Grid namelist

This namelist defines the resolution of the computations. Keep in mind that MagIC is a 3D pseudo-spectral spherical shell code using Chebyshev polynomial expansions in the radial and spherical harmonic expansions in the angular directions.

Outer Core

  • n_r_max (default n_r_max=33) is an integer which gives the number of grid points in the radial direction in the outer core (\([r_i,r_o]\)). If Chebyshev polynomials are used for the radial integration scheme, there are some constraints on the value of n_r_max: first of all it must be of the form 4*n+1, where n is an integer; and second the prime decomposition of n_r_max-1 should only contain multiple of 3, 4 and 5 (this second condition comes from the limitations of the built-in discrete cosine transforms). This constraint is released when finite differences are used.


    If Chebyshev polynomials are used, the possible values for n_r_max below 220 are hence: 17, 21, 25, 33, 37, 41, 49, 61, 65, 73, 81, 97, 101, 109, 121, 129, 145, 161, 181, 193, 201, 217,…

  • n_cheb_max (default n_cheb_max=31) is an integer which is the number of terms in the Chebyshev polynomial expansion to be used in the radial direction - the highest degree of Chebyshev polynomial used being n_cheb_max-1. Note that n_cheb_max <= n_r_max. This quantity will not be used if finite differences are used.


The horizontal resolution can be either specified in the physical space using n_phi_tot, the total number of azimuhtal grid points or by defining l_max and m_max. The different options are described below.

  • l_max (default l_max=0) is an integer which gives the maximum spherical harmonic degree. When l_max /= 0, the value of n_phi_tot in the input namelist is ignored and recomputed at the initialisation stage.

  • m_max (default m_max=0) is an integer which gives the maximum spherical harmonic order. It can be different from l_max.

  • m_min (default m_min=0) is an integer which gives the minimum spherical harmonic order. By default this is set to zero, if specified in combination with m_max, it implies that only azimuthal wavenumbers comprised between m_min and m_max will be considered. This is particularly useful when computing the onset of convection.

  • n_phi_tot (default n_phi_tot=192) is an integer which gives the number of longitudinal/azimuthal grid points. It has the following constraints:

    • n_phi_tot must be a multiple of minc (see below)

    • n_phi_tot/minc must be a multiple of 4

    • n_phi_tot must be a multiple of 16


    The possible values for n_phi_max are thus: 16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 288? 320, 384, 400, 512, 576, 640, 768, 864, 1024, 1280, 1536, 1792, 2048, …

  • l_axi (default l_axi=.false.) is a logical. When set to true, one considers only the axisymmetric mode (i.e. MagIC becomes a 2-D axisymmetric code).

  • n_theta_axi (default n_theta_axi=0) is an integer which gives the number of latitudinal grid points when MagIC computes only the axisymmetric mode.

  • fd_order (default fd_order=2) is an integer. This is the order of the finite difference scheme for the bulk points (possible values are 2, 4, 6).

  • fd_order_bound (default fd_order_bound=2) is an integer. This is the order of the finite difference scheme for the boundary points (possible values are 1,2,3,4,5,6, …). This has to be smaller than the order of the scheme used for the bulk points.

  • fd_stretch (default fd_stretch=0.3) is a real. It controls the ratio between the number of points in the boundary layers and in the bulk.

  • fd_ratio (default fd_ratio=0.1) is a real. It controls the ratio between the smallest grid spacing and the largest grid spacing.


    When fd_ratio is set to 1, the radial grid is regularly-spaced.

  • l_var_l (default l_var_l=.false.) is a logical. The spherical harmonic degree is a function of radius, when set to true. This practically reduces the number of spherical harmonic transforms in parts of the fluid domain but it comes at the price of an MPI inbalance. This feature is useful when computing full sphere geometry to avoid a too severe time step limitation close to the center. Right now the form of the radial dependence follows:

    \[\ell(r) = \max \left(1+\ell_{\hbox{max}}\sqrt{\frac{r}{\alpha_r r_o}},\ell_{\hbox{max}}\right)\]

In the above equation the parameter \(\alpha_r\) is set to control the radius above which the truncation reaches \(\ell_{\hbox{max}}\). In the case of full spheres with \(r_o=1\), one directly has \(\ell(r)=\ell_{\hbox{max}}\) for \(r>\alpha_r\).

This parameter can be directly controlled by the following entry in the input namelist:

  • rcut_l (default rcut_l=0.1) is a real. This corresponds to \(\alpha_r\) in the above equation.

Inner Core

  • n_r_ic_max (default n_r_ic_max=17) is an integer which gives the number of grid points in the radial direction in the inner core (\([0,r_i]\)). It too, must be of the form 4*n+1, where n is an integer.

  • n_cheb_ic_max (default n_cheb_ic_max=15) is the number of terms in the Chebyshev polynomial expansion in the radial direction in the inner core. Only Chebyshev polynomials of even degrees are used in the expansion giving the highest degree used to be 2*n_cheb_ic_max-2. Note that here too, n_cheb_ic_max <= n_r_max.

Symmetry and aliasing

  • minc (default minc=1) is an integer which gives the longitudinal symmetry. e.g: minc=n would give an n-fold rotational symmetry in the azimuthal direction. One can use this to reduce computational costs when the symmetry of the solution is known. The orders of the spherical harmonic expansion (m) are multiples of minc.

  • nalias (default nalias=20) is an integer which determines antialiasing used in the spherical harmonic representation. Note that 20 <= nalias <= 30.

The number of grid points in latitude n_theta_max = n_phi_tot/2. The maximum degree (l_max) and maximum order (m_max) of the spherical harmonic expansion are determined by nalias:

l_max = (nalias * n_theta_max)/30