# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import re
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.interpolate as S
from magic.plotlib import cut
from magic.setup import labTex
from .npfile import *
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.integrate import simpson as simps
class Butterfly:
This class can be used to display the time evolution of the magnetic field for
various latitudes (i.e. the well-known butterfly diagrams). These diagrams are
usually constructed using MagIC's :ref:`movie files <secMovieFile>`: either
radial cuts (like Br_CMB_mov.TAG) or azimuthal-average (like AB_mov.TAG).
>>> # Read Br_CMB_mov.ccondAnelN3MagRa2e7Pm2ggg
>>> t1 = Butterfly(file='Br_CMB_mov.ccondAnelN3MagRa2e7Pm2ggg', step=1,
>>> # Plot it
>>> t1.plot(levels=33, cm='seismic', cut=0.6)
def __init__(self, file=None, step=1, iplot=True, rad=0.8,
lastvar=None, nvar='all', levels=20, cm='RdYlBu_r',
precision=np.float32, cut=0.8):
:param file: when specified, the constructor reads this file, otherwise
a list with the possible options is displayed
:type file: str
:param rad: radial level (normalised to the outer boundary radius)
:type rad: float
:param iplot: display/hide the plots (default is True)
:type iplot: bool
:param nvar: the number of time steps (lines) of the movie file one
wants to plot starting from the last line
:type nvar: int
:param lastvar: the number of the last time step to be read
:type lastvar: int
:param step: the stepping between two lines
:type step: int
:param levels: the number of contour levels
:type levels: int
:param cm: the name of the color map
:type cm: str
:param cut: adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut
:type cut: float
:param precision: precision of the input file, np.float32 for single
precision, np.float64 for double precision
:type precision: bool
self.precision = precision
if file is None:
dat = glob.glob('*_mov.*')
str1 = 'Which movie do you want ?\n'
for k, movie in enumerate(dat):
str1 += ' {}) {}\n'.format(k+1, movie)
index = input(str1)
filename = dat[int(index)-1]
except IndexError:
print('Non valid index: {} has been chosen instead'.format(dat[0]))
filename = dat[0]
filename = file
mot = re.compile(r'.*_mov\.(.*)')
end = mot.findall(filename)[0]
logfile = open('log.{}'.format(end), 'r')
mot = re.compile(r' ! WRITING MOVIE FRAME NO\s*(\d*).*')
for line in logfile.readlines():
if mot.match(line):
nlines = int(mot.findall(line)[0])
if lastvar is None:
self.var2 = nlines
self.var2 = lastvar
if str(nvar) == 'all':
self.nvar = nlines
self.var2 = nlines
self.nvar = nvar
# READ the movie file
infile = npfile(filename, endian='B')
version = infile.fort_read('|S64')
n_type, n_surface, const, n_fields = infile.fort_read(self.precision)
movtype = infile.fort_read(self.precision)
self.movtype = int(movtype)
n_surface = int(n_surface)
runid = infile.fort_read('|S64')
n_r_mov_tot, n_r_max, n_theta_max, n_phi_tot, minc, self.ra, \
self.ek, self.pr, self.prmag, self.radratio, tScale = infile.fort_read(self.precision)
self.n_r_max = int(n_r_max)
self.n_theta_max = int(n_theta_max)
self.n_phi_tot = int(n_phi_tot)
self.rad = rad
self.radius = infile.fort_read(self.precision)
ind = np.nonzero(np.where(abs(self.radius-self.rad) \
== min(abs(self.radius-self.rad)), 1, 0))
self.indPlot = ind[0][0]
self.theta = infile.fort_read(self.precision)
self.phi = infile.fort_read(self.precision)
if n_surface == 0:
self.surftype = '3d volume'
shape = (self.n_r_max, self.n_theta_max, self.n_phi_tot)
elif n_surface == 1:
self.surftype = 'r_constant'
shape = (self.n_theta_max, self.n_phi_tot)
self.data = np.zeros((self.n_theta_max, self.nvar), self.precision)
elif n_surface == 2:
self.surftype = 'theta_constant'
shape = (self.n_r_max, self.n_phi_tot)
elif n_surface == 3:
self.surftype = 'phi_constant'
shape = (self.n_r_max, self.n_theta_max)
if self.movtype in [8, 9]:
shape = (int(n_r_mov_tot)+2, self.n_theta_max)
shape = (self.n_r_max, self.n_theta_max)
self.data = np.zeros((self.n_theta_max, self.nvar), self.precision)
self.cmap = plt.get_cmap(cm)
self.time = np.zeros(self.nvar, self.precision)
for i in range(self.var2-self.nvar):
n_frame, t_movieS, omega_ic, omega_ma, movieDipColat, \
movieDipLon, movieDipStrength, \
movieDipStrengthGeo = infile.fort_read(self.precision)
data = infile.fort_read(self.precision, shape=shape)
for k in range(self.nvar):
n_frame, t_movieS, omega_ic, omega_ma, movieDipColat, \
movieDipLon, movieDipStrength, \
movieDipStrengthGeo = infile.fort_read(self.precision)
if k % step == 0:
self.time[k] = t_movieS
if self.surftype == 'r_constant':
data = infile.fort_read(self.precision, shape=shape)
self.data[:, k] = data.mean(axis=1)
elif self.surftype == 'phi_constant':
data = infile.fort_read(self.precision, shape=shape)
self.data[:, k] = data[self.indPlot, :]
else: # Nevertheless read
data = infile.fort_read(self.precision, shape=shape)
if step != 1:
self.time = self.time[::step]
self.data = self.data[:, ::step]
if iplot:
def __add__(self, new):
Overload of the addition operator
>>> # Read 2 files
>>> b1 = Butterfly(file='AB_mov.test1', iplot=False)
>>> b2 = Butterfly(file='AB_mov.test2', iplot=False)
>>> # Stack them and display the whole thing
>>> b = b1+b2
>>> b.plot(levels=33, contour=True, cut=0.8, cm='seismic')
out = copy.deepcopy(new)
out.time = np.concatenate((self.time, new.time), axis=0)
out.data = np.concatenate((self.data, new.data), axis=1)
return out
def plot(self, levels=12, contour=False, renorm=False, cut=0.5, mesh=3,
Plotting function
:param cm: name of the colormap
:type cm: str
:param levels: the number of contour levels (only used when iplot=True and
:type levels: int
:param contour: when set to True, display contour levels (pylab.contourf),
when set to False, display an image (pylab.imshow)
:type contour: bool
:param renorm: when set to True, it re-bins the time series in case of
irregularly time-spaced data
:type renorm: bool
:param mesh: when renorm=True, factor of regriding: NewTime = mesh*OldTime
:type mesh: int
:param cut: adjust the contour extrema to max(abs(data))*cut
:type cut: float
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
vmax = max(abs(self.data.max()), abs(self.data.min()))
if contour:
im = ax.contourf(self.time, self.theta*180/np.pi, self.data[::-1,:],
levels, cmap=cm, aa=True)
extent = self.time.min(), self.time.max(), -90, 90
if renorm:
nx = mesh*len(self.time)
x = np.linspace(self.time.min(), self.time.max(), nx)
data = np.zeros((len(self.theta), nx), self.precision)
for i in range(self.data.shape[0]):
tckp = S.splrep(self.time, self.data[i, :])
data[i, :] = S.splev(x, tckp)
im = ax.imshow(data, origin='upper', aspect='auto',
cmap=cm, extent=extent, interpolation='bicubic')
#im = ax.contourf(zi[:-1, :], cmap=cm)
#vmax = max(abs(zi.max()), abs(zi.min()))
im = ax.imshow(self.data, origin='upper', aspect='auto',
cmap=cm, extent=extent, interpolation='bicubic')
im.set_clim(-cut*vmax, cut*vmax)
if self.surftype == 'phi_constant':
if labTex:
txt = r'$r = {:.1f}\ r_o$'.format(self.rad)
txt = r'r = {:.1f} ro'.format(self.rad)
ax.text(0.8, 0.07, txt, transform =ax.transAxes)
#ax.text(0.05, 0.9, 'a)', transform =ax.transAxes)
if labTex:
ax.set_yticklabels([r'$-90^\circ$', r'$-45^\circ$', r'$0^\circ$',
r'$45^\circ$', r'$90^\circ$'])
ax.set_yticklabels(['-90', '-45', '0', '45', '90'])
def fourier2D(self, renorm=False):
This function allows to conduct some basic Fourier analysis on the
data. It displays two figures: the first one is a contour levels
in the (Frequency, Latitude) plane, the second one is integrated over
latitudes (thus a simple, power vs Frequency plot)
>>> # Load the data without plotting
>>> b1 = Butterfly(file='AB_mov.test1', iplot=False)
>>> # Fourier analysis
>>> b1.fourier2D()
:param renorm: when set to True, it rebins the time series in case of
irregularly spaced data
:type renorm: bool
if renorm:
nx = 3*len(self.time)
x = np.linspace(self.time.min(), self.time.max(), nx)
data = np.zeros((len(self.theta), nx), self.precision)
for i in range(self.data.shape[0]):
tckp = S.splrep(self.time, self.data[i, :])
data[i, :] = S.splev(x, tckp)
self.data = data
self.time = x
print("Warning time and data have been replaced by the extrapolated values !!!")
nt = self.time.shape[0]
w1 = np.fft.fft(self.data, axis=1)
self.amp = np.abs(w1[:, 1:nt//2+1])
dw = 2.*np.pi/(self.time[-1]-self.time[0])
w = dw*np.arange(nt)
self.omega = w[1:nt//2+1]
self.amp1D = np.zeros_like(self.omega)
for i in range(len(self.omega)):
self.amp1D[i] = simps(self.amp[:, i], x=self.theta)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
extent = self.omega.min(), self.omega.max(), -90, 90
ax.imshow(self.amp, extent=extent, aspect='auto', origin='upper')
ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax.semilogy(self.omega, self.amp1D)
ax.set_xlim(self.omega.min(), self.omega.max())
print('Fourier frequency:{:.2f}'.format(self.omega[self.amp1D==self.amp1D.max()]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
t1 = Butterfly(file='Br_CMB_mov.ccondAnelN3MagRa2e7Pm2ggg', step=1,