Source code for magic.log
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import os
import numpy as np
class MagicSetup:
This class allows to read the input namelist or the log file of a current job
and creates an object that contains all the parameters found in the
namelist/log file.
>>> stp = MagicSetup(nml='log.test', quiet=True)
>>> print(stp.ra) # print the Rayleigh number
>>> print(stp.n_r_max) # print n_r_max
def __init__(self, datadir='.', nml='input.nml', quiet=False):
:param datadir: the working directory
:type datadir: str
:param nml: name of the input namelist/ log file
:type nml: str
:param quiet: when set to True, makes the output silent (default False)
:type quiet: bool
logFile = re.compile(r'log\.(.*)')
valueInt = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)$')
valueReal = re.compile(r'[+-]?([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)')
valueNumber = re.compile(r'\b(([\+\-]?[0-9]+)?\.)?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?')
valueFalse = re.compile(r"(\.(true|false|t|f)\.)",re.I)
valueTrue = re.compile(r"(\.(true|t)\.)",re.I)
valueNone = re.compile(r"(NONE)",re.I)
filename = os.path.join(datadir, nml)
file = open(filename,'r')
tab = file.readlines()
tab2 = []
for i in tab:
if'=', i) is not None:
st = i.replace(',', ' ')
st = st.rstrip('\n')
if not st.startswith(' !'):
for i in tab2:
val = i.split('=')
lhs = val[0].strip()
lhs = lhs.replace(' ', '_')
rhs = val[1].strip()
rhs = rhs.strip('"')
if valueReal.match(rhs):
rhs = rhs.replace('D', 'e')
rhs = rhs.replace('d', 'e')
rhs = float(rhs)
except ValueError:
elif valueFalse.match(rhs):
rhs = False
elif valueTrue.match(rhs):
rhs = True
elif valueNone.match(rhs):
rhs = None
elif valueInt.match(rhs):
rhs = int(rhs)
# Catch T and F for booleans
if rhs == 'T':
rhs = True
elif rhs == 'F':
rhs = False
setattr(self, lhs, rhs)
if not quiet:
# Overwrite self.tag to be sure that nothing is messed up
if logFile.match(nml):
self.tag =[0]
if self.n_lScale == 0: = 1./(1. - self.radratio)
self.ri = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio)
self.vol = 4./3.*np.pi*(**3-self.ri**3)
except AttributeError as err:
if not quiet:
if self.nVarEntropyGrad == 7:
self.ampStrat_arr = np.float32(self.ampStrat_arr.split(" "))
self.rStrat_arr = np.float32(self.rStrat_arr.split(" "))
self.thickStrat_arr = np.float32(self.thickStrat_arr.split(" "))
self.slopeStrat_arr = np.float32(self.slopeStrat_arr.split(" "))
except AttributeError as err:
if not quiet:
#def __repr__(self):
#st = 'Welcome in the run {}\n'.format(self.tag)
#st += ' ---- Params ---- \n'
#st += 'Rayleigh = {:.2e}\n'.format(self.ra)
#st += 'Ekman = {:.2e}\n'.format(self.ek)
#st += 'Prandtl = {:.2e}\n'.format(
#st += 'Magnetic Prandtl = {:.2e}'.format(self.prmag)
#return st