Spectral tansforms¶
- class magic.spectralTransforms.SpectralTransforms(l_max=32, minc=1, n_theta_max=64, m_max=None, verbose=True)[source]¶
This python class is used to compute Legendre and Fourier transforms from spectral to physical space. It works in two steps: one first needs to initialize the transform
>>> sh = SpectralTransforms( l_max=256, n_theta_max=384) >>> print(Tlm[:, 10].shape) # lm_max (Temperature at ir=10) >>> T = sh.spec_spat(Tlm) # T[n_phi_max, n_theta_max]
- spat_spec(*args)[source]¶
This subroutine computes a transfrom from spatial representation (n_phi,n_theta) to spectral representation (lm_max). It returns one complex 1-D array (dimension(n_phi_max))
>>> gr = MagicGraph() >>> sh = SpectralTransforms(gr.l_max, gr.minc, gr.lm_max, gr.n_theta_max) >>> vr = gr.vr[:,:,30] # Radius ir=30 >>> vrlm = sh.spat_spec(vr) # vrlm is a complex array (lm_max) >>> # Caculation of the poloidal potential from vr: >>> wlm = np.zeros_like(vrlm) >>> wlm[1:] = vrlm[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1))*gr.radius[30]**2 >>> # Spheroidal/Toroidal transform >>> vtlm, vplm = spec_spat(gr.vtheta, gr.vphi)
- Parameters:
input (numpy.ndarray) – input array in the physical space (n_phi,n_theta)
- Returns:
output array in the spectral space (lm_max)
- Return type:
- spec_spat(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
This subroutine computes a transfrom from spectral to spatial for all latitudes. It returns either one or two 2-D arrays (dimension(n_phi_max,n_theta_max)) depending if only the poloidal or both the poloidal and the toroidal potentials are given as input quantities.
>>> print(wlmr.shape) # lm_max >>> vr = spec_spat_equat(wlmr) >>> print(vr.shape) # n_phi, n_theta >>> vt, vp = spec_spat_equat(dwdrlmr, zlmr)
- spec_spat_dphi(polo)[source]¶
This routine computes the phi-derivative and the transform from spectral to spatrial spaces. It returns a 2-D array of dimension (n_phi,n_theta)
>>> p = MagicPotential('V') >>> vrlm = p.pol*p.ell*(p.ell+1)/p.radius[ir]**2/p.rho0[ir] # vr at r=ir >>> dvrdp = p.sh.spec_spat_dphi(vrlm) # phi-derivative of vr
- Parameters:
polo (numpy.ndarray) – the input array(lm_max) in spectral space
- Returns:
the phi derivative in the physical space (n_phi, n_theta)
- Return type:
- spec_spat_dtheta(polo, l_axi=False)[source]¶
This routine computes the theta-derivative and the transform from spectral to spatrial spaces. It returns a 2-D array of dimension (n_phi,n_theta)
>>> p = MagicPotential('V') >>> vrlm = p.pol*p.ell*(p.ell+1)/p.radius[ir]**2/p.rho0[ir] # vr at r=ir >>> dvrdt = p.sh.spec_spat_dtheta(vrlm) # theta-derivative of vr
- Parameters:
polo (numpy.ndarray) – the input array(lm_max) in spectral space
l_axi (bool) – switch to True, if only the axisymmetric field is needed
- Returns:
the theta derivative in the physical space (n_phi, n_theta)
- Return type:
- spec_spat_equat(*args)[source]¶
This subroutine computes a transfrom from spectral to spatial at the equator. It returns either one or two 1-D arrays (dimension(n_phi_max)) depending if only the poloidal or both the poloidal and the toroidal potentials are given as input quantities.
>>> print(wlmr.shape) # lm_max >>> vr = spec_spat_equat(wlmr) >>> print(vr.shape) # n_phi >>> vt, vp = spec_spat_equat(dwdrlmr, zlmr)
Plotting functions¶
- magic.plotlib.cut(dat, vmax=None, vmin=None)[source]¶
This functions truncates the values of an input array that are beyond vmax or below vmin and replace them by vmax and vmin, respectively.
>>> # Keep only values between -1e3 and 1e3 >>> datNew = cut(dat, vmin=-1e3, vmax=1e3)
- Parameters:
dat (numpy.ndarray) – an input array
vmax (float) – maximum upper bound
vmin (float) – minimum lower bound
- Returns:
an array where the values >=vmax have been replaced by vmax and the values <=vmin have been replaced by vmin
- Return type:
- magic.plotlib.default_cmap(field)[source]¶
This function selects a default colormap for an input field. This allows to have different colormaps depending on the quantity one wants to plot. This can make use of cmocean colormaps, whenever installed.
- Parameters:
field (str) – the name of input field
- Returns cm:
the name of the matplotlib colormap
- Rtype cm:
- magic.plotlib.diverging_cmap(field)[source]¶
This function determines whether the data are sequential or diverging (i.e. centered around zero). In the latter, colormaps will be by default centered.
- Parameters:
field (str) – the name of input field
- Returns diverging:
a boolean to say whether the colormap will be centered or not
- Rtype cm:
- magic.plotlib.equatContour(data, radius, minc=1, label=None, levels=65, cm='seismic', normed=None, vmax=None, vmin=None, cbar=True, title=True, normRad=False, deminc=True, bounds=True, lines=False, linewidths=0.5, pcolor=False, rasterized=False)[source]¶
Plot the equatorial cut of a given field
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – the input data (an array of size (nphi,nr))
radius (numpy.ndarray) – the input radius
minc (int) – azimuthal symmetry
label (str) – the name of the input physical quantity you want to display
normRad (bool) – when set to True, the contour levels are normalised radius by radius (default is False)
levels (int) – the number of levels in the contour
cm (str) – name of the colormap (‘jet’, ‘seismic’, ‘RdYlBu_r’, etc.)
title (bool) – display the title of the figure when set to True
cbar (bool) – display the colorbar when set to True
vmax (float) – maximum value of the contour levels
vmin (float) – minimum value of the contour levels
normed (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered around zero. Default is None, it tries to find it by itself.
deminc (bool) – a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry
bounds (bool) – a boolean to determine if one wants to plot the limits of the domain (True by default)
lines (bool) – when set to True, over-plot solid lines to highlight the limits between two adjacent contour levels
linewidths (float) – the thickness of the solid lines, whenever plotted
pcolor (bool) – when set to True, use pcolormesh instead of contourf
rasterized (bool) – when set to True, the rasterization for vector graphics is turned on
- magic.plotlib.hammer2cart(ttheta, pphi, colat=False)[source]¶
This function is used to define the Hammer projection used when plotting surface contours in
>>> # Load Graphic file >>> gr = MagicGraph() >>> # Meshgrid >>> pphi, ttheta = mgrid[-np.pi:np.pi:gr.nphi*1j, np.pi/2.:-np.pi/2.:gr.ntheta*1j] >>> x,y = hammer2cart(ttheta, pphi) >>> # Contour plots >>> contourf(x, y, gr.vphi)
- Parameters:
ttheta (numpy.ndarray) – meshgrid [nphi, ntheta] for the latitudinal direction
pphi – meshgrid [nphi, ntheta] for the azimuthal direction
colat (numpy.ndarray) – colatitudes (when not specified a regular grid is assumed)
- Returns:
a tuple that contains two [nphi, ntheta] arrays: the x, y meshgrid used in contour plots
- Return type:
(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
- magic.plotlib.merContour(data, radius, label=None, levels=65, cm='seismic', normed=None, vmax=None, vmin=None, cbar=True, title=True, fig=None, ax=None, bounds=True, lines=False, pcolor=False, linewidths=0.5, rasterized=False)[source]¶
Plot a meridional cut of a given field
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – the input data (an array of size (ntheta,nr))
radius (numpy.ndarray) – the input radius
label (str) – the name of the input physical quantity you want to display
levels (int) – the number of levels in the contour
cm (str) – name of the colormap (‘jet’, ‘seismic’, ‘RdYlBu_r’, etc.)
title (bool) – display the title of the figure when set to True
cbar (bool) – display the colorbar when set to True
vmax (float) – maximum value of the contour levels
vmin (float) – minimum value of the contour levels
normed (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered around zero. Default is None, it tries to guess by itself.
bounds (bool) – a boolean to determine if one wants to plot the limits of the domain (True by default)
fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – a pre-existing figure (if needed)
ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot) – a pre-existing axis
lines (bool) – when set to True, over-plot solid lines to highlight the limits between two adjacent contour levels
linewidths (float) – the thickness of the solid lines, whenever plotted
pcolor (bool) – when set to True, use pcolormesh instead of contourf
rasterized (bool) – when set to True, the rasterization for vector graphics is turned on
- magic.plotlib.radialContour(data, rad=0.85, label=None, proj='hammer', lon_0=0.0, vmax=None, vmin=None, lat_0=30.0, levels=65, cm='seismic', normed=None, cbar=True, title=True, lines=False, fig=None, ax=None, linewidths=0.5, pcolor=False, rasterized=False, gridLineStyle=':', gridColor='k', gridLineWidth=0.7)[source]¶
Plot the radial cut of a given field
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – the input data (an array of size (nphi,ntheta))
rad (float) – the value of the selected radius
label (str) – the name of the input physical quantity you want to display
proj (str) – the type of projection. Default is Hammer, in case you want to use ‘ortho’ or ‘moll’, then Basemap is required.
levels (int) – the number of levels in the contour
cm (str) – name of the colormap (‘jet’, ‘seismic’, ‘RdYlBu_r’, etc.)
title (bool) – display the title of the figure when set to True
cbar (bool) – display the colorbar when set to True
lines (bool) – when set to True, over-plot solid lines to highlight the limits between two adjacent contour levels
linewidths (float) – the thickness of the solid lines, whenever plotted
vmax (float) – maximum value of the contour levels
vmin (float) – minimum value of the contour levels
normed (bool) – when set to True, the colormap is centered around zero. Default is None, it tries to find it by itself.
fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – a pre-existing figure (if needed)
ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot) – a pre-existing axis
pcolor (bool) – when set to True, use pcolormesh instead of contourf
rasterized (bool) – when set to True, the rasterization for vector graphics is turned on
gridColor (str) – this is used to set the color of the grid
gridLineStyle (str) – this allows to set the line style of the grid (‘:’, ‘-’, ‘–‘)
gridLineWidth (float) – this is used to tune the thickness of the lines used in the grid
Various useful functions¶
- magic.libmagic.ReadBinaryTimeseries(infile, ncols, datatype='f8', endianness='>')[source]¶
This function reads binary timeseries. It is then faster than the fast_read function.
- Parameters:
infile (string) – the file to read
ncols (int) – number of columns of the file
datatype (string) – ‘f8’ = 64-bit floating-point number ‘f4’ = 32-bit floating-point number
endianness (string) – ‘>’ = big-endian ; ‘<’ = small-endian
- Returns:
an array[nlines, ncols] that contains the data of the binary file
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.anelprof(radius, strat, polind, g0=0.0, g1=0.0, g2=1.0)[source]¶
This functions calculates the reference temperature and density profiles of an anelastic model.
>>> rad = chebgrid(65, 1.5, 2.5) >>> temp, rho, beta = anelprof(rad, strat=5., polind=2.)
- Parameters:
radius (numpy.ndarray) – the radial gridpoints
polind (float) – the polytropic index
strat (float) – the number of the density scale heights between the inner and the outer boundary
g0 (float) – gravity profile: g=g0
g1 (float) – gravity profile: g=g1*r/r_o
g2 (float) – gravity profile: g=g2*(r_o/r)**2
- Returns:
a tuple that contains the temperature profile, the density profile and the log-derivative of the density profile versus radius
- Return type:
(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
- magic.libmagic.avgField(time, field, tstart=None, std=False, fix_missing_series=False, tstop=None)[source]¶
This subroutine computes the time-average (and the std) of a time series
>>> ts = MagicTs(field='misc', iplot=False, all=True) >>> nuavg = avgField(ts.time, ts.topnuss, 0.35) >>> print(nuavg)
- Parameters:
time (numpy.ndarray) – time
field (numpy.ndarray) – the time series of a given field
tstart (float) – the starting time of the averaging
tstart – the stopping time of the averaging
std (bool) – when set to True, the standard deviation is also calculated
fix_missing_series (bool) – when set to True, data equal to zero are ignored, this is done in case new columns have been added to the time series
- Returns:
the time-averaged quantity
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.chebgrid(nr, a, b)[source]¶
This function defines a Gauss-Lobatto grid from a to b.
>>> r_icb = 0.5 ; r_cmb = 1.5; n_r_max=65 >>> rr = chebgrid(n_r_max, r_icb, r_cmb)
- Parameters:
nr (int) – number of radial grid points plus one (Nr+1)
a (float) – lower limit of the Gauss-Lobatto grid
b (float) – upper limit of the Gauss-Lobatto grid
- Returns:
the Gauss-Lobatto grid
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.cleanBIS(dir='.')[source]¶
This function renames all files with a trailing ‘_BIS’ in a given directory.
- Parameters:
dir (str) – the working directory
- magic.libmagic.cylSder(radius, data, order=4)[source]¶
This function computes the s derivative of an input array defined on a regularly-spaced cylindrical grid.
>>> s = linspace(0., 1., 129 ; dat = cos(s) >>> ddatds = cylSder(s, dat)
- Parameters:
radius (numpy.ndarray) – cylindrical radius
data (numpy.ndarray) – input data
order (int) – order of the finite-difference scheme (possible values are 2 or 4)
- Returns:
s derivative
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.cylZder(z, data)[source]¶
This function computes the z derivative of an input array defined on a regularly-spaced cylindrical grid.
>>> z = linspace(-1., 1., 129 ; dat = cos(z) >>> ddatdz = cylZder(z, dat)
- Parameters:
z (numpy.ndarray) – height of the cylinder
data (numpy.ndarray) – input data
- Returns:
z derivative
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.fast_read(file, skiplines=0, binary=False, precision=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]¶
This function reads an input ascii table (can read both formatted or unformatted fortran)
>>> # Read 'e_kin.test', skip the first 10 lines >>> data = fast_read('e_kin.test', skiplines=10)
- Parameters:
file (str) – name of the input file
skiplines (int) – number of header lines to be skept during reading
binary (bool) – when set to True, try to read an unformatted binray Fortran file (default is False)
precision (str) – single (np.float32) or double precision (np.float64)
- Returns:
an array[nlines, ncols] that contains the data of the ascii file
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.fd_grid(nr, a, b, fd_stretching=0.3, fd_ratio=0.1)[source]¶
This function defines a stretched grid between a and b
>>> r_icb = 0.5 ; r_cmb = 1.5; n_r_max=64 >>> rr = fd_grid(n_r_max, r_cmb, r_icb)
- Parameters:
nr (int) – number of radial grid points
a (float) – upper boundary of the grid
b (float) – lower boundary of the grid
fd_stretching (float) – fraction of points in the bulk
fd_ratio (float) – ratio of minimum to maximum spacing
- Returns:
the radial grid
- Returns:
the radial grid
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.getCpuTime(file)[source]¶
This function calculates the CPU time from one given log file
- Parameters:
file (file) – the log file you want to analyze
- Returns:
the total CPU time
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.getTotalRunTime()[source]¶
This function calculates the total CPU time of one run directory
- Returns:
the total RUN time
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.horizontal_mean(field, colat, std=False)[source]¶
This function computes the horizontal mean (and the standard deviation) of an input array of size (nphi,ntheta) or (nphi,ntheta,nr)
- Parameters:
field (numpy.ndarray) – the input array
colat (numpy.ndarray) – an array that contains the colatitudes
std (bool) – a boolean if one also wants to compute the standard deviation
- Returns:
the average value or radial profile
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.intcheb(f, nr, z1, z2)[source]¶
This function integrates an input function f defined on the Gauss-Lobatto grid.
>>> print(intcheb(f, 65, 0.5, 1.5))
- Parameters:
f – an input array
nr (int) – number of radial grid points
z1 (float) – lower limit of the Gauss-Lobatto grid
z2 (float) – upper limit of the Gauss-Lobatto grid
- Type:
- Returns:
the integrated quantity
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.matder(nr, z1, z2)[source]¶
This function calculates the derivative in Chebyshev space.
>>> r_icb = 0.5 ; r_cmb = 1.5; n_r_max=65 >>> d1 = matder(n_r_max, r_icb, r_cmb) >>> # Chebyshev grid and data >>> rr = chebgrid(n_r_max, r_icb, r_cmb) >>> f = sin(rr) >>> # Radial derivative >>> df = dot(d1, f)
- Parameters:
nr (int) – number of radial grid points
z1 (float) – lower limit of the Gauss-Lobatto grid
z2 (float) – upper limit of the Gauss-Lobatto grid
- Returns:
a matrix of dimension (nr,nr) to calculate the derivatives
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.phideravg(data, minc=1, order=4)[source]¶
phi-derivative of an input array
>>> gr = MagicGraph() >>> dvphidp = phideravg(gr.vphi, minc=gr.minc)
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – input array
minc (int) – azimuthal symmetry
order (int) – order of the finite-difference scheme (possible values are 2 or 4)
- Returns:
the phi-derivative of the input array
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.prime_factors(n)[source]¶
This function returns all prime factors of a number
- Returns:
all prime factors
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.progressbar(it, prefix='', size=60)[source]¶
Fancy progress-bar for loops
for i in progressbar(range(1000000)): x = i
- Parameters:
prefix (str) – prefix string before progress bar
size (int) – width of the progress bar (in points of xterm width)
- magic.libmagic.rderavg(data, rad, exclude=False)[source]¶
Radial derivative of an input array
>>> gr = MagiGraph() >>> dvrdr = rderavg(gr.vr, gr.radius)
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – input array
rad (numpy.ndarray) – radial grid
exclude (bool) – when set to True, exclude the first and last radial grid points and replace them by a spline extrapolation (default is False)
- Returns:
the radial derivative of the input array
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.scanDir(pattern, tfix=None)[source]¶
This function sorts the files which match a given input pattern from the oldest to the most recent one (in the current working directory)
>>> dat = scanDir('log.*') >>> print(log)
- Parameters:
pattern (str) – a classical regexp pattern
tfix (float) – in case you want to add only the files that are more recent than a certain date, use tfix (computer 1970 format!!)
- Returns:
a list of files that match the input pattern
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.sderavg(data, rad, colat=None, exclude=False)[source]¶
s derivative of an input array
>>> gr = MagiGraph() >>> dvpds = sderavg(gr.vphi, gr.radius, colat=gr.colatitude)
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – input array
rad (numpy.ndarray) – radial grid
exclude (bool) – when set to True, exclude the first and last radial grid points and replace them by a spline extrapolation (default is False)
colat (numpy.ndarray) – colatitudes (when not specified a regular grid is assumed)
- Returns:
the s derivative of the input array
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.secondtimeder(time, y)[source]¶
This routine computes the second time derivative of an input array
>>> ts = MagicTs(field='e_kin') >>> d2Ekdt2 = secondtimeder(ts, ts.ekin_pol)
- Parameters:
time (numpy.ndarray) – an array that contains time
y (numpy.ndarray) – an array which contains the field to be differentiated two times
- Returns:
an array that contains the second time derivative
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.selectField(obj, field, labTex=True, ic=False)[source]¶
This function selects for you which field you want to display. It actually allows to avoid possible variables miss-spelling: i.e. ‘Bphi’=’bp’=’Bp’=’bphi’
- Parameters:
obj (
) – a graphic output filefield (str) – the name of the field one wants to select
labTex (bool) – when set to True, format the labels using LaTeX fonts
- Returns:
a tuple that contains the selected physical field and its label
- Return type:
(numpy.ndarray, str)
- magic.libmagic.symmetrize(data, ms, reversed=False)[source]¶
Symmetrise an array which is defined only with an azimuthal symmetry minc=ms
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – the input array
ms (int) – the azimuthal symmetry
reversed (bool) – set to True, in case the array is reversed (i.e. n_phi is the last column)
- Returns:
an output array of dimension (data.shape[0]*ms+1)
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.thetaderavg(data, order=4)[source]¶
Theta-derivative of an input array (finite differences)
>>> gr = MagiGraph() >>> dvtdt = thetaderavg(gr.vtheta)
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – input array
order (int) – order of the finite-difference scheme (possible values are 2 or 4)
- Returns:
the theta-derivative of the input array
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.timeder(time, y)[source]¶
This routine computes the time derivative of an input array
>>> ts = MagicTs(field='e_kin') >>> dEkdt = timeder(ts, ts.ekin_pol)
- Parameters:
time (numpy.ndarray) – an array that contains time
y (numpy.ndarray) – an array which contains the field to be differentiated
- Returns:
an array that contains the time derivative
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.writeVpEq(par, tstart)[source]¶
This function computes the time-averaged surface zonal flow (and Rolc) and format the output
>>> # Reads all the par.* files from the current directory >>> par = MagicTs(field='par', iplot=False, all=True) >>> # Time-average >>> st = writeVpEq(par, tstart=2.1) >>> print(st)
- Parameters:
par (
) – aMagicTs
object containing the par filetstart (float) – the starting time of the averaging
- Returns:
a formatted string
- Return type:
- magic.libmagic.zderavg(data, rad, colat=None, exclude=False)[source]¶
z derivative of an input array
>>> gr = MagiGraph() >>> dvrdz = zderavg(gr.vr, gr.radius, colat=gr.colatitude)
- Parameters:
data (numpy.ndarray) – input array
rad (numpy.ndarray) – radial grid
exclude (bool) – when set to True, exclude the first and last radial grid points and replace them by a spline extrapolation (default is False)
colat (numpy.ndarray) – colatitudes (when not specified a regular grid is assumed)
- Returns:
the z derivative of the input array
- Return type: