Poloidal and toroidal potentials in spectral and radial space

The [V|B|T]_lmr outputs controls the output of potential files (V_lmr_#.TAG, B_lmr_#.TAG and T_lmr_#.TAG). These are files contain the poloidal and toroidal flow and magnetic field potentials (and entropy/temperature) written in spectral and radial spaces (for instance w(lm_max, n_r_max)). These files can be quite handy since they can be possibly used to reconstruct any quantity in the spectral space or in the physical space you may be interested in.

Standard inputs

  • n_pot_step (default n_pot_step=0) is an integer. This is the number of timesteps between two [V|B|T|Xi]_lmr outputs.

  • n_pots (default n_pots=1) is an integer. This is the number of [V|B|T|Xi]_lmr outputs to be written.

  • t_pot (default t_pot=-1.0 -1.0 ...) is real array, which contains the times when [V|B|T|Xi]_lmr outputs are requested.

  • dt_pot (default dt_pot=0.0) is a real, which defines the time interval between two [V|B|T|Xi]_lmr outputs.

  • t_pot_start (default t_pot_start=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to start writing [V|B|T|Xi]_lmr outputs.

  • t_pot_stop (default t_pot_stop=0.0) is a real, which defines the time to stop writing [V|B|T|Xi]_lmr outputs.