.. _secTimeSeriesStd: Default time-series outputs =========================== .. _secEkinFile: ``e_kin.TAG`` ------------- This file contains the kinetic energy of the outer core, defined by .. math:: \begin{aligned} E_k = \frac{1}{2}\int_V \tilde{\rho}u^2\,{\rm d}V & = E_{pol}+E_{tor} \\ & = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{\ell, m} \ell(\ell+1)\int_{r_i}^{r_o}\frac{1}{\tilde{\rho}}\left[ \frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{r^2}|W_{\ell m}|^2+\left|\frac{{\rm d} W_{\ell m}}{{\rm d} r}\right|^2 \right]\, {\rm d}r \\ & +\frac{1}{2}\sum_{\ell, m} \ell(\ell+1) \int_{r_i}^{r_o}\frac{1}{\tilde{\rho}}|Z_{\ell m}|^2\,{\rm d} r \end{aligned} :label: eqEkin The detailed calculations are done in the subroutine :f:subr:`get_e_kin `. This file contains the following informations: +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | No. of column | Contents | +===============+========================================================+ | 1 | time | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | poloidal energy | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | toroidal energy | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | axisymmetric poloidal energy | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | axisymmetric toroidal energy | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | equatorially-symmetric poloidal energy | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | equatorially-symmetric toroidal energy | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | equatorially-symmetric and axisymmetric poloidal energy| +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | equatorially-symmetric and axisymmetric toroidal energy| +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ This file can be read using :py:class:`MagicTs ` with the following options: >>> # To stack all the e_kin.TAG files of the current directory >>> ts = MagicTs(field='e_kin', all=True) >>> # To only read e_kin.N0m2 >>> ts = MagicTs(field='e_kin', tag='N0m2') .. _secEmagocFile: ``e_mag_oc.TAG`` ---------------- This file contains the magnetic energy of the outer core, defined by .. math:: \begin{aligned} E_m = \frac{1}{2}\int_V B^2\,{\rm d}V & = E_{pol}+E_{tor} \\ & = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{\ell, m} \ell(\ell+1)\int_{r_i}^{r_o}\left[ \frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{r^2}|b_{\ell m}|^2+\left|\frac{{\rm d} b_{\ell m}}{{\rm d} r}\right|^2 \right]\, {\rm d}r \\ & +\frac{1}{2}\sum_{\ell, m} \ell(\ell+1) \int_{r_i}^{r_o}|j_{\ell m}|^2\,{\rm d} r \end{aligned} :label: eqEmag The detailed calculations are done in the subroutine :f:subr:`get_e_mag `. This file contains the following informations: +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | No. of column | Contents | +===============+=========================================================+ | 1 | time | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | outer core poloidal energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | outer core toroidal energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | outer core axisymmetric poloidal energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | outer core axisymmetric toroidal energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | outside potential field energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | outside axisymmetric potential field energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | equatorially-aymmetric poloidal energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | equatorially-aymmetric toroidal energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 10 | equatorially-aymmetric and axisymmetric poloidal energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 11 | equatorially-asymmetric and axisymmetric toroidal energy| +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 12 | outside potential field energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | 13 | outside potential field axisymmetric energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ This file can be read using :py:class:`MagicTs ` with the following options: >>> # To stack all the e_mag_oc.TAG files of the current directory >>> ts = MagicTs(field='e_mag_oc', all=True) >>> # To only read e_mag_oc.N0m2 >>> ts = MagicTs(field='e_mag_oc', tag='N0m2') .. _secEmagicFile: ``e_mag_ic.TAG`` ---------------- This file contains the magnetic energy of the inner core. The detailed calculations are done in the subroutine :f:subr:`get_e_mag `. This file contains the following informations: +---------------+------------------------------------------+ | No. of column | Contents | +===============+==========================================+ | 1 | time | +---------------+------------------------------------------+ | 2 | inner core poloidal energy | +---------------+------------------------------------------+ | 3 | inner core toroidal energy | +---------------+------------------------------------------+ | 4 | inner core axisymmetric poloidal energy | +---------------+------------------------------------------+ | 5 | inner core axisymmetric toroidal energy | +---------------+------------------------------------------+ This file can be read using :py:class:`MagicTs ` with the following options: >>> # To stack all the e_mag_ic.TAG files of the current directory >>> ts = MagicTs(field='e_mag_ic', all=True) >>> # To only read e_mag_ic.N0m2 >>> ts = MagicTs(field='e_mag_ic', tag='N0m2') .. _secRotFile: ``rot.TAG`` ----------- This files contains the rotation of the inner core and the mantle. Output concerning the rotation of inner core and mantle. This file is written by the subroutine :f:subr:`write_rot `. +---------------+--------------------------------+ | No. of column | Contents | +===============+================================+ | 1 | time | +---------------+--------------------------------+ | 2 | Inner core rotation rate | +---------------+--------------------------------+ | 3 | Lorentz torque on inner core | +---------------+--------------------------------+ | 4 | viscous torque on inner core | +---------------+--------------------------------+ | 5 | mantle rotation rate | +---------------+--------------------------------+ | 6 | Lorentz torque on mantle | +---------------+--------------------------------+ | 7 | viscous torque on mantle | +---------------+--------------------------------+ This file can be read using :py:class:`MagicTs ` with the following options: >>> # To stack all the rot.TAG files of the current directory >>> ts = MagicTs(field='rot', iplot=False, all=True) .. _secDipoleFile: ``dipole.TAG`` -------------- This file contains several informations about the magnetic dipole. This file is written by the subroutine :f:subr:`get_e_mag `. The maximum degree used to compute columns 6 and 15 is given by :ref:`l_geo `. +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | No. of column | Contents | +===============+===========================================================================+ | 1 | time | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | tilt angle (colatitude in degrees) of the dipole | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | longitude (in degress) of dipole-pole | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | relative energy of the axisymmetric dipole | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | relative energy of the axisymmetric dipole at the CMB | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | energy of the axisymmetric dipole at the CMB normalized with the | | | total energy up to spherical harmonic degree and order 11 | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | relative energy of the total (axisymmetric and equatorial) dipole | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | relative energy of the total (axisymmetric and equatorial) dipole | | | in the outer core | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | relative energy of the total dipole (axisymmetric and equatorial) | | | at the CMB | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 10 | energy of the total (axisymmetric and equatorial) dipole at the CMB | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 11 | energy of the axisymmetric dipole at the CMB | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 12 | energy of the dipole | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 13 | energy of the axisymmetric dipole | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 14 | magnetic energy at the CMB | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 15 | magnetic energy up to spherical harmonic degree and order 11 | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 16 | ratio between equatorial dipole energy and equatorial poloidal energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 17 | difference between energy at the CMB and equatorial symmetric | | | energy at the CMB, normalized by energy at the CMB | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 18 | difference between energy at the CMB and axisymmetric energy at | | | the CMB, normalized by energy at the CMB | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 19 | difference between total energy and equatorial symmetric part | | | of the total energy, normalized by the total energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 20 | difference between total energy and axisymmetric part of the | | | total energy, normalized by the total energy | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This file can be read using :py:class:`MagicTs ` with the following options: >>> # To stack all the dipole.TAG files of the current directory >>> ts = MagicTs(field='dipole', all=True) .. _secParFile: ``par.TAG`` ----------- This files contains the outputs of several parameters that describe flow and magnetic fields (Reynolds number, Elsasser number, flow lengthscales, etc.). This file is written by the subroutine :f:subr:`output `. +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | No. of column | Contents | +===============+=========================================+ | 1 | time | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 2 | (magnetic) Reynolds number | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 3 | Elsasser number | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 4 | Local Rossby number Rol | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 5 | Relative geostrophic kinetic energy | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 6 | Total dipolarity | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 7 | CMB dipolarity | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 8 | Axial flow length scale dlV | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 9 | Flow length scale dmV | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 10 | Flow length scale dpV | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 11 | Flow length scale dzV | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 12 | Dissipation length scale lvDiss | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 13 | Dissipation length scale lbDiss | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 14 | Magnetic length scale dlB | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 15 | Magnetic length scale dmB | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 16 | Elsasser number at CMB | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 17 | Local Rol based on non-ax. flow | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 18 | Convective flow length scale dlVc | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 19 | Peak of the poloidal kinetic energy | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ | 20 | CMB zonal flow at the equator | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+ This file can be read using :py:class:`MagicTs ` with the following options: >>> # To stack all the par.TAG files of the current directory >>> ts = MagicTs(field='par', all=True)