.. _secBextnml: External Magnetic Field Namelist ================================ The namelist :code:`&B_external` provides options for imposing an external magnetic field. Externally imposed magnetic field --------------------------------- * **n_imp** (default :f:var:`n_imp = 0 `) is an integer controling the type of external field applied. .. tabularcolumns:: |c|p{12cm}| +---------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | n_imp=0 | No external magnetic field | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | n_imp=1 | Follows idea of Uli Christensen of external field | | | compensating internal field such that radial component| | | of magnetic field vanishes at :math:`r/r_{cmb}=rrMP` | | | where ``rrMP`` is the 'magnetopause radius' input by | | | the user (see below) | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | n_imp=2 | Uniform axisymmetric magnetic field of geometry given | | | by ``l_imp`` (see below) | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | n_imp=3 | Uniform axisymmetric magnetic field which changes | | | direction according to the direction of the axial | | | dipole of the internal magnetic field | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | n_imp=4 | Same as ``n_imp=3`` but the amplitude of the external | | | field is scaled to the amplitude of the axial dipole | | | of the internal field | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | n_imp=7 | External field depends on internal axial dipole | | | through Special Heyner feedback functions | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------+ * **rrMP** (default :f:var:`rrMP = 0.0 `) is a real which gives the value of 'magnetopause radius'. In other words, it gives the radius (as a fraction of ``r_cmb``) at which the radial component of the magnetic field vanishes due to cancelling out of external and internal magnetic field components. Used only when ``n_imp = 1``. * **amp_imp** (default :f:var:`amp_imp = 0.0 `) is a real which gives the amplitude of the external magnetic field. * **expo_imp** (default :f:var:`expo_imp = 0.0 `) is a real which gives the exponent of dependence of external magnetic field on the axial dipole of the internal magnetic field. Used for ``n_imp=7``. * **bmax_imp** (default :f:var:`bmax_imp = 0.0 `) is a real which gives the location of the maximum of the ratio of the poloidal potentials :math:`g_{ext}/g_{int}`. * **l_imp** (default :f:var:`l_imp = 1 `) is an integer which gives the geometry (degree of spherical harmonic) of the external magnetic field. The external field is always axisymmetric, hence ``m = 0`` always. This option is used when ``n_imp = 2,3`` or ``4``. Current carrying loop --------------------- To simulate experiments, an external current carrying loop, concentric to the sphere and in the equatorial plane, has been implemented in the code. It's radius is fixed at a distance :math:`a = r_{cmb}/0.8` to match conditions of the Maryland 3 metre experiment. * **l_curr** (default :f:var:`l_curr = .false. `) is a logical that controls switching on or off of the current carrying loop. * **amp_curr** (default :f:var:`amp_curr = 0.0 `) is a real that gives the amplitude of magnetic field produced by the current carring loop. .. warning:: Note that an external magnetic field is incompatible with a region of low conductivity inside the spherical shell (i.e, if ``r_LCR < r_cmb``). Thus, while imposing an external magnetic field, make sure ``r_LCR > r_cmb`` (which is the default case). For details on ``r_LCR``, have a look at the section on :ref:`electrical conductivity ` in the namelist for :ref:`physical parameters `.