.. _secTOoutputFiles: ``TO`` outputs ============== .. note:: These output files are **only** written when :ref:`l_TO=.true. ` .. _secTayFile: ``Tay.TAG`` ------------ This file contains the time series of the Taylorization as well as some measures of the relative geostrophic energy. It is written by the subroutine :f:subr:`outTO `. +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | No. of column | Contents | +===============+==============================================================+ | 1 | time | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Relative fraction of toroidal axisymmetric energy (squared) | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Relative fraction of geostrophic energy (squared) | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Taylorization | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | A Taylorization measure based on Reynolds stresses | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | A Taylorization measure based on viscous stresses | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Total kinetic energy computed on the cylindrical grid | | | (to estimate the accuracy of the method) | +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ This file can be read using :py:class:`MagicTs ` with the following options: >>> # To load the most recent 'Tay.TAG' file in a directory >>> ts = MagicTs(tag='Tay') ``TOnhs.TAG`` and ``TOshs.TAG`` -------------------------------- Those files correspond to the z-averaging of the axisymmetric phi component of the Navier-Stokes equations. It contains the different cylindrical profiles of the forces involved the zonal equation as well as some additional measures of the Taylorization of the solution. shs corresponds to Southern Hemisphere (inside the tangent cylinder), while nhs corresponds to Northern Hemisphere). Those files can be read using :py:class:`MagicTOHemi ` with the following options: >>> # To load 'TOshs.test' and plot the time-averaged forces: >>> tos = MagicTOHemi(tag='test', hemi='s', iplot=True) .. _secTO_movieFile: ``TO_mov.TAG`` files -------------------- .. note:: This file is **only** written when :ref:`l_TOmovie=.true. ` This file contains the time evolution of the different forces that enter the phi-average of the azimuthal component of the Navier-Stokes equation. This is a special kind of :ref:`movie file ` that contains seven different azimuthally-averaged fields in a :math:`(r,\theta)` plane : the axisymmetric zonal flow component , the azimuthal component of the Reynolds stresses, the azimuthal component of advection, the azimuthal component of viscosity, the azimuthal component of Lorentz force, the azimuthal component of Coriolis force, the azimuthal component of the penalty term (in case the phase field model is employed) and the azimuthal component of the time-derivative. The structure of the file is similar to a :ref:`movie file `, i.e. an unformatted fortran binary file with a header that describes the type of the movie file. The detailed calculations can be found in the subroutine :f:subr:`outTO `. On a whole, the structure of the file looks like follows: .. code-block:: fortran !---------- ! Line 1 !---------- version !---------- ! Line 2 !---------- n_type, n_surface, const, n_fields !---------- ! Line 3 !---------- runid !---------- ! Line 4 !---------- n_r_movie_max, n_r_max, n_theta_max, n_phi_tot, minc, ra, ek, pr, prmag, radratio, tScale !---------- ! Line 5 !---------- r(1), r(2), ..., r(n_r_movie_max) !---------- ! Line 6 !---------- theta(1), theta(2), ..., theta(n_theta_max) !---------- ! Line 7 !---------- phi(1), phi(2), ..., phi(n_theta_max) ... !---------- ! Line 7+N !---------- n_frame, t_movie(N), omega_ic, omega_ma, dipLat, dipLon, dipStr, dipStrGeo !---------- ! Line 7+(N+1) !---------- vphi(t=t_movie(N),phi=1,theta=1), vphi(t=t_movie(N),phi=1,theta=2), ..., vphi(t=t_movie(N),phi=n_phi_max,theta=n_theta_max) !---------- ! Line 7+(N+2) !---------- rey(t=t_movie(N),phi=1,theta=1), rey(t=t_movie(N),phi=1,theta=2), ..., rey(t=t_movie(N),phi=n_phi_max,theta=n_theta_max) ... !---------- ! Line 7+(N+7) !---------- dtVphi(t=t_movie(N),phi=1,theta=1), dtVphi(t=t_movie(N),phi=1,theta=2), ..., dtVphi(t=t_movie(N),phi=n_phi_max,theta=n_theta_max) This file can be read using :py:class:`TOMovie ` with the following options: >>> # To load 'TO_mov.test' and time-average it: >>> to = TOMOvie(file='TO_mov.test', avg=True, levels=65, cm='seismic')