Source code for magic.potExtra

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from magic import MagicGraph, BLayers
from .spectralTransforms import SpectralTransforms
from .setup import labTex
from .libmagic import symmetrize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys

[docs] class ExtraPot: """ This class is used to compute the potential field extrapolation of the magnetic field in an arbitrary outer spherical shell domain. It takes as an input the magnetic field at the CMB. """
[docs] def __init__(self, rcmb, brcmb, minc, ratio_out=2., nrout=32, cutCMB=False, deminc=True): """ :param bcmb: the surface radial field, array of dimension [np, nt] :type bcmb: numpy.ndarary :param rcmb: the value of the radius at the surface :type rcmb: float :param minc: azimuthal symmetry :type minc: int :param ratio_out: the ratio of the outer sphere radius to the surface radius :type ratio_out: float :param nrout: the number of radial point (linearly spaced) of the extrapolated field in the outer spherical domain :type nrout: int :param cutCMB: a logical if one wants to remove the first grid point (useful if one then wants to merge the graphic file with the extrapolation) :type cutCMB: bool :param deminc: a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the possible azimuthal symmetry :type deminc: bool """ self.rcmb = rcmb self.brcmb = brcmb self.minc = minc self.nrout = nrout, self.nt = self.brcmb.shape self.rout = np.linspace(self.rcmb, ratio_out*rcmb, self.nrout) if cutCMB: self.rout = self.rout[1:] self.nrout = self.nrout -1 l_max = (20*self.nt)/30 m_max = (l_max/self.minc)*self.minc sh = SpectralTransforms(l_max, self.minc, self.nt) brlm = sh.spat_spec(self.brcmb) bpolcmb = np.zeros_like(brlm) bpolcmb[1:] = brlm[1:]/(sh.ell[1:]*(sh.ell[1:]+1))*self.rcmb**2 btor = np.zeros_like(brlm) self.brout = np.zeros((, self.nt, self.nrout), dtype=self.brcmb.dtype) self.btout = np.zeros_like(self.brout) self.bpout = np.zeros_like(self.brout) for k, radius in enumerate(self.rout): radratio = self.rcmb/radius # Potential extrapolation bpol = bpolcmb * radratio**sh.ell # Derivative is analytical: dbpoldr = -sh.ell/radius * bpol brlm = sh.ell*(sh.ell+1) * bpol / radius**2 self.brout[..., k] = sh.spec_spat(brlm) self.btout[..., k], self.bpout[..., k] = sh.spec_spat(dbpoldr, btor) self.btout[..., k] /= radius self.bpout[..., k] /= radius if deminc: self.brout = symmetrize(self.brout, self.minc) self.btout = symmetrize(self.btout, self.minc) self.bpout = symmetrize(self.bpout, self.minc)
[docs] def avg(self, field='br', levels=12, cm='RdYlBu_r', normed=True, vmax=None, vmin=None): """ A small routine to plot the azimuthal averages of the extrapolated fields. :param field: the quantity you want to plot: 'br' or 'bp' :type field: str :param levels: the number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cm: the name of the colormap :type cm: str :param vmax: maximum value of the contour levels :type vmax: float :param vmin: minimum value of the contour levels :type vmin: float :param normed: when set to True, the colormap is centered around zero. Default is True, except for entropy/temperature plots. :type normed: bool """ if field == 'br': if labTex: label = r'$B_r$' else: label = 'Br' data = self.brout elif field == 'bp': if labTex: label = r'$B_\phi$' else: label = 'Bphi' data = self.bpout phiavg = data.mean(axis=0) th = np.linspace(0, np.pi, self.nt) rr, tth = np.meshgrid(self.rout, th) xx = rr * np.sin(tth) yy = rr * np.cos(tth) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,8)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.99, bottom=0.01, right=0.99, left=0.01) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm) if vmax is not None and vmin is not None: normed = False cs = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels) im = ax.contourf(xx, yy, phiavg, cs, cmap=cmap, extend='both') else: cs = levels im = ax.contourf(xx, yy, phiavg, cs, cmap=cmap) ax.plot(self.rcmb*np.sin(th), self.rcmb*np.cos(th), 'k-') ax.axis('off')