Source code for magic.cyl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .libmagic import anelprof, cylSder, cylZder, phideravg, symmetrize, \
from .plotlib import cut
from magic import MagicGraph, MagicSetup
from magic.setup import labTex, buildSo
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import os
import pickle

if buildSo:
        from magic.cylavg import *
        zavgMode = 'f2py'
    except ImportError:
        zavgMode = 'python'
    zavgMode = 'python'

[docs] def sph2cyl_plane(data, rad, ns): r""" This function extrapolates a phi-slice of a spherical shell on a cylindrical grid >>> # Read G_1.test >>> gr = MagicGraph(ivar=1, tag='test') >>> # phi-average v_\phi and s >>> vpm = gr.vphi.mean(axis=0) >>> sm = gr.entropy.mean(axis=0) >>> # Interpolate on a cylindrical grid >>> Z, S, outputs = sph2cyl_plane([vpm, sm], gr.radius, 512, 1024) >>> vpm_cyl, sm_cyl = outputs :param data: a list of 2-D arrays [(ntheta, nr), (ntheta, nr), ...] :type data: list(numpy.ndarray) :param rad: radius :type rad: numpy.ndarray :param ns: number of grid points in s direction :type ns: int :returns: a python tuple that contains two numpy.ndarray and a list (S,Z,output). S[nz,ns] is a meshgrid that contains the radial coordinate. Z[nz,ns] is a meshgrid that contains the vertical coordinate. output=[arr1[nz,ns], ..., arrN[nz,ns]] is a list of the interpolated array on the cylindrical grid. :rtype: tuple """ ntheta, nr = data[0].shape theta = np.linspace(0., np.pi, ntheta) nz = 2*ns if zavgMode == 'f2py': cylRad = np.linspace(0., rad[0], ns) output = [] for dat in data: Z, dat_cyl = sph_to_cyl(dat, rad, cylRad, theta) output.append(dat_cyl) return cylRad, Z, output else: radius = rad[::-1] theta = np.linspace(0., np.pi, ntheta) Z, S = np.mgrid[-radius.max():radius.max():nz*1j,0:radius.max():ns*1j] new_r = np.sqrt(S**2+Z**2).ravel() new_theta = np.arctan2(S, Z).ravel() ir = interp1d(radius, np.arange(len(radius)), bounds_error=False) it = interp1d(theta, np.arange(len(theta)), bounds_error=False) new_ir = ir(new_r) new_it = it(new_theta) new_ir[new_r > radius.max()] = len(radius)-1. new_ir[new_r < radius.min()] = 0. coords = np.array([new_it, new_ir]) output = [] for dat in data: dat_cyl = map_coordinates(dat[:, ::-1], coords, order=3) dat_cyl[new_r > radius.max()] = 0. dat_cyl[new_r < radius.min()] = 0. dat_cyl = dat_cyl.reshape((nz, ns)) output.append(dat_cyl) return S, Z, output
if zavgMode == 'f2py': def zavg(input, radius, ns, minc, save=True, filename='vp.pickle', normed=True, colat=None): """ This function computes a z-integration of a list of input arrays (on the spherical grid). This works well for 2-D (phi-slice) arrays. In case of 3-D arrays, only one element is allowed (too demanding otherwise). :param input: a list of 2-D or 3-D arrays :type input: list(numpy.ndarray) :param radius: spherical radius :type radius: numpy.ndarray :param ns: radial resolution of the cylindrical grid (nz=2*ns) :type ns: int :param minc: azimuthal symmetry :type minc: int :param save: a boolean to specify if one wants to save the outputs into a pickle (default is True) :type save: bool :param filename: name of the output pickle when save=True :type filename: str :param normed: a boolean to specify if ones wants to simply integrate over z or compute a z-average (default is True: average) :type normed: bool :param colat: an optional array containing the colatitudes :type colat: numpy.ndarray :returns: a python tuple that contains two numpy.ndarray and a list (height,cylRad,output) height[ns] is the height of the spherical shell for all radii. cylRad[ns] is the cylindrical radius. output=[arr1[ns], ..., arrN[ns]] contains the z-integrated output arrays. :rtype: tuple """ ro = radius[0] ri = radius[-1] cylRad = np.linspace(ro, 0., ns) if len(input[0].shape) == 3: ntheta = input[0].shape[1] elif len(input[0].shape) == 2: ntheta = input[0].shape[0] if colat is None: theta = np.linspace(0., np.pi, ntheta) else: theta = colat height = np.zeros_like(cylRad) height[cylRad >= ri] = 2.*np.sqrt(ro**2-cylRad[cylRad >= ri]**2) height[cylRad < ri] = 2.*(np.sqrt(ro**2-cylRad[cylRad < ri]**2) -np.sqrt(ri**2-cylRad[cylRad < ri]**2)) if len(input[0].shape) == 3: nphi = input[0].shape[0] phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi/minc, nphi) output = np.zeros((nphi, ns), dtype=input[0].dtype) for iphi in progressbar(range(nphi)): output[iphi, :] = cylmean(input[0][iphi, ...], radius, cylRad, theta) if not normed: output[iphi, :] *= height if save: nphi, ntheta, nr = input[0].shape file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump([height, cylRad, phi, output], file) # cylindrical average pickle.dump([radius, phi, input[0][:, ntheta//2, :]], file) # equatorial cut file.close() return height, cylRad, phi, output elif len(input[0].shape) == 2: output = [] for dat in input: outIntZ = np.zeros(ns, dtype=dat.dtype) outIntZ = cylmean(dat, radius, cylRad, theta) if not normed: outIntZ *= height output.append(outIntZ) if save: file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump([radius, cylRad, height], file) # cylindrical average for k,out in enumerate(output): pickle.dump(out, file) # cylindrical average ntheta, nr = input[k].shape pickle.dump(input[k][ntheta//2, :], file) # equatorial cut file.close() return height, cylRad, output else:
[docs] def zavg(input, radius, ns, minc, save=True, filename='vp.pickle', normed=True): """ This function computes a z-integration of a list of input arrays (on the spherical grid). This works well for 2-D (phi-slice) arrays. In case of 3-D arrays, only one element is allowed (too demanding otherwise). :param input: a list of 2-D or 3-D arrays :type input: list(numpy.ndarray) :param radius: spherical radius :type radius: numpy.ndarray :param ns: radial resolution of the cylindrical grid (nz=2*ns) :type ns: int :param minc: azimuthal symmetry :type minc: int :param save: a boolean to specify if one wants to save the outputs into a pickle (default is True) :type save: bool :param filename: name of the output pickle when save=True :type filename: str :param normed: a boolean to specify if ones wants to simply integrate over z or compute a z-average (default is True: average) :type normed: bool :returns: a python tuple that contains two numpy.ndarray and a list (height,cylRad,output) height[ns] is the height of the spherical shell for all radii. cylRad[ns] is the cylindrical radius. output=[arr1[ns], ..., arrN[ns]] contains the z-integrated output arrays. :rtype: tuple """ nz = 2*ns ro = radius[0] ri = radius[-1] z = np.linspace(-ro, ro, nz) cylRad = np.linspace(0., ro, ns) cylRad = cylRad[1:-1] height = np.zeros_like(cylRad) height[cylRad >= ri] = 2.*np.sqrt(ro**2-cylRad[cylRad >= ri]**2) height[cylRad < ri] = 2.*(np.sqrt(ro**2-cylRad[cylRad < ri]**2) -np.sqrt(ri**2-cylRad[cylRad < ri]**2)) if len(input[0].shape) == 3: nphi = input[0].shape[0] phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi/minc, nphi) output = np.zeros((nphi, ns-2), dtype=input[0].dtype) for iphi in progressbar(range(nphi)): Z, S, out2D = sph2cyl_plane([input[0][iphi, ...]], radius, ns) S = S[:, 1:-1] Z = Z[:, 1:-1] output[iphi, :] = np.trapz(out2D[0][:, 1:-1], z, axis=0) if normed: output[iphi, :] /= height if save: nphi, ntheta, nr = input[0].shape file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump([cylRad, phi, output], file) # cylindrical average pickle.dump([radius, phi, input[0][:, ntheta//2, :]], file) # equatorial cut file.close() return height, cylRad, phi, output elif len(input[0].shape) == 2: Z, S, out2D = sph2cyl_plane(input, radius, ns) S = S[:, 1:-1] Z = Z[:, 1:-1] output = [] outIntZ = np.zeros((ns-2), dtype=input[0].dtype) for k,out in enumerate(out2D): outIntZ = np.trapz(out[:, 1:-1], z, axis=0) if normed: outIntZ /= height output.append(outIntZ) if save: file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump([radius, cylRad, height], file) # cylindrical average for k,out in enumerate(output): pickle.dump(out, file) # cylindrical average ntheta, nr = input[k].shape pickle.dump(input[k][ntheta//2, :], file) # equatorial cut file.close() return height, cylRad, output
[docs] def sph2cyl(g, ns=None, nz=None): """ This function interpolates the three flow (or magnetic field) components of a :ref:`G_#.TAG <secGraphFile>` file on a cylindrical grid of size (ns, nz). .. warning:: This might be really slow! :param g: input graphic output file :type g: :py:class:`magic.MagicGraph` :param ns: number of grid points in the radial direction :type ns: int :param nz: number of grid points in the vertical direction :type nz: int :returns: a python tuple of five numpy.ndarray (S,Z,vs,vp_cyl,vz). S[nz,ns] is a meshgrid that contains the radial coordinate. Z[nz,ns] is a meshgrid that contains the vertical coordinate. vs[nz,ns] is the radial component of the velocity (or magnetic field), vp_cyl[nz,ns] the azimuthal component and vz[nz,ns] the vertical component. :rtype: tuple """ if ns is None or nz is None: ns = ; nz = 2*ns theta = np.linspace(0., np.pi, g.ntheta) radius = g.radius[::-1] Z, S = np.mgrid[-radius.max():radius.max():nz*1j,0:radius.max():ns*1j] new_r = np.sqrt(S**2+Z**2).ravel() new_theta = np.arctan2(S, Z).ravel() ir = interp1d(radius, np.arange(len(radius)), bounds_error=False) it = interp1d(theta, np.arange(len(theta)), bounds_error=False) new_ir = ir(new_r) new_it = it(new_theta) new_ir[new_r > radius.max()] = len(radius)-1. new_ir[new_r < radius.min()] = 0. coords = np.array([new_it, new_ir]) vr_cyl = np.zeros((g.npI, nz, ns), dtype=g.vr.dtype) vp_cyl = np.zeros_like(vr_cyl) vt_cyl = np.zeros_like(vr_cyl) for k in progressbar(range(g.npI)): dat = map_coordinates(g.vphi[k, :, ::-1], coords, order=3) dat[new_r > radius.max()] = 0. dat[new_r < radius.min()] = 0. vp_cyl[k, ...] = dat.reshape((nz, ns)) dat = map_coordinates(g.vtheta[k, :, ::-1], coords, order=3) dat[new_r > radius.max()] = 0. dat[new_r < radius.min()] = 0. vt_cyl[k, ...] = dat.reshape((nz, ns)) dat = map_coordinates(g.vr[k, :, ::-1], coords, order=3) dat[new_r > radius.max()] = 0. dat[new_r < radius.min()] = 0. vr_cyl[k, ...] = dat.reshape((nz, ns)) th3D = np.zeros((g.npI, nz, ns), dtype=g.vr.dtype) for i in range(g.npI): th3D[i, ...] = np.arctan2(S, Z) vs = vr_cyl * np.sin(th3D) + vt_cyl * np.cos(th3D) vz = vr_cyl * np.cos(th3D) - vt_cyl * np.sin(th3D) return S, Z, vs, vp_cyl, vz
[docs] class Cyl(MagicSetup): r""" This class allows to extrapolate a given :ref:`graphic file <secGraphFile>` on a cylindrical grid. Once done, the extrapolated file is stored in a python.pickle file. It is then possible to display 2-D cuts of the extrapolated arrays (radial cuts, phi-averages, equatorial cuts, z-averages and phi-slices) .. warning:: This process is actually **very demanding** and it might take a lot of time to extrapolate the G_#.TAG file. Be careful when choosing the input value of ns! >>> # Extrapolate the G file to the cylindrical grid (ns=128, nz=2*ns) >>> c = Cyl(ivar=1, ns=128) >>> # Radial cut of v_r >>>'vr', r=0.8) >>> # Vertical average of B_\phi >>> c.avgz(field='Bphi', cm='seismic', levels=33) >>> # Azimuthal average of v_\phi >>> c.avg(field='Bphi') >>> # Equatorial cut of of v_theta >>> c.equat(field='vtheta') """
[docs] def __init__(self, ivar=1, datadir='.', ns=None): """ :param ivar: the number of the Graphic file :type ivar: int :param datadir: working directory :type datadir: str :param ns: number of grid points in the radial direction :type ns: int """ MagicSetup.__init__(self, datadir) self.datadir = datadir filename = '{}G_{}.{}'.format('cyl', ivar, self.tag) if not os.path.exists(filename): print("sph2cyl...") gr = MagicGraph(ivar=ivar, datadir=self.datadir) if ns is None: self.ns = = 2*self.ns else: self.ns = ns = 2*ns self.nphi = gr.nphi self.npI = gr.npI self.minc = gr.minc = gr.radius[0] self.ri = gr.radius[-1] self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz = sph2cyl(gr, self.ns, file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump([self.ns,, self.nphi, self.npI, self.minc], file) pickle.dump([, self.ri], file) pickle.dump([self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz], file) file.close() else: print("read cyl file") file = open(filename, 'r') self.ns,, self.nphi, self.npI, self.minc = pickle.load(file), self.ri = pickle.load(file) self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz = \ pickle.load(file) file.close() self.radius = np.linspace(0.,, self.ns) temp0, rho0, beta0 = anelprof(np.linspace(, self.ri, self.ns), self.strat, self.polind) rho = np.zeros((self.nphi/2, self.ns), dtype=self.vr.dtype) beta = np.zeros_like(rho) for i in range(self.nphi/2): rho[i, :] = rho0 beta[i, :] = beta0 Z, S, [rho, beta] = sph2cyl_plane([rho,beta], np.linspace(, self.ri, self.ns), self.ns) self.rho = np.zeros_like(self.vs) self.beta = np.zeros_like(self.vs) for i in range(self.npI): self.rho[i, ...] = rho self.beta[i, ...] = beta self.z = np.linspace(,,
[docs] def surf(self, field='Bphi', r=0.85, vmin=None, vmax=None, levels=16, cm='RdYlBu_r', normed=True, figsize=None): r""" Plot the surface distribution of an input field at a given input radius (normalised by the outer boundary radius). >>> c = Cyl(ns=65) >>> # Surface plot of B_\phi from -10 to 10 >>>'Bphi', r=0.6, vmin=-10, vmax=10, levels=65) :param field: name of the input field :type field: str :param r: radial level (normalised to the outer boundary radius) :type r: float :param levels: number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cm: name of the color map :type cm: str :param normed: when set to True, the contours are normalised fro -max(field), max(field) :type normed: bool :param vmin: truncate the contour levels to values > vmin :type vmin: float :param vmax: truncate the contour levels to values < vmax :type vmax: float """ r /= (1-self.ri/ # as we give a normalised radius ind = np.nonzero(np.where(abs(self.radius-r) \ == min(abs(self.radius-r)), 1, 0)) indPlot = ind[0][0] if field in ('Vr', 'vr', 'Ur', 'ur'): data = self.vp label = 'Radial velocity' elif field in ('Vphi', 'vphi', 'Uphi', 'uphi', 'up', 'Up', 'Vp', 'vp'): data = self.vphi if labTex: label = r'$V_{\phi}$' else: label = 'vphi' elif field in ('Vs', 'vs'): data = self.vs label = 'Vs' elif field in ('Vz', 'vz'): data = self.vz label = 'Vz' phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, self.nphi) data[..., indPlot] = cut(data[..., indPlot], vmax, vmin) data = symmetrize(data, self.minc) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) im = ax.contourf(phi, self.z, data[..., indPlot].T, levels, cmap=cmap, aa=True) rad = self.radius[indPlot] * (1. - self.ri/ if labTex: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\phi$', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel(r'$z$', fontsize=18) ax.set_title('{}: $r/r_o$ = {:.3f}'.format(label, rad), fontsize=24) else: ax.set_xlabel('phi', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel('z', fontsize=18) ax.set_title('{}: r/ro = {:.3f}'.format(label, rad), fontsize=24) cbar = plt.colorbar(im) if field not in ['entropy', 's', 'S'] and normed is True: im.set_clim(-max(abs(data[..., indPlot].max()), abs(data[..., indPlot].min())), max(abs(data[..., indPlot].max()), abs(data[..., indPlot].min())))
[docs] def equat(self, field='vs', levels=16, cm='RdYlBu_r', normed=True, vmax=None, vmin=None): r""" Plot an input field in the equatorial plane. >>> c = Cyl(ns=65) >>> # Equatorial cut of v_\phi >>> c.equat(field='vphi', cm='seismic', levels=33) :param field: name of the input field :type field: str :param levels: number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cm: name of the color map :type cm: str :param normed: when set to True, the contours are normalised fro -max(field), max(field) :type normed: bool :param vmin: truncate the contour levels to values > vmin :type vmin: float :param vmax: truncate the contour levels to values < vmax :type vmax: float """ if field in ('Vr', 'vr', 'Ur', 'ur'): data = self.vp label = 'Radial velocity' elif field in ('beta'): data = self.beta if labTex: label = r'$\beta$' else: label = 'beta' elif field in ('Vphi', 'vphi', 'Uphi', 'uphi', 'up', 'Up', 'Vp', 'vp'): data = self.vphi if labTex: label = r'$v_{\phi}$' else: label = 'vphi' elif field in ('Vs', 'vs'): data = self.vs label = r'$v_s$' elif field in ('Vz', 'vz'): data = self.vz if labTex: label = r'$v_z$' else: label = 'vz' elif field in ('dvz'): data = cylZder(self.z, self.vz) if labTex: label = r'$\partial v_z/\partial z$' else: label = 'dvzdz' elif field in ('anel'): betas = cylSder(self.radius, np.log(self.rho)) betaz = cylZder(self.z, np.log(self.rho)) data = self.vs * betas + self.vz * betaz if labTex: label = r'$\beta v_r$' else: label = 'beta vr' elif field in ('Cr', 'cr'): vp = self.vphi.copy()-self.vphi.mean(axis=0) # convective vp data = self.rho * self.vs * vp if labTex: label = r'$\langle \rho v_s v_\phi\rangle$' else: label = 'rho vs vphi' equator = data[:,,:] equator = cut(equator, vmax, vmin) equator = symmetrize(equator, self.minc) phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, self.nphi) rr, pphi = np.meshgrid(self.radius, phi) xx = rr * np.cos(pphi) yy = rr * np.sin(pphi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.25, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm) im = ax.contourf(xx, yy, equator, levels, cmap=cmap) ax.plot(self.ri * np.cos(phi), self.ri*np.sin(phi), 'k-') ax.plot( * np.cos(phi),*np.sin(phi), 'k-') ax.set_title(label, fontsize=24) ax.axis('off') fig.colorbar(im) if field not in ['entropy', 's', 'S'] and normed is True: im.set_clim(-max(abs(equator.max()), abs(equator.min())), max(abs(equator.max()), abs(equator.min())))
[docs] def avg(self, field='Bphi', levels=16, cm='RdYlBu_r', normed=True, vmax=None, vmin=None): """ Plot the azimutal average of a given field. >>> c = Cyl(ns=65) >>> # Azimuthal average of B_r >>> c.avg(field='Br', cm='seismic', levels=33) :param field: name of the input field :type field: str :param levels: number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cm: name of the color map :type cm: str :param normed: when set to True, the contours are normalised fro -max(field), max(field) :type normed: bool :param vmin: truncate the contour levels to values > vmin :type vmin: float :param vmax: truncate the contour levels to values < vmax :type vmax: float """ if field in ('Vr', 'vr', 'Ur', 'ur'): data = self.vp label = 'Radial velocity' elif field in ('Vphi', 'vphi', 'Uphi', 'uphi', 'up', 'Up', 'Vp', 'vp'): data = self.vphi if labTex: label = r'$V_{\phi}$' else: label = 'vphi' elif field in ('Vs', 'vs'): data = self.vs label = 'Vs' elif field in ('Vz', 'vz'): data = self.vz label = 'Vz' elif field in ('rho'): data = self.rho if labTex: label = r'$\rho$' else: label = 'rho' elif field in ('Cr', 'cr'): vp = self.vphi.copy()-self.vphi.mean(axis=0) # convective vp data = self.vs * vp denom = np.sqrt(np.mean(self.vs**2, axis=0)* np.mean(vp**2, axis=0)) if labTex: label = r'$\langle v_s v_\phi\rangle$' else: label = 'vs vphi' th = np.linspace(0., np.pi, 128) if field not in ('Cr', 'cr'): phiavg = data.mean(axis=0) else: mask = np.where(denom == 0, 1, 0) phiavg = data.mean(axis=0)/(denom+mask) m1 = np.sqrt(self.S**2+self.Z**2) >= self.ri m2 = np.sqrt(self.S**2+self.Z**2) <= m3 = self.S <= self.ri m4 = self.S >= self.ri print('Correlation', phiavg[m1*m2].mean()) print('Correlation out TC', phiavg[m1*m2*m4].mean()) print('Correlation in TC', phiavg[m1*m2*m3].mean()) phiavg = cut(phiavg, vmax, vmin) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5.5, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm) im = ax.contourf(self.S, self.Z, phiavg, levels, cmap=cmap) ax.plot(self.ri*np.sin(th), self.ri*np.cos(th), 'k-') ax.plot(*np.sin(th),*np.cos(th), 'k-') ax.plot([0., 0], [self.ri,], 'k-') ax.plot([0., 0], [-self.ri,], 'k-') ax.set_title(label, fontsize=24) ax.axis('off') fig.colorbar(im) if field not in ['entropy', 's', 'S'] and normed is True: im.set_clim(-max(abs(phiavg.max()), abs(phiavg.min())), max(abs(phiavg.max()), abs(phiavg.min())))
[docs] def avgz(self, field='vs', levels=16, cm='RdYlBu_r', normed=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, avg=False): """ Plot the vertical average of a given field. >>> c = Cyl(ns=65) >>> # Vertical average of v_s >>> c.avg(field='vs', cm='seismic', levels=33) :param field: name of the input field :type field: str :param levels: number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cm: name of the color map :type cm: str :param normed: when set to True, the contours are normalised fro -max(field), max(field) :type normed: bool :param vmin: truncate the contour levels to values > vmin :type vmin: float :param vmax: truncate the contour levels to values < vmax :type vmax: float :param avg: when set to True, an additional figure with the phi-average profile is also displayed :type avg: bool """ phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, self.nphi) rr, pphi = np.meshgrid(self.radius, phi) xx = rr * np.cos(pphi) yy = rr * np.sin(pphi) if field in ('Vr', 'vr', 'Ur', 'ur'): data = self.vphi label = 'Radial velocity' elif field in ('betaz'): betaz = cylZder(self.z, np.log(self.rho)) data = self.vz * betaz data *= self.vs if labTex: label = r'$\beta_z u_z$' else: label = 'betaz uz' elif field in ('betas'): betas = cylSder(self.radius, np.log(self.rho)) data = self.vs * betas data *= self.vs if labTex: label = r'$\beta_s u_s$' else: label = 'betas us' elif field in ('rho'): data = self.rho if labTex: label = r'$\rho$' else: label = 'rho' elif field in ('anel'): vp = self.vphi.copy()-self.vphi.mean(axis=0) # convective vp betas = cylSder(self.radius, np.log(self.rho)) betaz = cylZder(self.z, np.log(self.rho)) data = self.vs * betas + self.vz * betaz data1 = cylSder(self.radius, self.vphi*self.S)-phideravg(self.vs, self.minc) mask = np.where(self.S == 0, 1, 0) data1 = data1/(self.S+mask) data *= data1 if labTex: label = r'$\beta u_r$' else: label = 'beta ur' elif field in ('vortz'): data = cylSder(self.radius, self.vphi*self.S)-phideravg(self.vs, self.minc) mask = np.where(self.S == 0, 1, 0) data = data/(self.S+mask) if labTex: label = r'$\omega_z$' else: label = 'omegaz' elif field in ('vopot'): data = cylSder(self.radius, self.vphi*self.S)-phideravg(self.vs, self.minc) mask = np.where(self.S == 0, 1, 0) data = data/(self.S+mask) data = data-2./self.ek*np.log(self.rho) label = 'vopot' elif field in ('Vphi', 'vphi', 'Uphi', 'uphi', 'up', 'Up', 'Vp', 'vp'): data = self.vphi if labTex: label = r'$V_{\phi}$' else: label = 'vphi' elif field in ('Vs', 'vs'): data = self.vs if labTex: label = r'$v_s$' else: label = 'vs' elif field in ('Vz', 'vz'): data = self.vz if labTex: label = r'$v_z$' else: label = 'vz' elif field in ('vpc'): data = self.vphi.copy()-self.vphi.mean(axis=0) # convective vp if labTex: label = r'$v_p$ conv' else: label = 'vphi conv' elif field in ('Cr', 'cr'): vp = self.vphi.copy()-self.vphi.mean(axis=0) # convective vp data = self.rho * self.vs * vp denom = np.zeros((self.npI, self.ns), dtype=vp.dtype) if labTex: label = r'$\langle \rho v_s v_\phi\rangle$' else: label = 'rho vs vphi' elif field in ('reynolds'): vp = self.vphi.copy()-self.vphi.mean(axis=0) # convective vp phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, self.npI) data = self.rho * self.vs * vp if labTex: label = r'$\rho v_s v_\phi$' else: label = 'rho vs vphi' elif field in ('vsvp'): vp = self.vphi.copy()-self.vphi.mean(axis=0) # convective vp phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, self.npI) data = self.vs * vp if labTex: label = r'$v_s v_\phi$' else: label = 'vs vphi' elif field in ('vrvs'): th2D = np.arctan2(self.S, self.Z) vr = self.vs * np.sin(th2D) + self.vz * np.cos(th2D) phi = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, self.npI) data = self.vs * vr denom = np.zeros((self.npI, self.ns), dtype=vr.dtype) if labTex: label = r'$\rho v_s v_r$' else: label = 'rho vs vr' elif field in ('dvz'): data = cylZder(self.z, self.vz) data1 = cylSder(self.radius, self.vphi*self.S)-phideravg(self.vs, self.minc) mask = np.where(self.S == 0, 1, 0) data1 = data1/(self.S+mask) data *= data1 if labTex: label = r'$\partial v_z/\partial z$' else: label = 'dvz/dz' elif field in ('balance'): if labTex: label = r'$\partial v_z/\partial z+\beta v_r$' else: label = 'dvz/dz + beta*vr' data = cylZder(self.z, self.vz) betas = cylSder(self.radius, np.log(self.rho)) betaz = cylZder(self.z, np.log(self.rho)) data1 = self.vs * betas + self.vz * betaz data += data1 data2 = cylSder(self.radius, self.vphi*self.S)-phideravg(self.vs, self.minc) mask = np.where(self.S == 0, 1, 0) data2 = data2/(self.S+mask) data *= data2 equator = np.zeros((self.npI, self.ns), dtype=self.vs.dtype) for i, rad in enumerate(self.radius): if rad <= self.ri: zo = np.sqrt(**2-rad**2) zi = np.sqrt(self.ri**2-rad**2) m1 = abs(self.z) <= zo m2 = abs(self.z) >= zi equator[:, i] = data[:, m1*m2, i].mean(axis=1) if field in ('Cr', 'cr'): denom[:, i] = np.sqrt( \ np.mean(self.rho[:, m1*m2, i]*self.vs[:, m1*m2, i]**2, axis=1)\ * np.mean(self.rho[:, m1*m2, i]*vp[:, m1*m2, i]**2, axis=1)) elif field in ('vrvs'): denom[:, i] = np.sqrt( \ np.mean(vr[:, m1*m2, i]**2, axis=1)\ * np.mean(self.vs[:, m1*m2, i]**2, axis=1)) elif rad > self.ri and rad < zo = np.sqrt(**2-rad**2) m1 = self.z >= -zo m2 = self.z <= zo equator[:, i] = data[:, m1*m2, i].mean(axis=1) if field in ('Cr', 'cr'): denom[:, i] = np.sqrt( \ np.mean(self.rho[:, m1*m2, i]*self.vs[:, m1*m2, i]**2, axis=1)\ * np.mean(self.rho[:, m1*m2, i]*vp[:, m1*m2, i]**2, axis=1)) elif field in ('vrvs'): denom[:, i] = np.sqrt( \ np.mean(vr[:, m1*m2, i]**2, axis=1)\ * np.mean(self.vs[:, m1*m2, i]**2, axis=1)) if field in ('Cr', 'cr', 'vrvs'): mask = np.where(denom == 0, 1, 0) equator /= (denom+mask) equator = cut(equator, vmax, vmin) equator = symmetrize(equator, self.minc) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.25, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm) im = ax.contourf(xx, yy, equator, levels, cmap=cmap) ax.plot(self.ri * np.cos(phi), self.ri*np.sin(phi), 'k-') ax.plot( * np.cos(phi),*np.sin(phi), 'k-') ax.set_title(label, fontsize=24) ax.axis('off') fig.colorbar(im) if avg: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if field in ('vphi'): dat = np.mean(equator, axis=0) dat = dat[:-1] ax.plot(self.radius[:-1], dat) else: ax.plot(self.radius, np.mean(equator, axis=0)) ax.set_xlabel('Radius', fontsize=18) ax.set_xlim(0, self.radius.max()) if field not in ['entropy', 's', 'S'] and normed is True: im.set_clim(-max(abs(equator.max()), abs(equator.min())), max(abs(equator.max()), abs(equator.min())))
[docs] def slice(self, field='Bphi', lon_0=0., levels=16, cm='RdYlBu_r', normed=True): """ Plot an azimuthal slice of a given field. >>> c = Cyl(ns=65) >>> # Slices of v_r at 30 and 60 degrees >>> c.slice(field='vr', lon_0=[30, 60]) :param field: name of the input field :type field: str :param lon_0: the longitude of the slice in degrees, or a list of longitudes :type lon_0: float or list :param levels: number of contour levels :type levels: int :param cm: name of the color map :type cm: str :param normed: when set to True, the contours are normalised fro -max(field), max(field) :type normed: bool """ if field in ('Vr', 'vr', 'Ur', 'ur'): data = self.vp label = 'Radial velocity' elif field in ('Vphi', 'vphi', 'Uphi', 'uphi', 'up', 'Up', 'Vp', 'vp'): data = self.vphi if labTex: label = r'$v_{phi}$' else: label = 'vphi' elif field in ('Vs', 'vs'): data = self.vs if labTex: label = r'$v_s$' else: label = 'vs' elif field in ('Vz', 'vz'): data = self.vz if labTex: label = r'$v_z$' else: label = 'vz' data = symmetrize(data, self.minc) th = np.linspace(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, 128) phi = np.linspace(0., 360, self.nphi) lon_0 = np.asarray(lon_0) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm) if len(lon_0) > 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3.5*len(lon_0), 5.1)) for k, lon in enumerate(lon_0): ind = np.nonzero(np.where(abs(phi-lon) \ == min(abs(phi-lon)), 1, 0)) indPlot = ind[0][0] phislice = data[indPlot, ...] ax = fig.add_subplot(1,len(lon_0),k+1, frameon=False) im = ax.contourf(self.S, self.Z, phislice, levels, cmap=cmap) ax.plot(*np.cos(th),*np.sin(th), 'k-') ax.plot(self.ri*np.cos(th), self.ri*np.sin(th), 'k-') ax.plot([0., 0], [self.ri,], 'k-') ax.plot([0., 0], [-self.ri,], 'k-') ax.axis('off') ax.set_title(label+r' ${}^\circ$'.format(lon)) #fig.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal') else: ind = np.nonzero(np.where(abs(phi-lon_0[0]) \ == min(abs(phi-lon_0[0])), 1, 0)) indPlot = ind[0][0] phislice = data[indPlot, ...] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5.5, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) im = ax.contourf(self.S, self.Z, phislice, levels, cmap=cmap) ax.plot(*np.cos(th),*np.sin(th), 'k-') ax.plot(self.ri*np.cos(th), self.ri*np.sin(th), 'k-') ax.plot([0., 0], [self.ri,], 'k-') ax.plot([0., 0], [-self.ri,], 'k-') ax.set_title(label, fontsize=24) ax.axis('off') fig.colorbar(im) if field not in ['entropy', 's', 'S'] and normed is True: im.set_clim(-max(abs(phislice.max()), abs(phislice.min())), max(abs(phislice.max()), abs(phislice.min())))
if __name__ == '__main__': c = Cyl(ivar=1) c.equat(field='vs', normed=False)