Standard time-series outputs

The log outputs controls the output of all the default time series of the file: kinetic and magnetic energies (e_kin.TAG, e_mag_oc.TAG and e_mag_ic.TAG files), dipole information (dipole.TAG file), rotation (rot.TAG) parameters (par.TAG) and various additional diagnostics (heat.TAG):

  • n_log_step (default n_log_step=50) is an integer. This is the number of timesteps between two log outputs.


    Be careful: when using too small n_log_step, the disk access will dramatically increases, thus decreasing the code performance.

  • n_logs (default n_logs=0) is an integer. This is the number of log-information sets to be written.

  • t_log (default t_log=-1.0 -1.0 ...) is real array, which contains the times when log outputs are requested.

  • dt_log (default dt_log=0.0) is a real, which defines the time interval between log outputs.

  • t_log_start (default t_log_start=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to start writing log outputs.

  • t_log_stop (default t_log_stop=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to stop writing log outputs.

Restart files

The rst outputs controls the output of restart files (checkpoint_t_#.TAG) (i.e. check points in time from which the code could be restarted):

  • n_rst_step (default n_rst_step=0) is an integer. This is the number of timesteps between two restart files.

  • n_rsts (default n_rsts=1) is an integer. This is the number of restart files to be written.

  • t_rst (default t_rst=-1.0 -1.0 ...) is real array, which contains the times when restart files are requested.

  • dt_rst (default dt_rst=0.0) is a real, which defines the time interval between restart files.

  • t_rst_start (default t_rst_start=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to start writing restart files.

  • t_rst_stop (default t_rst_stop=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to stop writing restart files.

  • n_stores (default n_stores=0) is an integer. This is another way of requesting a certain number of restart files. However, instead of creating each time a new restart file, if n_stores > n_rsts the restart file is overwritten, which can possibly help saving some disk space.


The rst files can become quite big and writting them too frequently will slow down the code. Except for very special use, the default set up should be sufficient.

Graphic files

The graph outputs controls the output of graphic files (G_#.TAG) which contain a snapshot the entropy, the velocity field and the magnetic fields:

  • n_graph_step (default n_graph_step=0) is an integer. This is the number of timesteps between two graphic files.

  • n_graphs (default n_graphs=1) is an integer. This is the number of graphic files to be written.

  • t_graph (default t_graph=-1.0 -1.0 ...) is real array, which contains the times when graphic files are requested.

  • dt_graph (default dt_graph=0.0) is a real, which defines the time interval between graphic files.

  • t_graph_start (default t_graph_start=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to start writing graphic files.

  • t_graph_stop (default t_graph_stop=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to stop writing graphic files.


The spec outputs controls the output of spectra: kinetic energy spectra (kin_spec_#.TAG), magnetic energy spectra (mag_spec_#.TAG) and thermal spectra (T_spec_#.TAG):

  • n_spec_step (default n_spec_step=0) is an integer. This is the number of timesteps between two spectra.

  • n_specs (default n_specs=0) is an integer. This is the number of spectra to be written.

  • t_spec (default t_spec=-1.0 -1.0 ...) is real array, which contains the times when spectra are requested.

  • dt_spec (default dt_spec=0.0) is a real, which defines the time interval between spectra.

  • t_spec_start (default t_spec_start=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to start writing spectra.

  • t_spec_stop (default t_spec_stop=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to stop writing spectra.

  • l_2D_spectra (default l_2D_spectra=.false.) is a logical. When set to .true., this logical enables the calculation of 2-D spectra in the \((r,\ell)\) and in the \((r,m)\) parameter spaces. Those data are stored in the files named 2D_[mag|kin]_spec_#.TAG.

Movie files

The movie outputs controls the output of movie files (*_mov.TAG).

Specific inputs

  • l_movie (default l_movie=.false.) is a logical. It needs to be turned on to get movie computed.

    Several movie-files can be produced during a run (it is now limited to 30 by the variable n_movies_max in the module movie). The movies are defined by a keyword determining the fields to be plotted and an expression that determines the nature of movie (\(r\)-slice, \(\theta\)-slice, \(\phi\)-slice, etc.). The code searches this information in a character string provided for each movie. These strings are elements of the array movie:

  • movie (default movie=' ', ' ', ...) is a character string array. It contains the description of the movies one wants to compute.

    For example, to invoke a movie(file) that shows (stores) the radial magnetic component of the magnetic field at the CMB, you have to provide the line

    movie(1)="Br CMB",

    in the &output namelist. Here, Br is the keyword for the radial component of the magnetic field and CMB is the expression that defines the movie surface. If, in addition, a movie of the temperature field at the meridional slice phi=0 and a movie of the \(z\)-vorticity in the equatorial plane are desired, the following line have to be added:

    movie(2)="Temp phi=0",
    movie(3)="Vortz eq",

    Note that the code does not interpret spaces and ignores additional characters that do not form a keyword or a surface definition. Thus, for example Br or B r or Bradial are all interpreted as the same keyword. Furthermore, the interpretation is not case-sensitive. The following table gives the possible keywords for movie calculations and their corresponding physical meaning:


    Fields stored in movie file


    Radial component of the magnetic field \(B_r\).


    Latitudinal component of the magnetic field \(B_\theta\).


    Azimuthal component of the magnetic field \(B_\phi\).


    The two horizontal components of the magnetic field.


    Cylindrically radial component of the magnetic field \(B_s\).


    All magnetic field components.

    Fieldline[s] or FL

    Axisymmetric poloidal field lines in a meridional cut.


    Axisymmetric phi component of the magnetic field for \(\phi=cst.\)


    Radial component of the velocity field \(u_r\).


    Latitudinal component of the velocity field \(u_\theta\).


    Azimuthal component of the velocity field \(u_\phi\).


    Horizontal velocity field, two components depending on the surface.


    All velocity field components.

    Streamline[s] or SL

    Field lines of axisymmetric poloidal field for \(\phi=cst.\)


    Axisymmetric component of the velocity field for \(\phi=cst.\)


    Vertical component of the velocity \(u_z\).


    Cylindrical radil component of the velocity \(u_s\).


    Vertical component of the vorticity \(\omega_z\).


    Radial component of the vorticity \(\omega_r\).


    Azimuthal component of vorticity \(\omega_\phi\)

    Tem[perature] or Entropy


    Entropy (or Tem[perature]) AX[ISYMMETRIC] or AT

    Axisymmetric temperature/entropy field for \(\phi=cst.\)

    Heat t[ransport]

    Radial advection of temperature \(u_r\frac{\partial s}{\partial r}\)


    Conducting heat flux \(\partial s /\partial r\)

    Voz geos

    Vertical component of the vorticity \(\omega_z\) averaged over the rotation axis.

    Vs geos

    Cylindrical radial component of the velocity \(u_s\) averaged over the rotation axis.

    Vp geos

    Azimuthal component of the velocity \(u_\phi\) averaged over the rotation axis.

    FL Pro

    Axisymmetric field line stretching.

    FL Adv

    Axisymmetric field line advection.

    FL Dif

    Axisymmetric field line diffusion.

    AB Pro

    Toroidal axisymmetric field production.

    AB Dif

    Toroidal axisymmetric field diffusion.

    Br Pro

    Production of radial magnetic field \(B_r\).

    Br Adv

    Advection of radial magnetic field \(B_r\).

    Br Dif

    Diffusion of radial magnetic field \(B_r\).


    Radial component of the current \(j_r\).

    Jr Pro

    Production of radial current + \(\Omega\)-effect.

    Jr Adv

    Advection of the radial component of the current \(j_r\).

    Jr Dif

    Diffusion of the radial component of the current \(j_r\).

    Bz Pol

    Poloidal part of vertical component of the magnetic field \(B_z\).

    Bz Pol Pro

    Production of the poloidal part of the vertical component of the magnetic field \(B_z\).

    Bz Pol Adv

    Advection of the poloidal part of the vertical component of the magnetic field \(B_z\).

    Bz Pol Dif

    Diffusion of the poloidal part of the vertical component of the magnetic field \(B_z\).

    Jz Tor

    Toroidal part of the vertical component of the current (\(j_z\)).

    Jz Tor Pro

    Production of the toroidal part of the vertical component of the current \(j_z\).

    Jz Tor Adv

    Advection of the toroidal part of the vertical component of the current \(j_z\).

    Jz Tor Dif

    Diffusion of the toroidal part of the vertical component of the current \(j_z\).

    Bp Tor

    Toroidal part of the azimuthal component of the magnetic field \(B_\phi\).

    Bp Tor Pro

    Production of the toroidal part of the azimuthal component of the magnetic field \(B_\phi\).

    Bp Tor Adv

    Advection of the toroidal part of the azimuthal component of the magnetic field \(B_\phi\).

    Bp Tor Dif

    Diffusion of the toroidal part of the azimuthal component of the magnetic field \(B_\phi\).


    Kinetic helicity \({\cal H}=\vec{u}\cdot(\vec{\nabla}\times\vec{u})\)


    Axisymmetric component of the kinetic helicity.

    Bt Tor

    Toroidal component of the latitudinal component of the magnetic field \(B_\theta\).

    Pot Tor

    Toroidal potential.

    Pol Fieldlines

    Poloidal fieldlines.

    Br Shear

    Azimuthal shear of the radial component of the magnetic field \(B_r\)

    Lorentz[force] or LF

    Lorentz force (only \(\phi\)-component).

    Br Inv

    Inverse field apperance at CMB.

    The following table gives the possible surface expression for movie calculations and their corresponding physical meaning:

    Surface expression



    Core-mantle boundary


    Earth surface


    Equatorial plane


    Radial cut at r=radius with radius given in units of the outer core radius.


    Latitudinal cut at theta=colat given in degrees


    Azimuthal cut ath phi=phiSlice given in degrees.


    Axisymmetric quantity in an azimuthal plane


    3D array

    Here is an additional example of the possible combinations to build your desired movie files.

    l_movie  = .true.,
    movie(1) = "Br CMB",
    movie(2) = "Vr EQ",
    movie(3) = "Vortr r=0.8",
    movie(4) = "Bp theta=45",
    movie(5) = "Vp phi=10",
    movie(6) = "entropy AX",
    movie(7) = "vr 3D",

Standard inputs

  • n_movie_step (default n_movie_step=0) is an integer. This is the number of timesteps between two movie outputs.

  • n_movies (default n_movies=1) is an integer. This is the number of movie outputs to be written.

  • t_movie (default t_movie=-1.0 -1.0 ...) is real array, which contains the times when movie outputs are requested.

  • dt_movie (default dt_movie=0.0) is a real, which defines the time interval between movie outputs.

  • t_movie_start (default t_movie_start=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to start writing movie outputs.

  • t_movie_stop (default t_movie_stop=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to stop writing movie outputs.

Field Averages

The code can perform on-the-fly time-averaging of entropy, velocity field and magnetic field. Respective graphic output and spectra are written into the corresponding files (with G_ave.TAG, kin_spec_ave.TAG, mag_spec_ave.TAG). The time-averaged energies are written into the log.TAG file.

  • l_average (default l_average=.false.) is a logical, which enables the time-averaging of fields when set to .true..


    Time-averaging has a large memory imprint as it requires the storage of 3-D arrays. Be careful, when using large truncations.