of the Chebyshev modes are set to zero.

  • l_2D_RMS (default l_2D_RMS=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of 2-D force balance in the \((r,\ell)\) and parameter space. Those data are stored in the files named 2D_dtVrms_spec.TAG.

Additional possible diagnostics


  • l_par (default l_par=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables additional calculations (for instance the degree of geostrophy). The details of these calculations can be found in the subroutine getEgeos in the Egeos.f90 file. These quantities are then stored in the columns 10-16 of the geos.TAG file.

  • l_corrMov (default l_corrMov=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of a movie file that stores North/South correlation in the CVorz_mov.TAG file.


  • l_hel (default l_hel=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of helicity (RMS, northern and southern hemisphere, etc.). The outputs are stored in the columns 6-9 of the helicity.TAG file.


  • l_hemi (default l_hemi=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of relative hemisphericity of kinetic and magnetic energies between Northern and Southern hemispheres. The outputs are stored in the hemi.TAG file.

Power budget

  • l_power (default l_power.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of input and output power (buoyancy, viscous and ohmic dissipations, torques). The time series are stored in power.TAG and dtE.TAG and the time-averaged radial profiles in powerR.TAG.

Angular momentum

  • l_AM (default l_AM=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of angular momentum. The time series are stored in AM.TAG.

Earth-likeness of the CMB field

  • l_earth_likeness (default l_earth_likeness=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of the Earth-likeness of the CMB magnetic field following (Christensen et al., 2010). The time series of the four criteria are stored in earth_like.TAG.

  • l_max_comp (default l_max_comp=8) is an integer. This is the maximum spherical harmonic degree used to calculate the Earth-likeness of the CMB field.

  • l_geo (default l_geo=11) is an integer. This is the maximum spherical harmonic degree used to compute the dipolarity of the magnetic field at the CMB. This is used to compute columns 6 and 15 of the dipole.TAG file.

Drift rates

  • l_drift (default l_drift=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the storage of some selected coefficients to allow the calculation of the drift rate. The time series are stored in drift[V|B][DQ].TAG.

Inertial modes

  • l_iner (default l_iner=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the storage of some selected \(w(\ell, m)\) at mid-shell (stored in inerP.TAG) and \(z(\ell, m)\) at mid-shell (stored in inerT.TAG). Those files can be further used to identify inertial modes.

Radial spectra

  • l_rMagSpec (default l_rMagSpec=.false) is a logical. When set to .true., the magnetic spectra for the first 6 spherical harmonic degree \(\ell\) for all radii are stored at times of log ouputs. This produces the unformatted fortran files rBrSpec.TAG and rBpSpec.TAG.

  • l_DTrMagSpec (default l_DTrMagSpec=.false) is a logical. When set to .true., the magnetic spectra of the magnetic field production terms for the first 6 spherical harmonic degree \(\ell\) for all radii are stored at times of log ouputs. This produces the unformatted fortran files rBrProSpec.TAG, rBrAdvSpec.TAG, rBrDifSpec.TAG, rBrDynSpec.TAG, rBpProSpec.TAG, rBpAdvSpec.TAG, rBpDifSpec.TAG and rBpDynSpec.TAG. All those files have exactly the same format as the rBrSpec.TAG.

Heat transport

  • l_fluxProfs (default l_fluxProfs=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of time-averaged radial heat flux profiles (conductive flux, convective flux, kinetic flux, viscous flux, Poynting flux and resistive flux). The time-averaged radial profiles are stored in the fluxesR.TAG file.

Boundary layer analysis

  • l_viscBcCalc (default l_viscBcCalc=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of time-averaged radial profiles that can be further use to determine the viscous and thermal boundary layer thicknesses: temperature, temperature variance, horizontal velocity, etc. The time-averaged radial profiles are stored in the bLayersR.TAG file.

Parallel/perpendicular decomposition

  • l_perpPar (default l_perpPar=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the decomposition of kinetic energy into components parallel and perpendicular to the rotation axis. The time series are stored in perpPar.TAG and the time-averaged radial profiles in perpParR.TAG.


Time evolution of the m-spectra

  • l_energy_modes (default l_energy_modes=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the storage of the time-evolution of the kinetic and magnetic energy spectra for a given range of spherical harmonic orders: time spectra.

  • m_max_modes (default m_max_modes=13) is an integer. This controls the maximum spherical harmonic order when l_energy_modes=.true..