# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from magic import MagicGraph, BLayers, ExtraPot
from .setup import labTex
from .libmagic import symmetrize, thetaderavg, rderavg, phideravg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from .vtklib import *
[docs]def sph2cart_scal(scals, radius, nx=96, ny=96, nz=96, minc=1):
This function interpolates a series of scalar fields from the spherical
coordinates to the cartesian coordinates.
:param scals: an array that contains the different scalar quantities
:type scals: numpy.ndarray[nscals,nphi,ntheta,nr]
:param radius: the input radius
:type radius: numpy.ndarray
:param nx: number of grid points in the x direction
:type nx: int
:param ny: number of grid points in the x direction
:type ny: int
:param nz: number of grid points in the x direction
:type nz: int
:param minc: azimuthal symmetry
:type minc: int
:returns: a tuple that contains the scalars, the max of the grid
and the grid spacing
:rtype: (numpy.ndarray[nscals,nz,ny,nx],float,float)
nscals, nphi, nt, nr = scals.shape
phi = np.linspace(-np.pi/minc, np.pi/minc, nphi)
theta = np.linspace(0., np.pi, nt)
# Cube: take care of the sqrt(3.) !!!
gridMax = radius.max()
spacing = 2.*gridMax/(nx-1)
Z,Y,X = np.mgrid[-1:1:nz*1j,-1:1:ny*1j,-1:1:nx*1j]*gridMax
new_r = np.sqrt(X**2+Y**2+Z**2)#.ravel()
new_phi = np.arctan2(Y, X)#.ravel()
new_theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(X**2+Y**2), Z)#.ravel()
del X,Y,Z
ir = interp1d(radius, np.arange(len(radius)), bounds_error=False)
it = interp1d(theta, np.arange(len(theta)), bounds_error=False)
ip = interp1d(phi, np.arange(len(phi)), bounds_error=False)
new_ir = ir(new_r)
new_it = it(new_theta)
new_ip = ip(new_phi)
new_ir[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
new_it[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
new_it[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
coords = np.array([new_ip, new_it, new_ir])
scals_cart = np.zeros((nscals, nz, ny, nx), 'f')
for iscal in range(nscals):
if iscal == 0: # radius has been already calculated
scals_cart[iscal, ...] = new_r
scals_cart[iscal, ...] = map_coordinates(scals[iscal, ...], coords)
scals_cart[iscal, new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
scals_cart[iscal, new_r > radius.max()] = 0.
del coords
del new_theta, new_phi
return scals_cart,gridMax,spacing
[docs]def sph2cart_vec(vecr, vect, vecp, radius, nx=96, ny=96, nz=96, minc=1):
This function interpolates a series of vector fields from the spherical
coordinates to the cartesian coordinates.
:param vecr: the radial components of the different vector fields
:type vecr: numpy.ndarray[nvecs,nphi,ntheta,nr]
:param vect: the latitudinal components of the different vector fields
:type vect: numpy.ndarray[nvecs,nphi,ntheta,nr]
:param vecp: the azimuthal components of the different vector fields
:type vecp: numpy.ndarray[nvecs,nphi,ntheta,nr]
:param radius: the input radius
:type radius: numpy.ndarray
:param nx: number of grid points in the x direction
:type nx: int
:param ny: number of grid points in the x direction
:type ny: int
:param nz: number of grid points in the x direction
:type nz: int
:param minc: azimuthal symmetry
:type minc: int
:returns: a tuple that contains the three vectors components
:rtype: (numpy.ndarray[nvecs,nz,ny,nx],...)
nvecs, nphi, nt, nr = vecr.shape
phi = np.linspace(-np.pi/minc, np.pi/minc, nphi)
theta = np.linspace(0., np.pi, nt)
# Cube: take care of the sqrt(3.) !!!
gridMax = radius.max()
spacing = 2.*gridMax/(nx-1)
Z,Y,X = np.mgrid[-1:1:nz*1j,-1:1:ny*1j,-1:1:nx*1j]*gridMax
new_r = np.sqrt(X**2+Y**2+Z**2)#.ravel()
new_phi = np.arctan2(Y, X)#.ravel()
new_theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(X**2+Y**2), Z)#.ravel()
del X,Y,Z
ir = interp1d(radius, np.arange(len(radius)), bounds_error=False)
it = interp1d(theta, np.arange(len(theta)), bounds_error=False)
ip = interp1d(phi, np.arange(len(phi)), bounds_error=False)
new_ir = ir(new_r)
new_it = it(new_theta)
new_ip = ip(new_phi)
new_ir[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
new_it[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
new_it[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
coords = np.array([new_ip, new_it, new_ir])
vecx = np.zeros((nvecs, nz, ny, nx), 'f')
vecy = np.zeros_like(vecx)
vecz = np.zeros_like(vecx)
for ivec in range(nvecs):
br_cart = map_coordinates(vecr[ivec, ...], coords)
bt_cart = map_coordinates(vect[ivec, ...], coords)
bp_cart = map_coordinates(vecp[ivec, ...], coords)
br_cart[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
bt_cart[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
bp_cart[new_r < radius.min()] = 0.
br_cart[new_r > radius.max()] = 0.
bt_cart[new_r > radius.max()] = 0.
bp_cart[new_r > radius.max()] = 0.
bs = br_cart*np.sin(new_theta)+bt_cart*np.cos(new_theta)
vecx[ivec, ...] = bs*np.cos(new_phi) - bp_cart*np.sin(new_phi)
vecy[ivec, ...] = bs*np.sin(new_phi) + bp_cart*np.cos(new_phi)
vecz[ivec, ...] = br_cart*np.cos(new_theta) - bt_cart*np.sin(new_theta)
del coords, br_cart, bp_cart
del new_theta, new_phi
return vecx,vecy,vecz
[docs]class Graph2Vtk:
This class allows to transform an input graphic file to a file format
readable by paraview/visit or mayavi. It also allows to compute a possible
potential extrapolation of the field lines in an arbitrary outer
spherical shell domain
>>> # Load a graphic file
>>> gr = MagicGraph(ivar=1)
>>> # store myOut.vts
>>> Graph2Vtk(gr, 'myOut', outType='vts')
>>> # store u' and B for the vector fields and vortz and T for the scalars
>>> Graph2Vtk(gr, scals=['temp', 'vortz'], vecs=['ufluct', 'B'])
>>> # store only T'
>>> Graph2Vtk(gr, scals=['tempfluct'], vecs=[])
>>> # store only B with its potential extrapolation up to 3*r_cmb
>>> Graph2Vtk(gr, scals=[], vecs=['B'], potExtra=True, ratio_out=3)
>>> # Extrapolate on a cartesian grid of size 128^3
>>> Graph2Vtk(gr, outType='vti', nx=128, ny=128, nz=128)
[docs] def __init__(self, gr, filename='out', scals=['vr', 'emag', 'tfluct'],
vecs=['u', 'B'], potExtra=False, ratio_out=2, nrout=32,
deminc=True, outType='vts', nFiles=1, nx=96, ny=96, nz=96,
:param filename: the file name of the output (without extension)
:type filename: str
:param gr: the input graphic file one wants to transform to vts/vti
:type gr: magic.MagicGraph
:param scals: a list that contains the possible input scalars: 'entropy',
'vr', 'vp', 'tfluct', 'vortz', 'vortzfluct', 'ekin',
'emag', 'vortr', 'colat'
:type scals: list(str)
:param vecs: a list that contains the possible input vectors: 'u',
'b', 'ufluct', 'bfluct'
:type vecs: list(str)
:param potExtra: when set to True, calculates the potential extrapolation
of the magnetic field up to ratio_out*r_cmb
:type potExtra: bool
:param ratio_out: in case of potential extrapolation, this is the ratio
of the external outer radius to r_cmb (rout/rcmb)
:type ratio_out: float
:param nrout: in case of potential extrapolation, this input allows
to specify thenumber of radial grid points in the
outer spherical envelope
:type nrout: integer
:param deminc: a logical to indicate if one wants do get rid of the
possible azimuthal symmetry
:type deminc: bool
:param outType: nature of the VTK file produced. This can be either
'vts' for the spherical grid or 'vti' for an extrapolation
on a cartesian grid
:type outType: str
:param nFiles: number of output chunks in case of parallel vts file format
:type nFiles: int
:param nx: number of grid points in the x direction
:type nx: int
:param ny: number of grid points in the x direction
:type ny: int
:param nz: number of grid points in the x direction
:type nz: int
:param labFrame: when set to True, transform the velocity to the lab frame
:type labFrame: bool
if deminc:
self.minc = 1
self.minc = gr.minc
if labFrame:
th3D = np.zeros_like(gr.vphi)
rr3D = np.zeros_like(th3D)
for i in range(gr.ntheta):
th3D[:, i, :] = gr.colatitude[i]
for i in range(gr.nr):
rr3D[:, :, i] = gr.radius[i]
s3D = rr3D * np.sin(th3D)
gr.vphi = gr.vphi+s3D/gr.ek
keyScal = {}
keyScal['radius'] = -1
keyScal['entropy'] = 1
keyScal['temperature'] = 1
keyScal['temp'] = 1
keyScal['s'] = 1
keyScal['t'] = 1
keyScal['T'] = 1
keyScal['S'] = 1
keyScal['emag'] = 2
keyScal['vortz'] = 3
keyScal['vr'] = 4
keyScal['ur'] = 4
keyScal['vp'] = 5
keyScal['vphi'] = 5
keyScal['uphi'] = 5
keyScal['vphi'] = 5
keyScal['tfluct'] = 6
keyScal['entropyfluct'] = 6
keyScal['tempfluct'] = 6
keyScal['vortzfluct'] = 7
keyScal['vortr'] = 8
keyScal['flucttemp'] = 9
keyScal['ekin'] = 10
keyScal['br'] = 11
keyScal['Br'] = 11
keyScal['vs'] = 12
keyScal['Vs'] = 12
keyScal['us'] = 12
keyScal['colat'] = 13
keyScal['theta'] = 13
keyScal['xi'] = 14
keyScal['Xi'] = 14
keyScal['xifluct'] = 15
keyScal['Xifluct'] = 15
keyScal['phase'] = 16
# Change default scalars and vectors in non-magnetic cases
if hasattr(gr, 'mode'):
if gr.mode == 1 or gr.mode == 7 or gr.mode == 10:
if 'emag' in keyScal:
if 'br' in keyScal:
if 'Br' in keyScal:
self.scalNames = np.zeros(len(scals), 'i')
for k, scal in enumerate(scals):
if scal in keyScal:
self.scalNames[k] = keyScal[scal]
self.scalNames[k] = 0
# Include the radius as the first scalar quantity
self.scalNames = np.insert(self.scalNames, 0, -1)
# Remove the possible 0
self.scalNames = self.scalNames[self.scalNames!=0]
self.nscals = len(self.scalNames)
keyVec = {}
keyVec['u'] = 1
keyVec['U'] = 1
keyVec['v'] = 1
keyVec['vel'] = 1
keyVec['V'] = 1
keyVec['ufluct'] = 2
keyVec['vfluct'] = 2
keyVec['Ufluct'] = 2
keyVec['Vfluct'] = 2
keyVec['b'] = 3
keyVec['B'] = 3
keyVec['mag'] = 3
keyVec['bfluct'] = 4
keyVec['Bfluct'] = 4
if hasattr(gr, 'mode'):
if gr.mode == 1 or gr.mode == 7 or gr.mode == 10:
if 'bfluc' in keyVec:
if 'Bfluct' in keyVec:
if 'b' in keyVec:
if 'B' in keyVec:
self.vecNames = np.zeros(len(vecs), 'i')
for k, vec in enumerate(vecs):
if vec in keyVec:
self.vecNames[k] = keyVec[vec]
self.vecNames[k] = 0
# Remove the possible 0
self.vecNames = self.vecNames[self.vecNames!=0]
self.nvecs = len(self.vecNames)
self.radius = gr.radius[::-1]
# Potential extrapolation
if potExtra and nrout != 0:
rcmb = gr.radius[0]
brCMB = gr.Br[..., 0]
pot = ExtraPot(rcmb, brCMB, gr.minc, ratio_out=ratio_out,
nrout=nrout, cutCMB=True, deminc=deminc)
self.radius = np.concatenate((gr.radius[::-1], pot.rout))
# Scalars
if deminc:
if potExtra:
self.scals = np.zeros((self.nscals, gr.nphi, gr.ntheta, gr.nr+nrout-1), 'f')
self.scals = np.zeros((self.nscals, gr.nphi, gr.ntheta, gr.nr), 'f')
if potExtra:
self.scals = np.zeros((self.nscals, gr.npI, gr.ntheta, gr.nr+nrout-1), 'f')
self.scals = np.zeros((self.nscals, gr.npI, gr.ntheta, gr.nr), 'f')
for k, index in enumerate(self.scalNames):
if index == -1: # radius
self.scals[k, ...] = self.radius
if index == 1: # entropy
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.entropy[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.entropy[..., ::-1]
elif index == 2: # magnetic energy
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(0.5*(gr.Br[..., ::-1]**2+\
gr.Btheta[..., ::-1]**2+\
gr.Bphi[..., ::-1]**2), gr.minc)
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = 0.5*(gr.Br[..., ::-1]**2+\
gr.Btheta[..., ::-1]**2+\
gr.Bphi[..., ::-1]**2)
elif index == 3 or index == 7: # z-vorticity
th3D = np.zeros_like(gr.vphi)
rr3D = np.zeros_like(th3D)
for i in range(gr.ntheta):
th3D[:, i, :] = gr.colatitude[i]
for i in range(gr.nr):
rr3D[:, :, i] = gr.radius[i]
s3D = rr3D * np.sin(th3D)
dtheta = thetaderavg(gr.vphi*s3D)
dr = rderavg(gr.vphi*s3D, gr.radius)
vs = gr.vr * np.sin(th3D) + gr.vtheta * np.cos(th3D) # 'vs'
ds = np.sin(th3D)*dr + np.cos(th3D)/rr3D*dtheta
vortz = -1./s3D*phideravg(vs, minc=gr.minc)+ds/s3D
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(vortz[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = vortz[..., ::-1]
if index == 7: # Fluctuation
self.scals[k, ...] = self.scals[k, ...]-\
self.scals[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
elif index == 4: # radial velocity
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.vr[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.vr[..., ::-1]
elif index == 5: # zonal velocity
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.vphi[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.vphi[..., ::-1]
elif index == 6: # fluctuation of entropy/temperature
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.entropy[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.entropy[..., ::-1]
self.scals[k, ...] = self.scals[k, ...]-\
self.scals[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
elif index == 8: # r-vorticity
th3D = np.zeros_like(gr.vphi)
rr3D = np.zeros_like(th3D)
for i in range(gr.ntheta):
th3D[:, i, :] = gr.colatitude[i]
for i in range(gr.nr):
rr3D[:, :, i] = gr.radius[i]
s3D = rr3D * np.sin(th3D)
vortr = 1./s3D*(thetaderavg(np.sin(th3D)*gr.vphi)-\
phideravg(gr.vtheta, gr.minc))
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(vortr[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = vortr[..., ::-1]
elif index == 9: # fluctuation of entropy/temperature (substract 1-D time-average)
bl = BLayers(iplot=False)
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.entropy[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.entropy[..., ::-1]
self.scals[k, ...] = self.scals[k, ...]-bl.ss[::-1]
elif index == 10: # kinetic energy
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(0.5*(gr.vr[..., ::-1]**2+\
gr.vtheta[..., ::-1]**2+\
gr.vphi[..., ::-1]**2), gr.minc)
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = 0.5*(gr.vr[..., ::-1]**2+\
gr.vtheta[..., ::-1]**2+\
gr.vphi[..., ::-1]**2)
elif index == 11: # radial mag field
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.Br[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.Br[..., ::-1]
elif index == 12: #cylindrical velocity
th3D = np.zeros_like(gr.vphi)
rr3D = np.zeros_like(th3D)
for i in range(gr.ntheta):
th3D[:, i, :] = gr.colatitude[i]
vs = gr.vr * np.sin(th3D) + gr.vtheta * np.cos(th3D)
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(vs[..., ::-1], gr.minc)
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = vs[..., ::-1]
elif index == 13: # Colatitude
th3D = np.zeros_like(gr.vphi)
for i in range(gr.ntheta):
th3D[:, i, :] = gr.colatitude[i]
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(th3D[..., ::-1], gr.minc)
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = th3D[..., ::-1]
if index == 14: # chemical composition
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.xi[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.xi[..., ::-1]
elif index == 15: # fluctuation of chemical composition
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.xi[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.xi[..., ::-1]
self.scals[k, ...] = self.scals[k, ...]-\
self.scals[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
elif index == 16: # phase field
if deminc:
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.phase[..., ::-1],
self.scals[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.phase[..., ::-1]
if potExtra:
if index == 2:
self.scals[k, :, :, gr.nr:] = 0.5*(pot.brout**2+pot.btout**2+\
if index == 11:
self.scals[k, :, :, gr.nr:] = pot.brout
# Vectors
if deminc:
if potExtra:
self.vecr = np.zeros((self.nvecs, gr.nphi, gr.ntheta, gr.nr+nrout-1), 'f')
self.vect = np.zeros_like(self.vecr)
self.vecp = np.zeros_like(self.vecr)
self.vecr = np.zeros((self.nvecs, gr.nphi, gr.ntheta, gr.nr), 'f')
self.vect = np.zeros_like(self.vecr)
self.vecp = np.zeros_like(self.vecr)
if potExtra:
self.vecr = np.zeros((self.nvecs, gr.npI, gr.ntheta, gr.nr+nrout-1), 'f')
self.vect = np.zeros_like(self.vecr)
self.vecp = np.zeros_like(self.vecr)
self.vecr = np.zeros((self.nvecs, gr.npI, gr.ntheta, gr.nr), 'f')
self.vect = np.zeros_like(self.vecr)
self.vecp = np.zeros_like(self.vecr)
for k, index in enumerate(self.vecNames):
if index == 1:
if deminc:
self.vecr[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.vr[..., ::-1],
self.vect[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.vtheta[..., ::-1],
self.vecp[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.vphi[..., ::-1],
self.vecr[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.vr[..., ::-1]
self.vect[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.vtheta[..., ::-1]
self.vecp[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.vphi[..., ::-1]
elif index == 2:
if deminc:
self.vecr[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.vr[..., ::-1],
self.vect[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.vtheta[..., ::-1],
self.vecp[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.vphi[..., ::-1],
self.vecr[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.vr[..., ::-1]
self.vect[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.vtheta[..., ::-1]
self.vecp[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.vphi[..., ::-1]
self.vecr[k, ...] = self.vecr[k, ...]-self.vecr[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
self.vect[k, ...] = self.vect[k, ...]-self.vect[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
self.vecp[k, ...] = self.vecp[k, ...]-self.vecp[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
elif index == 3:
if deminc:
self.vecr[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.Br[..., ::-1],
self.vect[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.Btheta[..., ::-1],
self.vecp[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.Bphi[..., ::-1],
self.vecr[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.Br[..., ::-1]
self.vect[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.Btheta[..., ::-1]
self.vecp[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.Bphi[..., ::-1]
elif index == 4:
if deminc:
self.vecr[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.Br[..., ::-1],
self.vect[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.Btheta[..., ::-1],
self.vecp[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = symmetrize(gr.Bphi[..., ::-1],
self.vecr[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.Br[..., ::-1]
self.vect[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.Btheta[..., ::-1]
self.vecp[k, :, :, 0:gr.nr] = gr.Bphi[..., ::-1]
self.vecr[k, ...] = self.vecr[k, ...]-self.vecr[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
self.vect[k, ...] = self.vect[k, ...]-self.vect[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
self.vecp[k, ...] = self.vecp[k, ...]-self.vecp[k, ...].mean(axis=0)
if potExtra:
if index == 3:
self.vecr[k, :, :, gr.nr:] = pot.brout
self.vect[k, :, :, gr.nr:] = pot.btout
self.vecp[k, :, :, gr.nr:] = pot.bpout
elif index == 4:
pot.brout = pot.brout-pot.brout.mean(axis=0)
pot.btout = pot.btout-pot.btout.mean(axis=0)
pot.bpout = pot.bpout-pot.bpout.mean(axis=0)
self.vecr[k, :, :, gr.nr:] = pot.brout
self.vect[k, :, :, gr.nr:] = pot.btout
self.vecp[k, :, :, gr.nr:] = pot.bpout
if outType == 'vts':
self.writeVTS(filename, nFiles)
elif outType == 'vti':
self.writeVTI(filename, nx, ny, nz)
[docs] def writeVTS(self, filename, nFiles):
This function stores the output on a structured-grid vts file.
:param filename: the file name of the output (without extension)
:type filename: str
:param nFiles: number of outpute files (in case of pvts)
:type nFiles: int
if self.nvecs == 0:
if nFiles == 1 and np.size(self.scals)+3*np.size(self.vecr) < 512**3:
vts_scal(filename, self.radius, self.scals, self.scalNames,
elif nFiles > 1:
pvts_scal(filename, self.radius, self.scals, self.scalNames,
nFiles, self.minc)
pvts_scal(filename, self.radius, self.scals, self.scalNames,
8, self.minc)
if nFiles == 1 and np.size(self.scals)+3*np.size(self.vecr) < 512**3:
vts(filename, self.radius, self.vecr, self.vect, self.vecp,
self.scals, self.scalNames, self.vecNames, self.minc)
elif nFiles > 1:
pvts(filename, self.radius, self.vecr, self.vect, self.vecp,
self.scals, self.scalNames, self.vecNames, nFiles, self.minc)
pvts(filename, self.radius, self.vecr, self.vect, self.vecp,
self.scals, self.scalNames, self.vecNames, 8, self.minc)
[docs] def writeVTI(self, filename, nx=96, ny=96, nz=96):
In this case, the output is extrapolated on a cartesian grid
and then written in a vti file.
:param filename: the file name of the output (without extension)
:type filename: str
:param nx: number of grid points in the x direction
:type nx: int
:param ny: number of grid points in the x direction
:type ny: int
:param nz: number of grid points in the x direction
:type nz: int
scals_cart, gridMax, spacing = sph2cart_scal(self.scals, \
self.radius, nx, ny, nz,
if self.nvecs == 0:
vti_scal(filename, scals_cart, self.scalNames, self.minc, \
gridMax, spacing)
vecx, vecy, vecz = sph2cart_vec(self.vecr, self.vect, self.vecp, \
self.radius, nx, ny, nz, self.minc)
vti(filename, vecx, vecy, vecz, scals_cart, self.scalNames,
self.vecNames, self.minc, gridMax, spacing)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ivar = 1
g = MagicGraph(ivar=ivar)
Graph2Vtk(g, scals=['tfluct', 'emag'], vecs=['b'], potExtra=True)