Source code for magic.spectralTransforms
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from .setup import buildSo
if buildSo:
import magic.legendre as leg
class SpectralTransforms(object):
This python class is used to compute Legendre and Fourier transforms
from spectral to physical space. It works in two steps: one first needs
to initialize the transform
>>> sh = SpectralTransforms( l_max=256, n_theta_max=384)
>>> print(Tlm[:, 10].shape) # lm_max (Temperature at ir=10)
>>> T = sh.spec_spat(Tlm) # T[n_phi_max, n_theta_max]
def __init__(self, l_max=32, minc=1, n_theta_max=64, m_max=None,
:param l_max: maximum spherical harmonic degree
:type l_max: int
:param minc: azimuthal symmetry
:type minc: int
:param n_theta_max: number of grid points in the latitudinal direction
:type n_theta_max: int
:param verbose: some info about the SHT layout
:type verbose: bool
self._legF90 = leg.legendre
if m_max is None:
self.m_max = int((l_max/minc) * minc)
self.m_max = int(m_max)
self._legF90.init(l_max, minc, n_theta_max, self.m_max)
self.l_max = self._legF90.l_max
self.minc = self._legF90.minc
self.lm_max = self._legF90.lm_max
self.n_theta_max = self._legF90.n_theta_max
self.n_phi_max = self._legF90.n_phi_max
if verbose:
print('Spectral transform setup:')
print('l_max, m_max, minc, lm_max: {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
self.l_max, self.m_max, self.minc, self.lm_max))
print('n_phi_max, n_theta_max: {}, {}'.format(
self.n_phi_max, self.n_theta_max))
self.colat = self._legF90.sinth
self.idx = np.zeros((self.l_max+1, self.m_max+1), 'i')
self.ell = np.zeros((self.lm_max), 'i')
self.m = np.zeros((self.lm_max), 'i')
k = 0
for m in range(0, self.m_max+1, self.minc):
for l in range(m, self.l_max+1):
self.idx[l, m] = k
self.ell[self.idx[l,m]] = l
self.m[self.idx[l,m]] = m
k += 1
def spec_spat(self, *args, **kwargs):
This subroutine computes a transfrom from spectral to spatial
for all latitudes. It returns either one or two 2-D arrays
(dimension(n_phi_max,n_theta_max)) depending if only the poloidal
or both the poloidal and the toroidal potentials are given as
input quantities.
>>> print(wlmr.shape) # lm_max
>>> vr = spec_spat_equat(wlmr)
>>> print(vr.shape) # n_phi, n_theta
>>> vt, vp = spec_spat_equat(dwdrlmr, zlmr)
if 'l_axi' in kwargs:
l_axi = kwargs['l_axi']
if l_axi:
n_phi = 1
n_phi = self.n_phi_max
n_phi = self.n_phi_max
if len(args) == 1:
polo = args[0]
out = self._legF90.specspat_scal(polo, self.n_theta_max, n_phi)
if n_phi > 1:
out = np.fft.ifft(out, axis=0)*self.n_phi_max
out = out.real
return out
elif len(args) == 2:
polo = args[0]
toro = args[1]
vt, vp = self._legF90.specspat_vec(polo, toro, self.n_theta_max, n_phi)
if n_phi > 1:
vt = np.fft.ifft(vt, axis=0)*self.n_phi_max
vp = np.fft.ifft(vp, axis=0)*self.n_phi_max
vt = vt.real
vp = vp.real
return vt, vp
def spec_spat_dtheta(self, polo, l_axi=False):
This routine computes the theta-derivative and the transform from spectral
to spatrial spaces. It returns a 2-D array of dimension (n_phi,n_theta)
>>> p = MagicPotential('V')
>>> vrlm = p.pol*p.ell*(p.ell+1)/p.radius[ir]**2/p.rho0[ir] # vr at r=ir
>>> dvrdt = # theta-derivative of vr
:param polo: the input array(lm_max) in spectral space
:type polo: numpy.ndarray
:param l_axi: switch to True, if only the axisymmetric field is needed
:type l_axi: bool
:returns: the theta derivative in the physical space (n_phi, n_theta)
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
if l_axi:
n_phi = 1
n_phi = self.n_phi_max
out = self._legF90.specspat_dtheta(polo, self.n_theta_max, n_phi)
if n_phi > 1:
out = np.fft.ifft(out, axis=0)*self.n_phi_max
out = out.real
return out
def spec_spat_dphi(self, polo):
This routine computes the phi-derivative and the transform from spectral
to spatrial spaces. It returns a 2-D array of dimension (n_phi,n_theta)
>>> p = MagicPotential('V')
>>> vrlm = p.pol*p.ell*(p.ell+1)/p.radius[ir]**2/p.rho0[ir] # vr at r=ir
>>> dvrdp = # phi-derivative of vr
:param polo: the input array(lm_max) in spectral space
:type polo: numpy.ndarray
:returns: the phi derivative in the physical space (n_phi, n_theta)
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
out = self._legF90.specspat_dphi(polo, self.n_theta_max, self.n_phi_max)
out = np.fft.ifft(out, axis=0)*self.n_phi_max
# since dPhilm contains a 1/sin(theta) one has to multiply by sin(theta)
out = out.real * np.sin(self.colat)
return out
def spec_spat_equat(self, *args):
This subroutine computes a transfrom from spectral to spatial
at the equator. It returns either one or two 1-D arrays
(dimension(n_phi_max)) depending if only the poloidal or both the
poloidal and the toroidal potentials are given as input quantities.
>>> print(wlmr.shape) # lm_max
>>> vr = spec_spat_equat(wlmr)
>>> print(vr.shape) # n_phi
>>> vt, vp = spec_spat_equat(dwdrlmr, zlmr)
if len(args) == 1:
polo = args[0]
out = np.zeros((self.n_phi_max), np.complex128)
self._legF90.specspat_equat_scal(polo, out)
out = np.fft.ifft(out)*self.n_phi_max
out = out.real
return out
elif len(args) == 2:
polo = args[0]
toro = args[1]
vt = np.zeros((self.n_phi_max), np.complex128)
vp = np.zeros((self.n_phi_max), np.complex128)
self._legF90.specspat_equat_vec(polo, toro, vt, vp)
vt = np.fft.ifft(vt)*self.n_phi_max
vp = np.fft.ifft(vp)*self.n_phi_max
vt = vt.real
vp = vp.real
return vt, vp
def spat_spec(self, *args):
This subroutine computes a transfrom from spatial representation
(n_phi,n_theta) to spectral representation (lm_max). It returns
one complex 1-D array (dimension(n_phi_max))
>>> gr = MagicGraph()
>>> sh = SpectralTransforms(gr.l_max, gr.minc, gr.lm_max, gr.n_theta_max)
>>> vr = gr.vr[:,:,30] # Radius ir=30
>>> vrlm = sh.spat_spec(vr) # vrlm is a complex array (lm_max)
>>> # Caculation of the poloidal potential from vr:
>>> wlm = np.zeros_like(vrlm)
>>> wlm[1:] = vrlm[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1))*gr.radius[30]**2
>>> # Spheroidal/Toroidal transform
>>> vtlm, vplm = spec_spat(gr.vtheta, gr.vphi)
:param input: input array in the physical space (n_phi,n_theta)
:type input: numpy.ndarray
:returns: output array in the spectral space (lm_max)
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
if len(args) == 1:
input = args[0]
out = np.fft.fft(input, axis=0)/self.n_phi_max
outLM = self._legF90.spatspec(out, self.lm_max)
return outLM
elif len(args) == 2:
in1 = args[0]
in2 = args[1]
out1 = np.fft.fft(in1, axis=0)/self.n_phi_max
out2 = np.fft.fft(in2, axis=0)/self.n_phi_max
utLM, upLM = self._legF90.spatspec_sphertor(out1, out2, self.lm_max)
return utLM, upLM
if __name__ == '__main__':
sh = SpectralTransforms( l_max=256, lm_max=33153, n_theta_max=384)
print( a.lm_max )